Today I surfed some really fun waves. I got one of the “waves of the day” maybe a ten foot face. I felt I had to just kind of cruise because when I leaned to turn I felt a skittery feeling coming on and I didn’t want to blow it on the best wave of the morning. I’ve had this feeling before.
Some good suggestions here, but you cant beat basic physics.
First, there’s nothing wrong with a skittery feeling on a 10ft wave…I’d say this is pretty normal for an everyday surfer, meaning your not a pro.
Second, it sounds like your also pushing a certain type of board to or past its comfortable limits (again, nothing wrong with that either, free surfing is not precise). I’d be stoked on catching the wave of the day!
You didnt say anything about the board youre using, particularly its weight and fin setup. In larger or more powerful faster surf, heavier boards offer better control - the more control, the easier it is for you to do what you want to do, including laying down a poweful bottom turn or top turn. Youre not gonna be able to do that of your feeling “skittery”. IMO, board weight is a definite control element in a surfboard, just like rails and fins are. If you can ride a board that no matter how hard you try, wont spin out of control on the most hardest railings, then you can power surf.
Its interesting how many powersurfers have won world championships (Slater being one in a relative sense), and just how few world champions there have been in the last 15 years. Its think its only been about 4 guys or so? I’ll give you one guess why Burrow hasnt won one…and many have predicted he’d win a couple by now.
Point being, the surfing world appreciates powersurfers, but very few have the right combination of skill, weight, strength, equipment and waves. The vast majority of surfers are NOT powersurfers. Powersurfers are an exclusive club.
Personally, I prefer powersurfing to trick/air surfing. Guys that can do both are very rare IMO…Slater being the defining surfer in that respect. Every one else are still catching up to him.
You can fake a bit, and it may not look very powerful from some elses’ perspective, but it can certainly FEEL like it from your own perspective. In the end, that’s all that really matters.
(its like the difference between watching a NASCAR race and driving one of the cars - watching is totally boring, driving one and your shitting bricks!)