post Hull pics

That’s not my hull for sale BTW!

LeeV - thanks for that info - “bicycling”, uh? I like it - good term. Gets incorporated into the Jason Vocabulary right now. Yea i know what you mean tho.

What’s with SanO (San Onofre?) – Is that a longboard spot or something?

PierPoint Scott has a red Anderson just like that but I think his is 8’. Plus has a lot more miles on it!


for sale on sway homepage.


I hate to burst any bubbles out there, but I sold that board this morning (the red 7’0" Bojorquez).

Also, 9N78W, I gotta say that I’ve never seen anybody so obsessed with hulls as you(well, minus Kirk Putnam). Not sure if I should congratulate you or suggest therapy. Just kidding, I know how addicting these surfboards can be. The only reason I sold that board was because KP just lined me up with a new 6’10" Liddle M3P single-fin. Can’t afford to keep both. I’ll post pictures of my Liddles soon.

-Ross Bushnell

the disease is called hullaciatous…we all have therapy sessions with Dr. round bottom bob.he’s cool and understanding.he thinks we have an affection for full figured women.

yea the obession is pretty amazing, even tho i haven’t ridden a good wave with one yet.

God help you after you do! :wink:


I love this thread. Just e-mailed Kirk to see what’s available. Thinking about an Inbetweener to get hip to the hulls again.

Back in the day on the east coast I had a couple boards that might qualify as hulls, and have lotsa great memories of many fun waves:

5’8" Weber Easy Rider (first board)

8’0" Rick UFO

7’6" Con Butterfly

8’2" Chuck Dent Egg (with the Hendrix “Collective Awareness” Logo)

7-something Dusty Rhodes

Wish I had kept them all…

A friend of mine just got back from Stateside and brought me a copy of a Longboarder magazine, only because it had a big article in it about the ‘explosion’ of alternative surfboards. It was a good read for sure, not to mention killa pichas - Dane Perlee going vert on some sorta stub, for one.

The article went into it - just everything - fish, eggs, LBs, bonzers, retro singles, disks… it even made a mention of flexspoons. But not a peep was said about displacement hulls. ( it did mention the movie Sprout - which had one or two hull seens)

It really underlines how small a following these craft had. ( hulls and mats… and flexspoons - underground of The Underground )

Excellent article tho.

“Longboard” mag has been reduced to a joke. Take a look at it…Lame.

I wouldn’t know about the Longboard mag because i never saw one before - the only part that interested me much was the article on Alternative boards. the rest of it was OK LB stuff - but it’s no TSJ.

Also last night i was watching Sprout, the Extras, and saw the chapter called Cali Gold Revisited – there is a B&W segment of J gamboa on nice long wave – on a hull – excellent – better than the clip that’s actually in the movie of him on hull. it really shows how the hull rides.

RE: Gamboa’s wave in the “Extras” of “Sprout”, I agree. Much less bogging, more flow. Different boards???

i was wondering same - i’ve seen pics and clips elswhere of him riding the board he’s riding in the movie itself. But the one he’s riding in the extras Cali Gold i couldn’t really tell.

to be honest - i’m only guessing, based on evidence that he’s on a hull. The shape and the style, i can kinda see the fin: up on a rail and then trimming, plus the way he drags the back hand to cutback, is similar to his style on the hull in the flick.

i will check the jacket of the dvd - they tell who and what they are riding for everything in the flick there. not sure about the extras tho.

i just came home for something and took a look at the case/jacket – don’t say for the Extras (Cali Gold Revisited)

In the segment Mutant Message Under yr Feet: 8’11" Pavel displacment hull

got my Liddle out in a nice RH point, about head high faces. Had a blast - lots and lots of speed DTL . Turns are different for sure, but a nice feeling to them – need to work on cutbacks (everytime i fell off was trying to cutback) – understand from The Man (GL) “initiate cutbacks from the bottom of the wave, not the top”.

Adjusting fins between rides – kinda fun to be able to do that.

For the most part i just climbed and dropped and enjoyed the speed - making all fast sections. ( i was alone, 'cept for some local kids on beat up sponges)

I can see where this gets addicting.

Swell’s gonna get even mo-bets on Mon-Tues. will report in if anything new noticed.

Here’re some pics for comparison next to my other boards:

Sweet eclectic quiver! Who made your fish and thruster? What does the tiny writing say on your Neumatic?

I’ve been contemplating on getting a hull and I was wondering who you guys would recommend making one to handle east coast beach break. I was thinking about the Liddle inbetweener but I figured I would ask before making a decision. There is one shop where I live and they have a few Bojorquez’s. I almost bought one but I thought it might be better having a board built specifically for beachbreak.


understand from The Man (GL) “initiate cutbacks from the bottom of the wave, not the top”.

Maybe much to obvious to say but if you start cut back from top, big/round nature of the lines hulls draw tend to put you out in the flats aimed back toward the whitewater; kinda D.O.A. If you start at the bottom you end up—at the top of the wave doing a rebound or off the lip to come back around.

The fish and the thruster are both made by Roger Hinds (Country Surfboards).

The small writing on the mat is my name.

When I first got my fish i was pretty amazed by how flat it was – now next to my Liddle, it looks like a banana.


Your making it sound like you’re going to marry the fucking thing! It’s not life or death! It’s just a surfboard.

Hey LeeV - this is a quote for the archives

As for the footage in those film clips, it sure looks as if these boards have to have a very good surfer riding them. Just look at the labor it takes to keep it in the pocket and get to the power part of the wave where the speed line comes in. Not for the faint of heart. When I watch good hull riders on shorter boards, it always seems that it takes a lot of movement of the rider with constant rail transitions. Sometimes it’s a beautiful thing, and sometimes it looks slow and sluggish. More so though, most of the dis hull guys are soul surfers that are passionate about a deep rooted program that has re-born enthusiasm. But now-a-days, like most surf stuff, it’s all kind of hop on the band wagon ‘cause it’s something Greenough did. Not to knock that per say as the lines of Liddles boards are just plane nice to look at. All’s you need is an empty point break…

a guy, i think by the name of miles, was out here today in a 7 footish looking yellow decked hull. beautiful board, he made it himself, and said he wasn’t one of the swaylocks guys. it had a classic hull bottom throughout, it was actually perfect on the bottom, loooked just like a liddle, but there was a little more of an edge i nthe tail, and a stiff fin. NO FLEX FIN.

i was so happy to see somebody ride one of those boards without a flex fin. i have been curious as to how they would ride. his seemed to be riding great. I think if i end up getting one i’m going to use a stiff fin as well.