EDIT: Firewire have agreed to replace my board. I was contacted by a number of people about the board, all of whom were really accomodating. Couldn`t fault the service tbh.
Oh God…Im still writing like I
m in an exam…
Hey all,
I`ve never really posted on this site, but have always returned when the need for some genuine knowledge about boards is required, and here I am again.
I bought a 60" Firewire Flexfire around Christmas - one of the first to arrive in the UK - and have been delighted with it. However, I
m now beginning to have problems with it. The board does recieve some serious use, as I`m a stereotypical frothing grommet, and so surf for days at a time :D.
There is some SERIOUS delamination taking place. Any area that recieves regular pressure has delaminated. The front foot mark is seriously sunken, the area on the rails I grab to duck dive, the spot just in front of the deckpad where I push with my knee when doing small duckdives and underneath the deck pad where my back pad is are all sunken and squishy like there is an air pocket underneath. They also make a “scrunching” noise when I push on them.
The board has had a small ding. But it did not penertrate through to the foam, just indented the glass slightly. This didnt even happen in the sea, but was caused by myself trying to rush de-waxing the board in preperation for a trip, and pushing on two small stones. I took the board and dried it off. Then left it for probably 36 hours in the house - ie in the warm. Then I used epoxy ding stick to repair the ding. Then, just to make sure, and to hide the repair, placed a vinyl sticker over the dings that appears to be waterproof. Due to all this, I doubt very much that this is the cause of the water inlet that is causing the delam.
The real problem I believe, is what seems to be a small tear in the membrane of the valve. However, never having examined the membrane before, it could be part of the valve. I have never fiddled with the Gore-Tex vent and have always kept it free from all wax, dirt etc. etc. So is it possible impact from a wave could have split the membrane? The board is kept in a padded board bag so impact from a sharp object is extremely unlikely due to this protection, but also beause the hole is probably 5mm across and the membrane is sunken into the deck.
I followed the problems that Firewire were having with QC on this site, but was satisfied they had it sorted. Now I`m not so sure. Do you think that Firewire will accept responsibility for the delam? Will they try to pass the buck and blame inproper care of the board for the water penetration?
Any help would be apprecated, as Firewires cost approx £500 - $1000ish - over here, and due to the fact I`m a student (17 years old phyically, 10 years old mentally) cannot afford to replace boards all the time.
Any input would be appreciated, this has really come as a devestating blow