post Hull pics

Hey Paul,

I would say the Anderson rides more like a Liddle than a traditional longboard. I ride and turn it from the middle.

You can borrow it anytime. We should hit the Cove with it sometime soon. That’s the reason I got it - for the Cove. I feel like I need a bigger board at the Cove but I still want to get the hull feeling. Haven’t ridden it there yet though. I is pretty fun at small Malibu though.

I’ll probably see you at Saf’s party but we should play some guitar before then.


hey Jim and Paul, you should see the 8’8’’ Liddle I replaced the Bojorquez I sold Saf, it really came out nice. Also I just got my 1st digital camara, so hopefully I will post pics soon. Mr. Bojorquez will have a art show at Mollusk Venice Jan. 12th hope you guys can come.

Hey Kirk,

How did you get a new 8’8" Liddle???

We will try to make the Jan. 12th art show.


I talked him into with 2 old templates I had , but the shipping on anything over 8’ is to much, also he just dosnt want to shape anything over 8’.


I would like to see that 8’8". Let me know in a private message when would be a good time for us to come out to the valley for a visit. I will bring out my 1980’s 8’0" Liddle that has a unique 5" tall Liddle logo that runs perpendicular to the stringer on the top underside. I also have some vintage country CDs for you as well.

2 old templates??? hell one is under a year old ya mindless ol’ fart…(my template by the way, ya sour smelling grump)

matts been drinkin again.

Here’s a 7’2" Liddle hull at the Spit last Friday

(edited to fix pix)(having issues sorry on quality)

wow, bold move to ride a liddle out there. i think i love mine too much to risk buckling it at the sandbar. props to your friend, though.

Yeah, I had to sell him that Liddle so he would not snap my favorite ones.

He loves to ride hull this in overhead Drainpipe also…



Thanks Jason,

I use a Mac and Safari and still have problems doing this.


I gave up. Have MAC/Safari and it just won’t post pics in line. Also have yet to figure out the hosted photo route. Plan to dink around with that when current board is done

I have a Mac/Safari and use to host my pics. I just upload them and just paste the tag in the post. Works great.


use firefox with your mac…works for me

Used Firefox for a brief bit but somehow manged to “shred” the whole browser software, favorites and all while mucking around figuring out how to make info really really erased. Oops.

Ok guys, lets not get sidetracked here…

My first Velzy.10’0", three redwood stringers, nice tailblock. 16.5" nose, 23" wide, 16" tail. Hips pulled back - a semi pig.

Although not really a “hull”, it had a slightly rolled bottom and pinched rails. My first experience of a good 50/50 rail longboard. Before that I was riding longboards with shortboard rails (hard edge, tucked in, whatever). I got it in 1992 and sold it in 1999 or 2000 for dirt cheap (stupid!).

At least now I have my new Jim Phillips to replace it. Super fun at small Malibu.

Posted using Photobucket…


pre rail turing of a 7’

finished 7’…i was told to ‘do whatever you want’ with the colors…

Nice! Really like the color work! Gonna scare off all the fish with those stripes.
