post Hull pics

i’m gonna look up that flick … One CA day.

paddling: some peeps say hulls paddle like LBs, and other says they drag alot. ??

looks like the ticket.

It’s in better reso here - in quicktime

where can you buy it ?– i’ve been checkin around but only find trailers

Here’s Jason Baffa’s website with that “Singlefin: Yellow” trailer on it too. (this one you can buy on amazon or ebay)

Thanks Dale for posting that, Jasons a goodguy, did you get that shot of my Newmatic session?

Hi Kirk

Yes I did! A number of photos were generously sent to me by Jeff Chamberlain.

You’re a waterman with style, whatever the vehicle…

Hope you post at Inflateable+Dream=Speed forum and on

Man that water looks icy cold!

That wind made it look cold but I over heated in that suit. Later in the afternoon I trunked it .

6’10" Klaus Jones “Navaja”

6’10" Liddle “M3P”

7’4" Liddle “Point Break”

  • Some aftermarket work on decks.

sweet boards, bluenote.

FINs: do all the different hull shapers make fins with same flex and profile - pretty close? (GL, Dennisryder, KJones, ScottA, Andreini…)

Nice boards!

How does the M3P feel compared to the Navaja?

SrPato: Very different. The M3P is very “user friendly”, I was able to jump right on it and feel comfortable with very little Hull experience. The Navaja is an extreme, rapier like ultra sensitive craft that requires (for me) focus and commitment (in both paddling and riding.) Nice to have both!

no. the templates are all similar but foils and flex very among the different builders.liddle is the only one that does his own…

had my hull out finally, but swell was not so hot. checked some reefs i know of that can sometimes magnify the swell a bit - no luck. Ended up surfing her in the kinda stuff you should’t have a hull in - beachbreaks with short sections/closeouts. but i can tell you somethings i did notice - my hull doesn’t paddle like a LB, rather sluggish and draggy like Poser said… It caught those waves OK. I didn’t ‘come up’ on a plane like you feel thrusters, fish… and even funboards. In short i felt like i needed a lot more runway – points and reefs, like i’ve heard adn been told. i did get a section or two, one backside, where she came up on a rail really nice and smooth, and turned off the top the same.

i’m not at all disheartened - i knew the waves weren’t right for it. I’m just soooo bummed there’s not a good swell in now.

they can and do work in beachbreaks, especially if the wave has some shape and’ll learn how to get 'em rollin through the soft spots and mush!

Matt’s right!

I just learned this summer that they can work very well in beachbreaks, as long as there is some decent shape to them. I’ve also learned that they work very well in small (knee-waist) high waves. In the past I would only ride a longboard in small waves but that has changed.

These boards are much more versatile than I’d have imagined. Shhhhhhh…don’t tell anyone else :wink:

No worry - I’ve not given up! today was pretty gutless.

I can’t speak for others but I have found that you cannot “bicycle” into waves with Liddles as they are so light. They like a 3 or 4 stroke sprint so I usually sit a bit inside. The few hulls I’ve tried that are heavier (Pescado, Fryes) you can do that 6 or 7 stroke thing building momentum with every stroke like a longboard.

That said, I’ve caught my share at crowded SanO on a 2’ day. You’ll get used to it.

yesterday, a friend of mine who don’t surf much these day (broken leg + lives stateside now) watched from the beach. (and knows about jack about hulls) He made some comments that surprised me, without my prompting him. He said it looked like i was ‘really sinking the rails deep on the bottom turns’, with ‘a lot of water (spray) coming off the board.’

I was suprised he’dcommented on that. He was raggin on me for how poorly i perf’d out dere! :slight_smile:

for sale on sway homepage.