post Hull pics

got a friend visiting up in Santa Barbara right now – any surfshops up there selling hulls off the rack?

Wavefront surfshop in Ventura (30 min drive south) usually has some.

they have killer Liddle t-shirts too…

I haven’t been in there in months, but tell your friend to try the Beach House in Santa Barbara. It’s on lower State St, across from the wharf. They’ve been known to have a handful of Liddles, Andreinis and Anderson hulls on the racks, not to mention some cool Wilderness tri-plane hulls from Bob Duncan. Kirk could probably tell you whether he’s sent any up to this shop recently.

I think Waveline (is that the right name?) in Ventura also carries Greg’s boards (again check with Kirk).

Wetsand Surfshop in Ventura has a few Andreini boards.

Foam, Fins and Fiberglass in Ventura may have a few hulls from Klaus Jones and Dennis Ryder.

Wow. I thought Greg was totally against T-shirts and all other forms of commercialism.


Greg doesn’t make them. The owner of the shop makes them with Greg’s blessing (or so he says).

thanks – will post pics if numbnuts picks a cool board.

Ventura Surf Shop has a few at the moment.

beach house has perhaps one liddle-an 8 footer. check ventura surf shop and wavelfront.(they have one 7’2") also, have him get in touch with kp-he may have some in stock at his house…

I got one nice 7’6’’ at my place.


Was just reading the liner notes in the TSJ article that you co-wrote. I had overlooked them. The description of you is dead on! I had a blast seeing all that good stuff at your place and at Steve’s last week. Thanks for a fun evening.

I rode the 6’10 Anderson hull in Ventura on Sat. No problem whatsoever jumping up in size 4". It was so much fun launching off the bottom and wrapping cutties into the wash.

I never thought I’d have issues coming back to the surf here in Hawaii. Thanks!


Mollusk Venice (LA - an hour to an hour and twenty south of SB if you fly the friendly skies at the right time of day) had or has a couple of new 7’4" Liddle hulls available - worth the drive for sure. i got my 6’8" at Wavefront in Ventura - cool shop with an inventory worth peeping for sure

i logged 4 hours at Rincon today - i’m down for the count

This area’s been unusually fun the past couple of days hasn’t it? I scored some really fun lunchtime sessions at The Point on my 7’2" Spence. Fun, fun, fun, fun, funnnnnnnn!

Shame on me if this has already been posted, but here is nice link to some surfing on a Dennis Ryder Stubby:

Looks like a multifinned set-up.

Perhaps Dennis can chime in on this design.

That’s my friend Matt Riley. The board is a stubbie with a 5 fin config. Although I haven’t seen him use more than 3 fin at a time. You wouldn’t believe the things Matt can do on that board. His brother Travis is insane on a longboard.

Hopefully Dennis will see your post and give more detail on the board.


Hi Guys,

The board being ridden in the video is the same board I listed in the resource section here…

I used one of my archived hull outlines for it but this board does not have a hull foil or bottom, or rocker for that matter. And, it’s a multi fin. I made it as a quad but because Matt had been riding a similar board in a tri I made the board with the fifth fin box so he could first ride it as a tri and then go to the quad and have the knowledge of how the board performed between the two. I believe once he switched to the quad he has not gone back.

The brothers will be soon riding a 6’3 hull I have standing in the wings, with video rolling…


Jason Im glad that board worked out, nice to meet you, Hey did anyone see that shot of Dan Malloy in Surfer mag. on pg. 169 hes on his 6’10’’ Liddle.

i’m running my flexi to the newstand on my break to check that pic out KP, i love the way the Malloys are so into the hulls these days especially Dan and the finless stuff he’s done that i’ve heard about but have failed to see. the Stub article in TSJ was great stuff btw - keeps me thinking

this week i had the pleasure of surfing Rincon 2 days in a row and on the second day i had made a point of being there in order to pick up a log that John Mellor had for sale here on swaylock’s, a 9’4 Andreini. the nicest most informative and hardcore surf advocate i’ve met in person from Swaylock’s. ever since i rode an 8’8 Andreini i have been unable to get it out of my mind. it wasn’t like i had any really insane rides on it or anything but it just felt slidier and skiddier and 10X more maneuverable than my twelve ton triple stringer 9’6 G&S. my first ride was indicative of how much fun i’d have on my new board this summer, i hopped off the deck near the sand and the fwy… smiling ear to ear.

his vaquero’s look killer too - i want a 7’0 for oahu this coming winter!

me me me i want i want i want


What does your 9’4" Andreini look like? Sounds kinda cool.


it’s way lighter and thinner than my G&S and it’s only 2 inches shorter (that’s what she said) - but the thing is WAY loose in comparison - don’t ask for a pic of the old warboard - for shame i won’t post it.

how’s the float and paddle?