Possibly moving to Australia - looking for tips and connections

HI all - my wife’s interviewing for a senior level job that would take us to Sydney, likely before April. As a longboarding Yank from San Diego, I would appreciate any insight from anyone who’s been or lived there, especially American expats! Big concern is my equipment - I have a trad noserider and a high performance 9’0" Wingnut model-style trifin. What’s life like for longboarders? Should I go ahead and put in the order for that quad fish? Feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Longboarders are taken out at Customs and put in front of a firing squad.

Hey Ruggerjay,

Happy to help out with anything in particular that you’d like to know about

Now if you want to bring your fleet over here, you go right ahead. !!!

Now as far as ordering a fish before you get here ??? … hmmmmm don’t think so !!!

You have to do your bit for the Australian economy, we need to sit down with a few cold ones and discuss the finer points of fish crafting for the Australian conditions … sounds like fun ahhh !

Oh and by the way don’t forget to bring your greenbacks, we’ll need them as well (lol)

On a serious note … anything you need to know about the steak and kidney, (Sydney), happy to help old mate.


yeah it take 3 hours to drive 3 miles (or K’s as we say in aussie)in sydney

annd 200 a week to rent a mattress in somones linen closet

your gunna have to get metric and practising driving on the right side of the road ( which is the left)

and get an apreaciation for soggy meatpies and sausage rolls

they dont call roadside food shops “chew and spews” for nothing


yeah it take 3 hours to drive 3 miles (or K’s as we say in aussie)in sydney

annd 200 a week to rent a mattress in somones linen closet

your gunna have to get metric and practising driving on the right side of the road ( which is the left)

and get an apreaciation for soggy meatpies and sausage rolls

they dont call roadside food shops “chew and spews” for nothing

Silly ???

I don’t want to start any “Trans Tasman” hostilities,(which has always been good fun between our two countries) but some of the things you highlight would not exsit if we actually got some kiwis that flood our fair shores, with some money !!! (lol)

The truth is we’ve done our level best to meet the economic circumstances of our good kiwi friends and neighbours in the hope of maintaining the life stlyes there accustomed too

As for the travel times, our friend in the USA will probably enjoy having his travel times cut in half … I hear it ain’t flash over there either (lol)


yeah it take 3 hours to drive 3 miles (or K's as we say in aussie)in sydney

annd 200 a week to rent a mattress in somones linen closet

your gunna have to get metric and practising driving on the right side of the road ( which is the left)

and get an apreaciation for soggy meatpies and sausage rolls

they dont call roadside food shops “chew and spews” for nothing


Sounds like you want him to come to New Zealand instead!

You gettin lonely or need some help lovin those goats?

Does it matter which side of the road you drive a Goat??..as long as you love it. Although driving it into oncoming traffic at night might be a give away…the look on its face and eyes like dinner plates.

Sorry, sorry…now I will get into trouble from Ron and Bryant for lame goat jokes!


could use someone whos good with a lassoo!!

DONT TALK TO ME ABOUT KIWI DRIVERS~left turn gives way to right turning across traffic

so dumb

anyway its hard to find a good keen man(re barry crumP)

to go surfing with in winter

what with the long walks cold water big makos and seal killer whales etc

and big lumpy waves

the other day i had to jump over a dead horse to get round the cliff

speakin of dinner plates

aha not you ideal holiday destination

unless you really enjoy being held under with a flushed wetsuit and and ice cream headache that bores hole in your skull

the other day i had to jump over a dead horse to get round the cliff


Yeah that sucks when people leave good food just lyin around, such a waste!

Maybe, he won’t come to NZ with his lassoo if the only horse in town is dead.

Funny thought that…you gettin air over a dead horse…Carve of the week???


it was so random man

you know we have to walk round this cliff and the swell was big and comming up over the reef

and theres all these huge boulders and slips that randomly drop of the side of cliff

yeah this horse musta just walked to close or it slipped out from under him

not pretty

i heard stories of boulders hitting cars and tents in the wrappa

Ruggerjay, Hope you are following your thread dude.

You sure you still wanna go down that neck of the woods. If customs don’t shoot ya, the food, the roads, the falling rocks…and geez I won’t even mention the Goats…aw shit I just did.

Get those bags packed…your off to fronteerland!


a few months back i met a dead cow on a track fell off a cliff

i forgot about that one

another day a couple of bloated dead sheep floated past in the lineup

another time offshore blew me off the edge off a track

thought i was phucked but got saved by

you guessed it

a blackberry bush

wish i wore longpants and shoes that day

and did i mention the goats are very attractive


Longboarders are taken out at Customs and put in front of a firing squad.

Lol, unlike here performance still takes priority over “getting the wave”. Love it…

If you’re used to city living, then live in sydney. If not, and you want to relax, and your wife doesnt mind driving ( forget public transport, terrible ) try to live 1 hour south or north of sydney. Much less stressful, much less crowded waves, much more laid back people.

My .02 cents, this thread has become a bit of a ausie/nz battle ( nothing new there!! ), so i thought i’d bring it back to seriousness.

P.S i live 90 mins from sydney ( south ) and have little crowd worries, and some nice waves ( dont tell anyone though, all the sydney surfers drive past this area to go another hour or so south )

Oh, and by the way, plenty of longboarders here.

Yeah come to australia, the sharks , crocks, snakes , spiders and jelly fish will get ya and there is cheap accomadation at wolf creek.

Aus vs nz, the new all black bra, heaps of support no cup.

Qld vs nsw, sydney poofta capital of australia.

Queensland the sunshine / flood state. 600mm in 6hrs

the new all black bra, heaps of support no cup.

good one

i personally hate all football , and apparently we are all part gay

Mate heaps of longboarders in Sydney and all up and down the eastern coast. Both the nose rider and performance mal will fit in fine. There’s heaps of mal clubs so get on the web and have a look or give me a yell if you know whereabouts u will be moving to. There’s also some great place up and down the coast for a weekend away. Winter u will find a 3 mm wetsuit fine, around the reefs we have see urchins that will hurt like hell if u ge them in your foot. Otherwise its pretty good.

Enjoy it!!

The silence is deafening. Do you think Ruggerjay has read through this post and called his wife to tell the boss to “take this job and shove it”.

the other thing Ruggerjay is learning to have the piss taken out of you.

Lennox76, after reading through the posts, think I just had my first lesson in getting the piss taken of me. Thanks for the tips and the entertainment!