ProBox on the Move - ProBox / Larry

WOW!!! Austin, When I moved down the Thread your board hit me BANG! Insane glass job and beautiful color work. Thanks for being part of the Probox movement. Mahalo,Larry

I’ve always got my order with a day or two of ordering with Mitch and Robin.

In the early days all they did was invoice you for payment too, but now you just paypal them…

It’s been a great company to work with and now with Larry it’s only going to get better.

Can’t wait to see the new fin catalogue this month.The product has been under constant improvement from what I’ve seen these past 2-3 years. Just look at these new filler plugs and new cant plugs as well as the dams and growing selection of in-house fins.

Anyway I don’t believe they ever offered a “quad” set up so you have to decide how you want to mix and match the boxes like you would with futures or any box set up where then have a different type of box for the rears than the front. The rears have no cant adjustment so if you want zero cant you need an extra rear where as if you want four cant-able fins you’ll need four sets of the sides. Maybe it was a miscommunication but they really go out of there way to help their customers from my personal experience.

When we first tried them at CMP’s on EPS boards we had foam melting exotherm problems because we never had to use HD inserts with the red-x and ofishl fin systems he used. Mitch volunteered to come-out to CMP’s over on Oahu from Kauai to help troubleshoot the issue but in the end they figured it out on the phone. And CMP found an epoxy putty that didn’t exotherm. Meanwhile Mitch them came out with a better router bit that left a smaller gap to reduce the resin pool. The only thing I’ve found recently is that having all these chipfish boxes is adding alot of weight in the tail but now this new floatation insert seal is a brilliant solution to reduce the impact of empty boxes in these multi-fin options coming about.

Give them a try

Even thought there’s great other choices out there as well like Red-X, Lokbox and 4WFS, Probox still has one of the best priced easy to use entry level kits you can get today for a removeable fin solution. Its the cost of the stock installation kits that hurt the other options…

Thanks Oneula, You are right at the time you are speaking of we had only a Production Tri fin install kit. In the last year or so the Install kit is a Production Quad or Side Bite. Mahalo, Larry

ProBox HAWAII mo bettah!

This reply is for ORIGINALSIN…

Call Pro Box Larry at (310) 530-1383. Leave a message. Make sure to leave your cell phone number. Write your order down on a piece of paper and put it in your back pocket. Be mellow , might take a few days. When Larry calls you be ready with questions , you will be surprised how stoked this guy is. Not your regular sales call. Not only does he take your order he answers all install questions and provides lots of tips and insight, ect. My latest order should have been billed retail at close to $150 but came out just under $100. I’m stoked. Got new jigs for free. I’m stoked.

Larry saw my thread about a board I shaped that got ripped off. He put up flyers at some of his customers shops. Gave me a Bro Deal on the glass ons for the replacement fins.

Oh…I pay all sales tax and shipping. No big deal. The free jigs covered that…


Share the stoke

Aloha Larry

I tried to post my my contribution to “ProBox On The Move”. 6’6" Quad, Single, Tri, etc… well you get the picture. But I couldn’t get it to upload. It is 11:30 pm and I am riding my bike home (6 miles) so I gotta get going! Will try again tomorrow

[=Blue]Aloha Larry

Finally got these photos to post. I had a character (") in the file name that prevented it from posting for some reason. I have some other views and photos if you want me to post them.


Finished Shaped

Hey Guy,

Nice surfing with you a couple months ago.

Reminded me of the ,“old times”…YIKES !

I should be in your hood soon, like a-at the end of August, just before the Labor day madness !

Wife and kids want to stay close to I.B./Coronado , but I should be up and about , as we are staying a week or so at the Lowes in the Cays/IB home.

Hope all went well w/ Julie over at Paul Mitchell.If you need any other assistance drop me a PM or something.

I’ve been surfing as much as I can, and even got a ,“BOOM” of an Ariel w/ a floater re-entry, last week on my 6-5er…Been building too,Bra !

Drop by anytime you like, here at sways…Bros are for life Braddda ! Aloha…Herb

Nice work Bill.

Wishing you the Best. Aloha…Herb

Welcome aboard Mr.Rarrick,

Your input will be valued here.

I’m wishing you the very Best in life…Aloha,Herb

Guy T, welcome to Sways. Great to have you here.

I met you a couple years ago, Sept of 06. Big swell down at the Dogpatch at SanO. Nobody out at Old Man’s. You, me, and one other guy were the only ones to get outside and we traded waves for a couple hours. The other guy (DanB on here) and I were on our homemade balsa-skinned boards. We had a nice time, talked about boards & waves… and you went to the top of my personal list of “good guy as well as good shaper” people. You even told me a story about how you disagree with your uncle (about tail widths & rockers - which I agree with completely) and that was fun. Thanks for joining in…

WOW Bill! Cool board, that brings back some North Shore memories. The red Lighting Bolt rail line is a great color contrast with the yellow color of the board. Stoked to have you on the ProBox movement. Do you have some pics of different fin angle shots? Mahalo,Larry

Aloha Larry

Here is a fin side view. Those are glass forward fins from Steve Mock at Island Fin Design, in my 87R Template and the rear ones are your production ones.

This customer wanted a board that he could use in Waikiki mainly and small days elsewhere. He wanted to be able to try a bunch of different fin combinations etc. Hence the Long center box so he could use the board as a single fin or with a Thruster center fin as a Tri Fin. Or even a 5 fin. Larry, the new boxes and installation kits are great, they worked perfectly!

The board is 6’6" and 21.75" wide. Customer is 6’4" tall but lean, fit and and a very handsome fellow! (he is probably reading this so I have to say good things about him)[:)] Hey Dave, your board is finally done!

     WOW! double WOW! Those front fins are insane, did Steve Mock at Island fins make them? Those colors pop. Mahalo,larry 

Aloha Larry

Here is a fin side view. Those are glass on forward fins in my 87R Template and the rear ones are your production ones.

This customer wanted a board that he could use in Waikiki mainly and small days elsewhere. He wanted to be able to try a bunch of different fin combinations etc. Hence the Long center box so he could use the board as a single fin or with a Thruster center fin as a Tri Fin. Or even a 5 fin. Larry, the new boxes and installation kits are great, they worked perfectly!

The board is 6’6" and 21.75" wide. Customer is 6’4" tall but lean, fit and and a very handsome fellow! (he is probably reading this so I have to say good things about him)[:)] Hey Dave, your board is finally done!


new boxes

These pictures show a different outline to the box. Is it something to do with the installation or are these new shape boxes? Bills board above has the ‘bump’ opposite the screw side and in the middle also.

Are your production sets made by Tom at Daum of their exellent high glass content injection moulded material?

How near are we to seing a fin catalogue?

Nice to see how to retrofit the Surftech type boards with your boxes.

Aloha WWMark:

You are correct in noticing that the box has a slightly different outline. I have tweaked the shape of the box to improve the installation process and also designed a new jig to further improve the process. Their is now a larger gap between the jig and the boxes when installing, making it easier to pour the resin. Also the new shape makes for a tighter install especially in the front and back. The new shape also improves the strength of the box!

The production fins shown in the photos are not molded by Tom at Daum Tooling they are molded by the same molder that does our boxes. The material is very similar to that used by Tom, not sure if it is exactly the same or not! It is also has a high fiber content and they really are very nice for plastic fins.

As far as the fin catalog is concerned I’m still working on it along with a brand new website, but it is taking longer than planned due to all of the other things going on, including an order book overflowing with surfboard orders.

I’ll be sure to post a notice when the website and catalog are available, thanks for your continued patience!


Aloha Larry

Yes, those fins are made by Steve. I always keep some in stock here at my shop!

     WOW! double WOW! Those front fins are insane, did Steve Mock at Island fins make them? Those colors pop. Mahalo,larry  


Aloha Larry

Yes, those fins are made by Steve. I always keep some in stock here at my shop!


WOW! double WOW! Those front fins are insane, did Steve Mock at Island fins make them? Those colors pop. Mahalo,larry


Nice board Bill. Really nice fins.

Aloha Larry

Here is a fin side view. Those are glass forward fins from Steve Mock at Island Fin Design, in my 87R Template and the rear ones are your production ones.

This customer wanted a board that he could use in Waikiki mainly and small days elsewhere. He wanted to be able to try a bunch of different fin combinations etc. Hence the Long center box so he could use the board as a single fin or with a Thruster center fin as a Tri Fin. Or even a 5 fin. Larry, the new boxes and installation kits are great, they worked perfectly!

The board is 6’6" and 21.75" wide. Customer is 6’4" tall but lean, fit and and a very handsome fellow! (he is probably reading this so I have to say good things about him)[:)] Hey Dave, your board is finally done!


Hi Bill, Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to talk to me today. After talking to you today I was pretty surprised that you shaped this board from scratch and then laminated it, routered out the boxes, sanded then glossed and polished the board. Pretty impressive with everything you have going on. I am glade to see you enjoy using ProBox in your boards. Mahalo,Larry

Thanks Larry

Here is another board recently finished.

I enjoy doing my boards all the way through by myself. Like I used to do back in the Lightning Bolt days. It takes me awhile as I have to juggle all kinds of other responsibilities but they eventually get done. I am not against shaping machines, I just don’t use one at the moment. So these are all hand done. Just me and my trusty Skil 100! I don’t consider myself just a shaper. I am a surfboard builder, in the complete sense of the words.


Hi Bill, Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to talk to me today. After talking to you today I was pretty surprised that you shaped this board from scratch and then laminated it, routered out the boxes, sanded then glossed and polished the board. Pretty impressive with everything you have going on. I am glade to see you enjoy using ProBox in your boards. Mahalo,Larry