Question re: hand plane(for body surfing)

wo w whadda tour,

went to aus victoria

then to video point and shoot 

down the liners…then googled up victorville  ca 92392

and now I’m back

at the sway thread 

mending my stitches

7 days out of the water

and a nother 3- 7days

out of the water and

away form hand tools…


fingers thru…?

knuckle ticklers/?

Kauai paradise envy.  Will check out the marine ply.  Love the twin pods.  Would be nice to find a way to mount one of those Go Pro vidio cameras or get the wrist mounted attachment.

The fin sheet strips sound really interesting.  So are they on the very edge of the sides?  I would like to start experimenting with concaves.  Maybe I will concave just behind the straps into a slight V in the tail.  need to buy a wood planer.  Aloha.

i would say the finsheets

on edge four fingers apart

attatch the hand sleeve

betwixt and between

with a variable of perhaps

an inch or two

up to more if plane

is longer up to small paipo.


buy a mini grinder

put the wood on

some rubber rug pad

with a through table

clamp hole…

or just clamp to

a wing on a shaping stand


-------------                 -----------wing

                i     rail       l

                l   shaping  l

                l     slot       l





Thanks Ambrose.  I’m going for a width of about 10" and a length of about 18".  I find that elbow length is nice because you can transfer some of your weight on your elbow and it is not putting pressure on your ribs.  When you say variable on the fin sheets you mean not parallel but brought in an inch or two on the front right?  Probably start at the midpoint of the rail.  I’m dieing to see how well this would hold a line. 


I just mean for tie downs for handle.

on the bottom I would consider runners

or directional fins  and stiffening the plane

beyond neutral.


straps and holes are not necessary.

these things work just fine by putting your hand on top…it’s intuitive to clutch it as you wipe out.

maybe you lose it on a rare occassion, most of the time it pops up right beside me…every once in a while you have to swim to shore.

I won’t be doing windmills with this setup, but I probably wouldn’t have anyway.

Good point about the straps.  Maybe not nessesary.  I still like em though.  I’ts nice being able to hold on with one hand.

wow flash a web of straps up and down the deck to grab…?

full open option grab placement.


I used to put a third strap back at the elbow, larger (about 6 inches wide).  Totally not functional.  If you crash and burned it would litteraly drag you through the water.  Not good.  Without that strap the back of the board is free to move and it doesn’t rip your arm off. The grab rail straps sound interesting for a larger paipo.  Just keep them away from the rail so they don’t create drag. \



I'm inclined to agree with afoaf - I just have a simple handslot in mine and have never experienced problems losing the thing - I would be a little nervous using multiple straps as if you got really nailed - particularly on reefs where things can get caught up you could be in a real risk of getting your arm ripped off...well badly injured...

I have an old foam one with a hand strap that you slide your hand into and I lose that almost every time I take a heavy one on the head. The Ply ones I make have never been a problem - andf the added bonus is that you can EASILY let it go if you get the feeling like you're in trouble.



I’ve never used a hand plane with a slot for your hand.  They look like they creat some  drag with your fingers hanging out the botton of the board.   My straps are not tight on your hand and they don’t need to be because they are closer to the nose so you can grip the nose.  You can push the board off your hand easily if desired.  Also by putting the straps  closer to the nose you are able to create more speed like noseriding on a longboard, so you are not pushing water.

My new quiver complete with board rack.

ucking macys!

I invented the terrycloth towel

and then walked into macy’s

and there was a whole department of towels!


so I bought a few on sale and took a shower.

I had just made an over head shower

with hot water and cold mixed to perfect warm.


those chopping boards

look like great shower shoes.

two sets make a pair in each size

baby bear ,momma bear and Daddy bear.

goldilocks eat your heart out.




LMAO! Very functional.  Probably has a nice concave with slight “V”.  Cool rack. How much are they charging for them?  Nice marketing scheme for body surfers,  chefs, and houswifes.


I've never used a hand plane with a slot for your hand.  They look like they creat some  drag with your fingers hanging out the botton of the board.   My straps are not tight on your hand and they don't need to be because they are closer to the nose so you can grip the nose.  You can push the board off your hand easily if desired.  Also by putting the straps  closer to the nose you are able to create more speed like noseriding on a longboard, so you are not pushing water.



Funny how you say that a slot in the board will create drag because your fingers are sticking out a little under the board, yet in the photo you attach and in your description above it shows your fingers gripping the nose of the board, and curling around under the nose...I'd be more inclined to say that would create more drag than using the handhole...

I’m going over under to the very same side,  trouble is it isn’t always where it wasn’t ever either.

You laugh, but I've actually began work on two of these bamboo,board shaped cutting boards that are roughly 15"x 7" that I bought for $5. It's pretty much like a board blank.  

what about the thickness?



when surfing on the web…hehe

So below is a photo of the first HP I made over 2 years ago and some more recent models...some complete and others in production. The main thing to notice is how much smaller the hand holes have gotten. We've pared down that opening so that your hand fits in comfortably and there is very little, if any, overspray from water through the hole. The first HP in the below pic I made over 2 years ago after being inspired by a Danny Hess HP I saw on a thread either here or on the ERBB. Mine was made from a piece of red oak I got at Home Depot, completely the WRONG wood to make anything surf related out of!. The thing is SO heave compared to Paulownia. It is bouyant but just barely positive, so it kinda plows throught the water instead of riding on top of it. It also soaks up water nicely.



The newer models are made from Paulownia and are amazing to light and very bouyant. We have been experimenting with different sizes and templates. GoPro mount is in progress and videos and still on the way soon I hope! The third HP from the left has elevated wings like a Campbell Bros bonzer...that was fun to shape!

If anyone is interested in purchasing one of these instead of going for it on your own let me know, that can be arranged...