post Hull pics

to look at this pic there is nothing very unusual about this shape but if you’ve ridden a hull then you can feel the roll through the bottom and recognize it as one even when you paddle. the rails are pretty much 50/50 all the way through the tail. it’s an awesome board for a guy who’s 6’0 and 160lbs. it’s perfectly flush in the water when paddling but i can knee paddle without issue at all and it has the glide coming down the face for sure - yep

The board on the left is a 7’1".

The board on the right is a 9’6".

Glassing by Studio 609.

The is some footage of DM going finless on a liddle, its on VBS.TV (sorry don’t know how to create a link) go to HI SHREADABILITY. I think it is episode 3…

Amazing talent…

Beautiful Andreini too

cool footage - i think i saw that previously but it was nice to see it again. i forgot that tom blake was vegan, totally weird and ahead of his time! that finless session looks all skiddy and intense - not for me thanks

i live in Los Feliz and as much as i love this neighborhood i was amazed today when i hit the local book shop and they didn’t have surfer OR TSJ… quality home grown mom and pop shop my hairy butt! so i skated into hollywood on my tiny flexi and took one really good highside face plant in front of these 2 old women waiting for the bus while i was on my way to borders…OOPS! all good so long as no bones are broken. anyway my point is that i saw that pic on page 169 of Mr D on his hull, the wake they draw is CRAZY compared to any other board, like a fountain!

thanks for the kudos on my new Andreini - so happy about it i’m going to Malibu prior to sunrise tomorrow to get some fun

as a sidenote- that liddle he’s riding in that footage is over 20 years old (and WELL used)and still rocks! it’s 7 x 21.75x 17.25x15.5x3 arc tail…

rad - that laminate looked older…but what a beautiful chip it looks like when he’s on the rocks - FLAT!

i picked up the new journal today with the article profiling Esteban Bojorquez’s abode - HOLY CRAP!!! SO BEAUTIFUL! the man is sooooo insane and inspiring - if you’re going to do something, do it better than ANYONE ELSE could dream it

can anyone scan and put that p169 pic up?

I stopped looking at surfer and surfing a coupla years back.

This is the photo from GL website. The one in surfer has better color and cropped differently but still the same photo. 99% sure but could be wrong?..

Also in The Surfer’s Path #63 page 27 same photo…

flat it is. the tail rocker is right around .75", nose a tad under 4". it was, and is, a fast board, all kinds of gears that would kick in quick!

while i have been riding midlengths on and off for a longtime, this thread and the encouragement of motif and trimglide helped me to stick with it and get my hulls more dialed. i am your classic friendly middle aged, middle skilled longboard riding neighborhood guy. with almost three feet shorter board and the drive from the flex fin i actually feel like i am surfing well and sorta ripping- of course video might show otherwise! thanks to all- your enthusiasm is my enthusiasm. have lots of fun and be kind.

oh yeah – i’ve seen this on the Liddle site… thanks anyhow for posting dat.


that bit where he’s riding the blake board is classic.

GWS - two sweet-looking boards. the one on the left looks like a PBer outline… but the one on the right… where/what type wave do you use it on? Spence made them? ( can’t quite see the logo).

i saw a few hulls out yesterday at Rincon and got a couple of barrels on mine. the swell angle wasn’t great for in and outs but still fun at about 3-5 with a couple of overhead sets to be had. the sections were really hard to make and i think that has an effect on how many people are willing to snake to get a good wave - seems there is another guy every 20 feet who takes off and closes the section down in front of whoever has the wave initially. the crowd was CRAZY - crazier than i’ve seen previously - Joe Curren and his wife - Shaun Thompson - and someone who look a lot like D Malloy on a mandala quad but i could be wrong about that one. a million people scattered across the lineup

there was a guy out there who had a 7’10" that was apparently GL’s old board. i offered a switch just to try it out but he wasn’t interested in checking out out my 9’4 because i think he’s been asked to switch out a lot, oh well! maybe next time?

spence did’em both. the one on left is an outline pg, spence and i came up with. it is more or less and 8’8" version of a typical 7 foot roundtail (pointbreaker type) stubbie. 18" nose, 15" tail 23 wide 3" thick. i am currently riding a liddle 8’7" that is the same idea- a 7 footer stretched longer, rides a LOT like a 7 footer but provides for easier paddling which i need with my messed up shoulders.

Got my hands on both of em yesterday…the 9-6 is a scaled down version a 10-0 Paul G. made for himself that I ended up with …it lives in Australia(Dane Peterson wanted to buy it after a test drive, but I already had someone else in mind) , but was my favorite all time board for smallish waves. I was there when the new owner picked it up(9-6)…he seemed stoked…really really sweet and all saved to be re-created with ease by Spence at I Shapes. The other board was fine as well…just love to fondle those rails.


Yes Roger I am excited, the board looks sweet! I wanted a hull longboard that will fly down the local points, especially when waves are smaller or weak. Spence was a pleasure to work with and Dennis Ryder’s glass job looks great too. Here are a few pics (I think) before it hits the water


Got my hands on both of em yesterday.....the 9-6 is a scaled down version a 10-0 Paul G. made for himself that I ended up with lives in Australia(Dane Peterson wanted to buy it after a test drive, but I already had someone else in mind) , but was my favorite all time board for smallish waves. I was there when the new owner picked it up(9-6)...he seemed stoked.....really really sweet and all saved to be re-created with ease by Spence at I Shapes. The other board was fine as well...just love to fondle those rails.


  • The 'other board" was made for my friend. A duplicate of one Spence made for me (which is mapped from a PG Matt owns and on and on…) My friend rode mine for his first hull experience and fortunately we were in the midst of perfect point waves so it was a positive indoctrination. He “had to have one.” DR does GREAT glasswork and Spence is a true craftsman. Stoke!