ProBox on the Move - ProBox / Larry

thanks larry

will show a polished and fined board soon

im gettin red tip 3d in the center

fg3 at the fronts and probox sidebites

yeah a 5 finner for the first incarnation

only got one bubble this time (a couple of tiny ones)

i used spray adhesive to pack some cloth into the route first and used a lot less micro fiber

much cleaner

really looking forward to play with the setup

Aloha Silly:

Nice looking board! Nice looking installation! Look forward to seeing the board when it is all done!


deanbo, Here’s a full pic shot of the Mike Hynson XTR Black Night Quad 1 with ProBoxes.

deanbo, Here’s a pic of the XTR Black Night looking down from the nose. Check out the fin placements. The front fins are right into the concave with a 8 degree insert bringing the fins to a 7 degree cant. The rear fins are more extreme with a 4 degree insert which brings the fins close to a 2 degree cant. This is one of the main reason ProBox has the shape design it has to install into these extreme bottom contours.

deanbo, Here’s another pic of the XTR Black Night 1 from the tail showing the insane install, because Andy the Production Manager at Epoxy Pro installed these boxes with NO peel and sticks. Very clean job, Thanks Andy! The quad fins shown here will be available in a week with the unique Black Night Logo. Will post the finish fins in a week or so to my Swaylockian friends. Mahalo,Larry

Just want to let you guys know that FoamEZ will be joining the ProBox Movement. Welcome Brad and Grant! FoamEZ will have ProBox product in a week. I will be meeting with Brad and Grant to give them all the information and teaching I can to make your ProBox experience a FUN and EASY one.


SPEARZ - High Performance Surf has been on the ProBox movement in LA for awhile as an official dealer. We have all ProBox products in stock for will call at our shop and available for purchase on our website. We’re already trained and knowledged on ProBox installs. And, have personally test driven the system worldwide. Give us a call and we’re more than happy to answer any questions, troubleshoot and/or give installation demos.

Find us at:


We’re definitely excited to carry the ProBox System! It will be a great edition to our already full line of fin systems.

Shop with confidence at the ORIGINAL One-Stop Surfboard Supply Shop. Serving the backyard shaper as well as the “pro” shaper for 15 years!!!

Big thanks to Larry for developing a fin system that just about anyone can install. I just put my ProBoxes in my twin fin fish and could not have been happier with how it went. After all the sweat that went into shaping and glassing it (even with the F ups) I was really worried about taking a router to it. The only snag I hit was that my depth was slightly off so my glass layer fit just between the cutting bit and the bearing so I had to go back and make a second pass after raising the bit a tiny bit.

I also used Larry’s instructions on fin foiling to do my skateboard fins. Sure, they’re not perfect but since I rate myself as a sucky surfer I probably won’t notice the difference. Thanks to all of you Swaylockians for your inspiration.

When I finally finish everything (gotta grind down the boxes and have a couple of sand throughs to fix) I’ll start a thread with some progress shots.



Big thanks to Larry for developing a fin system that just about anyone can install. I just put my ProBoxes in my twin fin fish and could not have been happier with how it went. After all the sweat that went into shaping and glassing it (even with the F ups) I was really worried about taking a router to it. The only snag I hit was that my depth was slightly off so my glass layer fit just between the cutting bit and the bearing so I had to go back and make a second pass after raising the bit a tiny bit.

I also used Larry’s instructions on fin foiling to do my skateboard fins. Sure, they’re not perfect but since I rate myself as a sucky surfer I probably won’t notice the difference. Thanks to all of you Swaylockians for your inspiration.

When I finally finish everything (gotta grind down the boxes and have a couple of sand throughs to fix) I’ll start a thread with some progress shots.



I have been working hard and have a few more surprises for my Swaylockian friends, but first I will start to finish the Bamboo Fin thread next week. Many thanks kim-dude and the responds from people like yourself makes it all worth while to see the excitement ProBox brings to your surfing experience installing and using ProBox.

Don’t forget ProBox is a TEAM effort by Robin(Handshaper) and Mitch along with valuable imput from guys like kim_dude and my Swaylockian friends which drives me to improve and expand the endless possiblies of sharing the ProBox experience.

Love the STOKE kim_dude, looking forward to some pics and hearing your thoughts to better the ProBox experience for others.


So, I’ve got a board with Probox installed came with my choice of cant insert.

Now I want to experiment, so what retail establishment/internet store is going to sell me cant inserts without forcing me having to

buy a set of probox plugs?

Hey mpgarander,

We have a lot of Probox Inserts in stock - 0, 4, 6, & 8 degree cants as well as zero bouyancy inserts. They’re $5 a pair and we can get them to you quick!

Take it easy,


Hey Larry,

Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by and giving us the install demo yesterday.We are all up to speed on the installation process, and have a wide variety of probox in stock!!!

Im gonna through this TwinzerQuad pic in here

Larry can give a discription of performance traits or answer questions

board is a 5.8" biscuit

Hi there Larry,

who is your closest dealer to NZ?


Hi there Larry,

who is your closest dealer to NZ?

Hi deanbo, Nice to hear from you. Paul Cannon (silly) is the NZ go guy(-:. Check your email my friend.


Thanks Larry.

i was looking to get a new set of quad fins from Larry but couldn't decide which to get... i've got the Guy Takayama quads wich go great down to about head high but, under that and mushy, i found it difficult to generate speed. i told Larry about my experience with the GT's and that i wanted a set for smaller/mushier waves for my 6'0" HPSB quad. he said based on the board and my size, (6'0" x 175) the Belik High aspects were the go...

he was right...

first session: i was fooling around with different fins all session and ended up putting the Beliks in last. surf was miniscule, barely rideable. knee to waist high beachbreak peak. basically, there was only time to take off behind the section, one quick pump, and one hit if i was lucky. i was already bored with the session and didn't think the fins were going to help any, i just figured the conditions were too junky. i was just going through the motions and put the Beliks in. WOW, i wished i had put them in there from the beginning! pumping them produced much more go in the weak conditions. only used them for a few waves but, left the water looking forward to trying them out again the next time the conditions were weak.

session2: again, barely rideable, the sets were under waist high and mushy. this time at a Santa Cruz point break. basically just going for a swim maybe catch a few waves. belly rode a few. got a couple set waves and, again, the fins showed promise just like session 1. as long as i kept bouncing them, they would squirt back.

session3: waist to chest high mushy SC point again. another one of those "might as well get wet" sessions. crowd was small and the waves were clean and offering up to 50 yard rides if you got a set wave that came in at the right direction and lined up. most waves offered about 15 feet of ride before mushing out completely... i've been surfing the same board for the last few years and it's never felt this good in such weak conditions. backside down the point or frontside against the grain for a quick left, the fins felt good both ways. a few times on a frontside wave, i was behind a section that i didn't think i could make it around. tried one of those quick bottom turns to try to get around the section and ended up around the section and in the lip. i was not expecting that. nice. backside is usually where i have the most difficulty in small waves. but, this day, backside down the point was great. just bounce them to generate speed then take a shot at the lip. wash, rinse, repeat. nice. got one set wave that lined up for about 20 or 30 yards and was steeper than all the others i got. super fun! pump, lip hit/floater, pump, cutback, pump, lip hit, kick out with speed. fun fun fun.

all of these conditions, i probably would have been better off on a longboard but, i don't own one. like i said, i've been surfing the same board for the last few years and this is the best it's felt in surf under head high and mushy. Larry told me that these fins probably wouldn't go so well in stronger surf and i'm sure he's right but, they've opened up a whole new side to the board. days when i usually will just go for a paddle and not expect much of anything are now really fun.

oops, here they are in the board:






Love that set…sometimes I swap out the fronts for his standard quad front…works teets.