How was the transition for you?
I was watching a film of David Nuuhiwa riding his Dyno fish… kind of marvelling at how simultaniously masterful and slightly awkward he looked … You could see it was a new thing. It really looked like he was actively exploring what he could do, where on a wave he could go. What he could feel that he hadn’t felt before. So it seemed.
And got to wondering what those of you who learned on longer boards felt about your surfing once the boards started to change.
I’ve heard the evocative phrase “mind machines” used to differentiate between the old and new boards, and by inferral, the new lines they drew. I went through the single-to-twin-to-thruster changes, but I wouldn’t have called a thruster something like a “mind machine” compared to my singles. I get the sense that the transition era changes were a lot more radical.
How was the transition for you? Did you have to reimagine your surfing? Something gained, something lost? Cultural side… how were the changes accepted in the subculture?
This is a personal question, intentionally vague. Curious about any take.