post Hull pics

NICE work Ryan.

pesky link didn’t work


NICE work Ryan.


havent heard from the owner yet, dunno if he’s gotten any waves over on the east coast!

I dont think i posted this one in here yet…finished it just before the striped one posted above.

A little more bladey, this one also intended for east coast beachies and jetties (its 6’4):


business end



Here’s my 7’6" Cord shaped by Chops Lascelle. Funny how similar the resin tint is.


OK I have a question… I see you put in extra glass on the bottom near the tail. If that’s to reinforce the fin box, shouldn’t the box go in first? That’s the way I was shown to do it.

nice spence!


nice friggin’ thread here… i especially like this Mr Miagi quote from LeeV

"Don’t stand on the tail!

Don’t switch boards for the first 5-6 sessions…NO MATTER WHAT!

Don’t hop your turns, bank them.

Don’t wipe that grin off your face after you do your first real rail turn.

Do find the trim spot and stand there. You can do everything from that spot.

Do use your head to lead your turns (it’ll help keep your weight centered or on the front foot).

Do bend ze knees.

Do move the fin around once you’re comfortable.

Do go backside just to realize how good a surfer Kirk Putnam is… "

i’ll try!

sorry if i’m crowding but i’ve read so much about all these boards in the last year and now i’ve pretty much blurked through this whole thread, become a registered member, waxed the board and am waiting still! Merry Xmas, what are the waves doing now? so much is possible with regard to a shape when you consider we’re asking it to react to water below and all around our own weight. i haven’t seen shinola bout where to start the fin placement - so i’ll take my screwdriver. i am so curious, so ready to stink, to spin then flap like a stumpy stringed up and out senile grey gull, bury my nariz, pearl, highside and splash a LOT using only my face - LOOGIE!!!

i’ll let you know how i fare on the new board in the new morrow fellow seasaltworthy recreational sports enthusiasts - ney! more, PIONEERS!


17 • 21 1/4 • 15

2 15/16

rest assured, i LOVE this board, i’ll keep riding it as per the advisory posted with regard to becoming a plane surfer over a hopscotcher, it’s all good. this Greg Liddle is without question going to be my fav of them all by far to date… i wanted i got it i want it again now please. proud i am of what i made of my first wave. the paddle out was work yo hi ho foam foam foam whitewash and foam… inside yielded a storm sequence with me whispering humming and hooting like a warm blanky just for me…i work it to the outside, a few lines come in i turn early to get in early . . . i’m in and i had both rails in hand and i shove up with a hop, thinking “i’m going riiight…” and surfing would so happen … but i squirrely wonked the take off somehow and most successfully. i’m flat on my face with pain! BINGOVER!!! i was a winner at the cliffs in huntington. my first time surfing north of newport (aside from SB once or twice) was today in really good 5-6 NW breaking so clean fast and cold. i put my face in it a bunch to get used to it and after a while it got me thinking that my ice cream headache might make me puke the oregano egg pile and turkey bacon i fried at 5 into the shiny new scoopy soup spoon nose of the board - i wasn’t mad but i was surprised. from there i realized a hop is bad and i tried to remember the importance of the nose of the board, to get in i need to get there. do the splits and the naked monkey dance, but just get in, then bank. don’t sweat the trim gigolo. the plan became “wait”. stay low then stand and time it so that if there WAS a hop to my feet instead of a step, that hop would happen off of the trough and not at the top of the wave. ball it all! stay down like a grown prone man but hang on to that great big fat body of thick foam and weather the storm. beat like i have before, with guts? so after 45 minutes of sliding all over the place on more than a couple of rights, a left or two terrified, i totally biznailed out of the ice confused and stoked calling buddies all half fake stoked half totally butt kicked not stoked. " …take the other board out.", one said. no i said and i thought of doing what i am right now. i then made Xmas calls and thought about how i jacked the fin 100% north as per another friend’s advisory … i’m sure that i’ll put the fin back there at some point but to begin i think i should shift that mother around. NO SCREWDRIVER TO MY AVAILE!


so after i get out at HB i roll south to beacons to peep it jamming clash. next southbound on PCH i call a friend for lunch in la jolla - i see swami’s and stop to watch, i call and cancel lunch

at Juanita’s i ate a fat egg (more eggs?) cheese potato burrito and wrote a bit. then flew to my friends place, he just bough blue prints to build an outrigger… we look at Beacon’s our highschool break - familiar - it’s 12 and my horchata suddenly was bigger than i remember it being when i drank it. we screw swami’s and hit bone yards and it feels like a point wave immediately. peaked - rolly - fast but about half as big as the morning, tide falling swell fading and i’m stoked about that for now. i was getting and taking - but no turning - i must have looked asleep but i at least contained my desire to pivot switch bounce. glide alive! there was nobody schralping lazer zap style to make me feel anything but cool regardless of my statuesque posture and i raised my hands with feet up near the nose a couple times. smiles! left was great right was great it was great, not eventless, promising in the future fading lines through so many sections brewing now. i will do my sworn duty and ride this board only as i can 4 more sessions in a row, kooking all over again like i was riding a rainbow fade morey boogie at 4 years old until my stomach scabbed up and my back and nose got spotted

this thing is SOOO fun, i can’t wait to surf it again. the fin is pulled back to the setting it was given to me with, about the middle of the box line guide supplied by Greg

i wonder if you could run side bites straight out of a dual/triple stringer pod? why not?

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Huzzzah!!! It’ll come. Don’t think too much. Let the board do the work. Most stoke filled post in a long time!


it surfs and i can see how fast it’ll get in a harder pushing clean curly - call me antsy for swell already. fancy polarized footwork with directional variations forWARDY, aft, starboard or port - that shit has never been my speciality in wave riding, i never thought about the stringer at all. lip hits floaters and roundies - flatwaves that close on the inside. peeling points are too populated with local personage - hogs on logs - oh fancy youth. i need a dance lesson and an appreciation for the practical pointed toe - bend flex cramp - reentry to yoga?

tracked down the article in TSJ on stubbys and it’s in the mail - yeah

everyone wants to flex the fin including me, and everyone wants to try it and talk about it too. there is a hook and a barb in these shapes. thank you very much Greg Liddle! i can’t find a pic of siglo 21 or Klaus’ version of it’s half sister on any threads here - they all are ??? - posted and then gone bunk, i’m curious about the biters’ position - no bonzer sessions in yet but after witnessing taylor knox in Thread this morning…so beautiful - great music. i guess i’m obsessing about fins now that i’ve seen the Derek H Fretless article in TSJ v16 #6 where BigBird kills Ernie… nice threesixtube Derek! the less fin the better!

thanks for everything everyone - happy and peaceful new years all around wave riders, skate into a burrito in 08!

no doubt! hint: buy a wonderbolt for fin. start fin with measurement from tail ti trailing edge of fin at 12.75" then creep it up a little bit until you hit 13.5" notice the differences in how the board paddles, gets into waves, feels, hits gears, cuts back,etc. each time you adjust guess is the magic placement will be within measurements mentioned. you’ll get it and will have fun while your are at it!

Emails/photos I received from Alex Kopps in May/August 2006:

“… here is that picture of “siglo 21” 19.25 x 23 x 17 stub i took to australia, shown as a shaped blank here with it’s distant cousin the “magic carpet” from the 70’s?”

“… fin set up photos of the 5’10”, i’m running a fin that is slightly shorter and has more area now… seems better. although, that set up works with some special attention."

“…some photos off the TV of some of my rides at a point break in mexico and some frame grabs of the 5’10”… it goes like a bat out of hell."

Alex mat surfing


in comparison to any other board i’ve ever seen this finbox is totally advanced. i thought initially a 6’6" would do it best for me but now i think “bigger better” - i like the 6’8 no more or less than i would a 6’6" (for now). a gear change has been in order for a decade in order to accommodate a speed shift in my ride - a permanent solution to getting the “feeling”. i remember in highschool going through slumps and then realizing getting tubed was a good way to come out. this board switch was a good call and i think it’ll get me on my G&S more often in small lineups, as well as on my street fish hill blazing… no munchies


Dale Solomon thank you so very much for posting those pictures, it’s kind of you all to share. things aren’t ever what they seem and those small fries near the rails are a total surprise. i thought they’d be winged out runners - WRONG - those pix of AK are firing! where and when can i get a magic carpet like that? whoever does that floater in the Displacement trailer is bionic and it’s been an inspiration for weeks now, looks so fun. but i still think that for the next 6 months my 6’8" will get me swinging - the thing catches it’s own waves when you lean over it and in mows walls. having said all of that i’ll add that i just left a message at a number i think puts me in contact with the man who made Alex’s 5’8", Klaus Jones. i intend to order something shorter by about a foot

the next NW pulse is going to have me feeling up Rincon or Malibu, for sure. thanks again everyone for the thought and time, it’s most appreciated



AK has made a few visits with Siglo to SB area points as of late (including just the other day).

I’ll tell you what, that board looks like a real trip. I’ve watched him surf it a handful of times and it certainly flies. It seems to lend itself to surfing and turning from the middle. Looks like it may get a little unwieldy through some of the turns at speed; you gotta’ get kind of low and grab a rail every now and then to survive a rail-engaged direction-change. I spent some quality time on the beach on Tuesday looking it over close up. I suspect the little sidebiters are crucial for rail to rail stability. The board is really wide, even at the tail. Without those little nubs (probably the bare minimum to get the job done), I think you might be slip-sliding all over the place. Alex definitely makes it go!

I always kind of wonder what the magic number is for the length of these types of boards. I’ve got ones ranging from 6’8" to 7’11" that I’ve acquired over the last 8 years or so and so far, I think 7’4" is my favorite length for most conditions. I’ve been intrigued by the shorter hulls and thought about having a 6’4"-ish hull made but never really considered going smaller until I started checking AK’s ride. It’s got me thinking. Obviously the extra width (all around) on Siglo helps to some extent to compensate for the diminished length. Kinda’ reminds me of the stubbies Richie West rides in Crystal Voyager. Siglo might be like the Greenough spoon equivalent of some of the La Jolla guys standing up on Steve Lis’s fish back in day, proving smaller can be done with great results with the correct adjustments.

On to another hull-related thought real quick, I surfed one of my hulls at Rincon a couple of weeks ago on the early pre-7:00 am dawn patrol without a fin. Matt was right; you fly finless! It was tricky to get in to a wave and set up without sliding ass and pearling (either the nose or tail while going backwards out of control), but the few I got right felt insane! Moving my back foot towards the inside rail while keeping my front foot centered over the stringer helped a lot. Then I would just get low in middle of the board and just scream down the line, making waves nobody else could get through. Little baby floaters over whitewash sections are a gas. Turns… well not so much; or at least not yet. Went for a couple of cold swims on the unscuccesful attempts… Oh well, it was definitely worth it. Now with all of the sand gone, the stakes could be a bit higher for the next finless attempt. Ouch.

that little board cooks with gas like a spitfire! i imagine those little side flippers hold things together when mommy is out of the water entirely. if not for them then what? i think paul simon wrote a great song called slip slidin’ away on still crazy after all these years and that pretty much sums up what an extreme directional pull on such a half pint of a board could produce (in my imagination). i’m not looking to get hurt but i do know i want to surf fast as i can. i think that’s why my 6’8 is so important now, it’s like rebooting and starting slow and clean because it demands time and attention to vary the fruit of the results. i’ll get there in due time. my friend was bummed yesterday afternoon at bone yards, he brought the wrong plank

i should check out Crystal Voyager! i hate TV but play documentaries constantly and flicks are great for stoke when the waves diminish. thanks for the title recommendation!

finlessness? what? no! i just moved my fin back from a full frontal position - i’ll try taking it off but first i want to feel it out some more - you go man, i’ll take your word for it when you say that the water was cold on the swim in…maybe i’ll do it this summer?

i hope to see rincon soon doing what it it’s known for, i’ll be up with the chickens when it happens!

thanks for the information Nico!



Good stuff, Miles (“Great name!”-- Stuart Little)


Thanks for more stoke Dale

Take a look at a Fineline GeeBee, not exactly the Siglo but the idea is similar… a standup kneelo spoon…

i have seen Fineline boards at the mollusk shop in Venice and they are sweeeet! i’d love to ride one but today i don’t have the money to do it, by no means is this statement meant to imply that they aren’t worth their salt! i’m sure it’d be a bit more of a forgiving and accessible ride than the siglo carpet replica - i’ve read and heard it’s hard to use and after my first session on my greg liddle i’m sure it’s bound to be more challenging than i imagine. at this point i’m pretty dead set on getting as much time as i want on a board like the one shaped by Klaus J

in the last year i’ve gotten back to surfing day to day (when it’s good) if not at least a week to week basis so i’m filling in my quiver on all sides. i’ve been riding a 9’6" G&S for fun small stuff for years. a month ago i scored a 6’9" Rusty shaped for D Hobgood, it’s my mini-gun, now i’ve got my new 6’8" Liddle for solid point running, i snatched a heavily used 6’0 Mandala quad a couple months ago, and i’ve had an old 5’8" Pavel fish which i’ve fixed a million dings on since i picked it up used from a friend a few years ago. the Pavel was retired when i got the quad, it’s just been beaten up over and over!

i have been going ape ordering custom rides recently. at some point i realized how long it might be before i actually got a new custom shape in hand if i ordered from anyone i chose by name today, so i covered all my bases for the next 5 years at least. i’ve recently ordered a 6’6" Christenson baby swallow, a 5’10 Pavel winterfish (ordered a couple of months ago - then i got the mandala quad to ride out the winter), and now i’m trying to reach Klaus Jones to have a custom stubby shaped sometime in the future. i really admire the shapers who do EVERYTHING themselves, that’s just huge to me.

a small part of the incentive for ordering so many boards in lieu of buying used is the fact that i am getting to paint them myself. i’ve painted plenty of boards in my time and though it’s been a while since i’ve painted on foam i paint every day. i’m so looking forward to getting down to it! i’ll post pix when i get into it. not to mention the fact that when you custom order a board you get the exact board you want by the exact hands you want it from, that’s REAL incentive!