ProBox on the Move - ProBox / Larry

Woah, Solo.

Dammit. I thought I was done buying or building boards for a while. >:(

I have a 7’1" Nugget that would probably freakin’ scream with a couple of the quad sets I now have in mind…

Anyone doing pro-box installs in Oz Larry?


Anyone doing pro-box installs in Oz Larry?

  Hi lennox 76, Give Peter Hosking a call at Empire Foam in Oz. Mahalo,Larry

Ben Shipman and I always joked around about what was going on at Swaylock’ We would send pm’s or make jokes out surfing. Ben has this shape called Albert. I wanted to copy it with maybe a quad or twinzer or something. Here’s the e-mail response to me asking for a template and fin set up for Albert…

“Dude braaaah!.. Howzit? Albert is a versatile shape it can be made as a quad, twinzer, single, tri, thruster, cluster, 2+1, bonzer 3 or 5, reverse bonzer or a chip fish mega plug fin set up. We can Do it! no problemo Ciao! Ben” To bad Ben and Larry did not hook up about five years ago. Keep up the good work Larry!

Foam Fins and Fiberglass will give every swaylocker a 10% discount on probox orders just by mentioning that you are a sways member. hope everyone on the west coast has pulled their hair out from lack of waves

Thank you SO MUCH Larry for the hook-up you passed on to me.

Listen up people, Larry gave me an outstanding hookup on a quad setup, fins, jig, boxes, rounter bit, the WHOLE WORKS!

This came about because earlier on in this thread, I asked about ProBox and some confusion I had trying to order them for a

personal board I was doing. A year later, Larry swoops in on that post and POW, I got the goods in the mail today.

Thanks again Larry!

So I know you can use other fin systems fins in ProBox’s, what systems beside fcs?


So I know you can use other fin systems fins in ProBox’s, what systems beside fcs?

Hanalei Fin Co. and Island Fin Design both make fins designed specifically for ProBox.

if there’s a futures template you like, you can get a set and cut down the end of the tabs so that it will fit ProBox. obviously, it will no longer fit the futures box, so you can’t go back and forth between the two…but if you’re hooked on a set of futures fins, but want the added features supplied by ProBox, there’s no reason you can’t have your cake and eat it, too.

and then there’s always those fin blanks that they sell. the tab is pre-machined to perfection on a clear or colored glass panel. you just cut your shape and foil it. voila…your very own set of fins for your ProBox system.

Noel, great pictures of the nugget! I’m the one who put these two guys in touch with you and sold them on the idea of the nugget. They had never heard of it before. Before Sways, I had never heard of it. I’ll be going to Mexico with them and taking photos. I’ll definetely post results soon after we return. I’m bringing a couple of sets of probox quad fins to try on their boards. One is a set of hanalei quads designed by Robin, I think, at Probox, and the other is a standard quad set. I happened to pick up a used Starfin in Pensacola last week. More than a coincidence, perhaps? I know you are partial to single fin riding, but would you combine the starfin with the quads or is that just stupid? In case you can’t tell, I’m planning to ride both boards. There are 6 of us going, so perhaps you’ll get 4 more orders upon our return. ADIOS!!!


Noel, great pictures of the nugget! I’m the one who put these two guys in touch with you and sold them on the idea of the nugget. They had never heard of it before. Before Sways, I had never heard of it. I’ll be going to Mexico with them and taking photos. I’ll definetely post results soon after we return. I’m bringing a couple of sets of probox quad fins to try on their boards. One is a set of hanalei quads designed by Robin, I think, at Probox, and the other is a standard quad set. I happened to pick up a used Starfin in Pensacola last week. More than a coincidence, perhaps? I know you are partial to single fin riding, but would you combine the starfin with the quads or is that just stupid? In case you can’t tell, I’m planning to ride both boards. There are 6 of us going, so perhaps you’ll get 4 more orders upon our return. ADIOS!!!

Jonah you should have contacted me while in Pensacola. Thank you for the referral. I am sure those guys will enjoy their Horans. The 7’2’’ looks nice too. Give me some feedback when you guys return. Catch one for me…it’s a pancake here.


Mark the owner of Cool Breeze Surfboards in San Clemente was getting this board shaped by Roger. Mark always rode a 2 Plus One set up on all his boards, I told Mark, “Lets add 2 more boxes and try this board as a Quad.” Mark answers,“NO,NO, I don’t ride Quads!” I told Mark," If you don’t like the board I’ll by it." Roger told Mark, “You got nothing to loose Larry will take care of it if something goes wrong.” So we added 2 more boxes which above is the finished board from the Brain Storming in that Shaping room at 6 o’clock in the morning between a Shaper, Shop Owner and Rider and Fin Guy, me. To this day Mark of Cool Breeze never rode a 2 plus one set up again, he’s riding a Quad Versa-Plane style. Now what makes the Versa-Plane concept different that a 5 Fin board is the adjustablity with just a set of side bites and a set of thrusters with a few cant inserts and this board has over 30 adjustment points. But if you don’t use these adjustments points for fine tuning, you do need them to convert the board properly. I will show you more steps explaining the Versa-Plane process on the next post. Mahalo

The funny thing about this story? I didn’t even notice it the 1st time I read it.

Mark fixed one of my boards almost a year ago. I had a fish that was brand new that was damaged by the leash and the glassing was waaaaaaay to thin. The manufacture agreed to pay for it to get fixed, so I went to Mark at Coolbreeze BOARDWORKS. When I went into the shop, he had a bunch of quads in there. I hadn’t seen a quad since the 80s, so I inquired. You know what his statement was? “Quads are pretty much all I ride now days”.

Larry, I guess you got him hooked? :wink:

I think the versiplane idea is great for all BUT the superlight high performance potato chip shortboards. I think it might add too much wt, no? I have a 6’6" PU Lost Speed demon II thruster that I was sort of thinking about adding a couple boxes, would it be too heavy in the tail?

This is such a great thread, one board that can open up all the possibilities of many different fin systems. I constantly change boards so I have had many of the setups already. Its a great experience, particularly on the same board where you can really feel the different setups.

Personally, all I need are 2 fin setups now 1. The Robin Mair Hannelai Quad setup for any size and 2. my bonzers for when it gets interesting.

I have being trying to square off these two systems on paper with respect to positioning, without compomising on position or Toe. I can’t do it without 3 sets of pro-boxes. I’d love to hear how that was addressed.

Keep up the good work.

Burnsie, I just gota set ofthe Hanalei quads, but I haven’t surfed them yet. Can you give any recommendations on positioning to lower my learning curve?

Robin gave me these numbers, they work great:

Front Fin

leading Edge : 16"

Rear off Rail: 1.25"

Toe-in: 1/4"

Cant 4 degrees

rear Fin:

Leading Edge: 10.5"

Rear off rail: 1"

Toe-in: 3/16"

Cant: 6 degrees

The only thing I’m not sure about is the CANT that may have been the other way around.

Maybe Handshaper will chip in if he is around

I emailed these shots to Larry and he ask me to post

them here. I am a kite surfer and I modeled (CAD),

machined, and glassed this board for riding waves

and swell. It has the ProBoxes with a set of 4 FCS PC3s.

I pocket the blank and set the boxes prior to glassing

and then machine off the resin dams and make the box

flush with the bottom. Then I fill the boxes with blocks

of foam and hot glue to seal around the edges. Also fill

the set screw holes with some hot glue. After laminating,

I trim around the perimeter of the cavity and pull out

the foam plugs.

I’m sure it makes the installation somewhat stronger and

that might be good due to the increased and continuous

side loading being experienced by the box when riding

with kite power.

I like riding waves at the coast but here’s a shot of me

riding some river swell in the eastern Columbia river Gorge.

Had it in another thread but it seems more appropriate here.

Thanks for all the great inspiration this site offers,


Wow Hein I didn’t see the board only the surfing shots in my email, but that board looks unreal. Good job Hein post a few more kite surfing shots for us. Mahalo,Larry

Here’s a Becker Versa-Plane owned by Billy from Transworld Surf Mag. who tried a board like this out last year at Transworld Tech Fest. in San Diego and was stoke on the ride.

Here’s pics from the Transworld Mag. Tech Fest. where all the major board and fin manufacture’s are letting people try new stuff for 07, left pic. The middle is a 6’ wave inside the Wave House where this event took place. Pic to the right is Billy taking a Becker Versa-Plane for a spin, not knowing that he would be the proud owner of a Becker Versa-Plane almost a year later. Good event put on by Transworld Surf Mag.

Aloha Guys:

Yes! The cant should be the other way around 6 degree up front and 4 degree in the back. Nowadays I have also gone to using a 1" inset for the back mark from the rail on both fins.

Have fun!


Thanks Larry for ProBox’s participation and getting the word out on the TW SURF Tech Festival. This was a great opportunity to connect the most progressive, innovative shapers and fin manufacturers with potential consumers and retailers. The one-day board demo gave surfers a chance to surf all the new surfboard technologies out in the market. I was blown away by all the new product out there. Its an exciting time right now to be a surfer. A special shout out should go to Bird from South Coast Surfboards for coming up with the vision on the Tech Festival. TW SURF is in the process of putting on another Tech Fest on this winter. Hope to see you there. Check back on for more information and future dates. Cheers- Billy/TW SURF