post Hull pics


sent you a PM, and left mssg on yr telno/answ machine …

cuz yr post, i was lookin at - Comet models - they certainly look like hulls to me — up rails fwd, long flexy single fin… BUT it says the Comet model is ‘discontinued’. go fig

I’d say his current Malibu Foil is much closer to a hull than the V-Bottom. I had a Comet, it was close but had a lot of V in the tail… It was more like a mini Mello Yello Modelo…

I’d be interested to see what the current malibu foil looks like (Malibu foil 2 ?). I have a foil, but it has enough tail rocker that I wouldn’t rightly regard it as being hull-like, at least not in comparision to my liddles …

I’m just comparing to a Comet… I’m no expert on Gene’s current lineup so I’m probably wrong. Is yours under 9’?


Thanks for the nice comments. My standard lamination for the hulls are with 7.5oz volan with 4oz tail patch on bottom. 7.5oz volan and full 4oz deck. 10" glass in fin box and special hand sanded finish.


Is a Dewey Weber Feather Fastback considered a hull?

This is a 6’6" poly blank made by Elova foam. I glassed it myself with epoxy (fiberglass hawaii brand). I just started lamenating my own boards and epoxy is really user freindly thanx to everything ive read on this site.

anyway, the tail is 16 1/8, mid 21 7/8, nose 18. 2 3/4 thick. Super thin rails. Greenough 9.5 4 C fin. The hull has a pretty subtle dome to it which becomes almost flat in the tail. My buddy convinced my to do a little concave in the nose. Ive ridden it 3 times in the past week since completion about 7 days ago. I’m still working on sticking those deep bottom turns. The board seems to go fastest when you are letting it trim on its own. It is also most fun when the waves are juicy. The more hollow the better. It has only slid out twice and i’m pretty sure both times could have been avoided. So far it is really fun. I really want to get some bigger surf on it to see how it will work.


Try again …

Nope, a 9’2. Picked up via the good folks at Mollusk Surf in San Fran just after blank Monday. It has been on the rack for a while and I kept looking at it; when Clark rolled over, I figured I’d better pick it up quick.

Btw, John (Mollusk - really good guy) had some nice Liddles on the rack last time I was in there - including a peach of a yellow inbetweener, so for folks near to SF, it’s a good place to oogle the hulls. He also had some Andreni hulls - all worth looking at. Just a quick pimp for the man.

Last time I was in there I told John it was like going into the candy store when I was 6 and he said that was the intention :slight_smile:

AF: just curious to know why you went with an Liddle Inbetweener and not the Pointbreaker shape? what kinda waves you surf mostly?

everyone else: someone was gonna post a pic of a Klaus Jones hull – que que paso?

I was checking another thread earlier with clips from Innermost Limits of Pure Fun. The way those guys ride in that clip, well it looks like the style associated with hull – anyone agree with that. (wish they had that flick on dvd) Since greenoughs involved with that flick, could it be hull they’re riding? i can’t tell from the clips.

According to Dickie Hoole, GG was in the process of some computer stuff to Innermost, when the computer crashed!! That ended that. It may be a while before the DVD gets out there.



I was checking another thread earlier with clips from Innermost Limits of Pure Fun. The way those guys ride in that clip, well it looks like the style associated with hull – anyone agree with that. (wish they had that flick on dvd) Since greenoughs involved with that flick, could it be hull they’re riding? i can’t tell from the clips.

definatly lots of hull riding in there

Roger, I talked to GG and its back on track IMLPF will be cleaned up and some footage that never made it will be added and 4 or 5 new short films GGs been workin on also some new comments by GG . Josh the movie was a BIG!! influence on the Hull shapers .

Also there will be a few , 3 I think of Klaus Jones Hulls avalible at Mollusk in SF in afew weeks , These are state of the art Hull machines , Shaped, by HAND!! glassed, sanded by one man . A few new Liddles on the way also , same deal hand made by Greg start to finish right down to the hand foiled fin.

sorry guys will get a few pics of Klaus Jone’s hand made hull up today the image size I have it in is way to large. Nothing beats hand made craftmenship start to finish . Klaus is so passionate about his board building that he is a dying breed of builder. Hope you boys up north are ready to see some beautiful blades and yes they will be worth the price!!

here you go

Hand made from start to finish

The dividing line between surfcraft builders.

An intensely personal expression reflecting the inspiration, dedication and sacrifice to consistently create a unified whole… the very best. A dying breed for sure.

You gotta love those hull profile shots – the raked fin, and those rails. aesthetically pleasing, yknow. looks like a double stringer?

Thanks for posting those.



it is a double stringer red cedar 1/16th