post Hull pics

Please post yer Hull pics - where one can compare different planshapes, bottoms, fins – kindly note dimensions, and geo region, and construction type ( epoxy, pu/pe, etc). Fins too.

yep i know we’ve had a few hull threads of late – but would like to have a thread with mostly pics of different manufacturers’ styles of hulls.

would be greatly appreciated.



I’m throwing this one in although most folks have seen this Liddle before. 7’2" 17" X 23" (up 7" from middle)X 15" X 3". I use a 9" Liddle flex around 12.5 inches up from the tail (measured from the back of the fin at the box). I ride in San Diego and the board needs a wave with little base to really turn on. I’ve only got it to 5th gear once or twice.

Unfortunately, you can’t glean much info about a hull from a photo. You need to see one in person and run your hands over them, drag a straight edge along the bottom, etc. The differences between a Liddle and say a Paul Gross are really too subtle to see.

yea i’ve heard that - about having to see and feel - but i have seen some difference in planshape, some fin placement and size i think. i wish i could see one in person - but i don’t think there’s one within 1000 mi of me. I surf mostly point tho.

Still appreciate the pics. that’s what i’m looking for. Thanks LeeV.

good to see all in one place



heres a klaus jones hull

I like Lee’s pic

I gonna sidewipe my brother Sharkcountry by posting his pride and joys. “in search of the perfect eight-oh” you might debate whether they actually classify as “hulls” but he’s starting to think he’s a the second coming of Mr. Liddle.

Hull on the mind I guess.

Personally I don’t like the designs but to each his own I guess.


heres a klaus jones hull

Where? I’d love to see it!

Here’s a few Liddles, dimensions are nose @ 12"; wide point (+ is towards nose from center); tail @ 12" and thickness.

#1959 7’5" 17"x22"(+1)x14"; 3" thick

#2955 7’6" 17.5"x22.75"(+3)x14.5; 3"

#4079 7’0" 17x21.5(+2)x15; 3 1/8"

I surf all of these at 2nd Point Malibu, and other Point Breaks between SB and Baja.

Hope this helps.

OK here I’ll try to post again.

they are soooo sweet. Love those liddles. insane.

that’s what i’m lookin for – thanks!

9n78w if thats what your lookin for call me 818 347 8327 what area are you in?

new board

7’6" 17 1/4" 22 1/8" 14 7/8"

#4177 3 1/8" 6-14-06


thanx for advice

to go a “liddle” longer

than the previous 6’10".

Hi Jason,

These are the same that I sent to you earlier.

wha’pen the Klaus Jones hull? thought y were gonna post a picha?

does a 6’8" V1 cooperdesign count as a hull?

Here are a few pics with a little different perspective. Not that it helps a whole lot. Keep in mind, size and fin placement will be personal. What size boards you currently ride and how much you surf, conditioning etc. will make a difference in what you would want in a hull.


have you gotten any more in or do you have some more coming?


Here are some shots of a 7’10" Inbetweener I picked up from Kirk a couple of months back. Love the Hull but have to “re-learn” how to ride my other shortboards after a few sessions on the Liddle.


dennis - wow! those certainly have the word “Glide” written all over them. Just beautiful.


I had a chance to look at that board at VSS and I have to say great job! This is one of those boards that ‘feels’ just right in your hands. The combination of rails and bottom contour blend nicely and of course the pinlines are well done. These pictures don’t do it justice.

BTW, what is the glass job on it?

Thanks for sharing.


Hey choch, Liddle just sent a couple more and said the blank problem is slowly getting better in the islands so more comin soon. Dennis nice job! looks good.