Question re: hand plane(for body surfing)

yes sushi restaurant tools

were evolved  body surfing tools.

Who better to be in touch

with ready to eat protein.




all these hp s laid out looks like a feast

about to happen…food or waves?

This is all getting me very hungry for sushi.   Clearance rack here I come.  Excuese me mam,  I’m looking for some shower shoes and a terry towel.

My new board with channels.


After years of fooling around with templates, rulers and thickness calipers, I decided that all I really need for body surfing is a flat planing surface and some way to attach it to my hand. So now I just hack them out of scrap paulownia and whack a strap onto them! Done!

The double-strap plane is something I saw Cyrus Sutton riding. Its bigger and wider but also much faster! I’ve been riding that one for a few days now, and it is rapidly becoming my favourite!!!


Oh, and we mustn’t forget the awesome “cubit” or “noseboard”! These things are much faster than handplanes, and also allow you to do full bottom turns and cutbacks, and also allow much longer close-out barrel views! Awesome fun. This one is 2ft long by about 14inches wide. It has a deep double concave and hard rails all round. When its big and hollow this is my go-to bodysurfing equipment!

Like I always say, you can surf a barn door.  I like simple.  Straps look cool too, takes a lot less time and works just as good. 

howzit guys. im new to swaylocks, what a resource! learn stuff everytime i log on. mahalo to you all for sharing your knowledge! anyway i love a good body surf every now and then, and so recently shaped a few "handboards" for lack of better term, from old broken boards. my last one i added a couple small D fins from a kiteboard, works insane. a single to double concave helps to create lift. then again, a macdonalds tray works pretty good too. ha! ive included pics of the handboard in action and of the board itself. ~Ahui'hou!

the fins proving there worth and keeping me pointed downrange amidst a maelstrom in the attatched image.

Your board looks dope!  Looks like so much fun.  Ya,  I think I have to break down and put on some fins on my next board.

thanks boo! fins are a trade off. if youre riding heavy, steep hollow waves, they help you draw a line, set an edge rather than slide out at the bottom and get axed by the lip. they do slow you down a bit. i ride my board almost like a mini bodyboard, with 2 hands. if your more of a one hand kinda guy, i wouldnt put any fins. also, i found that the boards with the handle cut into the hull are next to useless. they drag, spray water up in my face and dont plane well at all. if your still running those, might wanna consider a strap or handle. i glasas in 2 leash plugs on the deck to secure my handle and it turns that thing in to a paddle! i probably swim twice as fast over short bursts using it that way. cheers woody! ahuihou!

sorry, caled ya woody. meant killawava! aloha!

Rode this board yesterday in nice top to bottom head high tubes yesterday.  It tracked really nice.  I made it out of plenty.  Alot of surfers asking questions about it,  was very cool.

ive never once made it out of a tube bodysurfing.... well probably because i only bodysurf closed out shorebreak. that board of yours looks interesting. the channels especially. no rocker? a tiny bit sanded in looks like.  i just made one with channels, kinda thick with really thin rails so if you can picture a boats hull with channels. anyway, we shall see how it works. still gotta glass it. ill post pics if the thing does anything worthwhile in the water.

 ~i love this s**t!~


I like the look of your board.  Looks really fun!  Bro,  I had such a great sesh,  one wave I got barreled twice and cut out the top at the end of the wave.  One handed barreled with one arm over my head!   Was soooo sweeet! The board with channels I used a grinder to carve it out.  I really don’t need any rocker, just tapering the front so it doesn’t nose in.  All my weight is on the nose of the board…  I was really impressed with the channels and how they tracked.  I also used my concave on the same day,  it was very fast, and a different feel, but I think I like the one with channels the best.  Need to try adding a skag.  Your board  must hold a line so good.  See you in the water.

lately, looking into "finless" boards that guys like derek hynd and many others have been experimenting with, ive noticed most are employing some form of deep channels (except the alai'a guys) do you feel like this board holds in better as a result of the channels? and 2 tubes in one wave? haha, you must be a for real kine bodysurfa? not like me... if its not a heaving barreling shorebreak im riding my surfboard cuz i cant actually bodysurf for beans.

I used to surf and traved to Mexico alot for some great sessions down there,  but then I blew out my knee and had to get surgery.  I rely on my knees for work (I’m a Frito Lay driver), so I gave up surfing (It kinda hurts to say that).  I miss the feeling of driving a bottom turn while extending my legs.

I really like the channels and I do believe they help grip the wave.  The channel board is definatly my favorite. later bra.

     Howzit Killawava, I don't know what kind of damage you did to your knee but it would seem that if you had it fixed wth an operation than youu should be able to surf again. I did somemajor damage to my knee and ha it operated on and was back surfing in a couple of months. In fact a week after my operation I was driving my van with no problems and then surfing a couple of months later nad never thought about the knee again. Maybe your Ortho doctor was a quack when you should have had a sports doctor do the surgery. ALoha,Kokua

I was surfing when it happened.  Something happend when I go from paddle to stand fricken blew out my knee.  Still afraid it will happen again.  I can walk fine.  I just don’t want to put myself out of a job when it happens again.

The doctor after surgery was apologizing that he didn’t get it all?  It was a memiscus tear.  I still remember my last wave about 3 years ago,  fricken perfection at Doheney, chest high,  football field long,  I’m on this purfect wave saying yaaa,  while my knee is fricken locked up,  so I’m going yaaa this wave is purfect,  crap my knee hurts like shit.  I remember trying to walk back to my car took about an hour to go across the beach to the parking lot.  I remember people looking at me thinking… “Look he surfs even though he’s a cripple,  isn’t that nice.”

HAHA! auw-ryte! first off aloha and howzits to all! big ups and aloha to KOKUA! wassup KILLAWAVA?! after seeing your board, been wanting to try channels so i just made a funky 4 channel creation the other day. 4 DEEP channels! when i finished i had very low expectations... it looked shitty. but i tested it out at sandy beach shorebreak and it worked unreal! so right now its gettin a paint job, when im pau with that ill post up the final product kiddies!


Shueeeett!!  Channels forever!!  Makakilo ripping the shore pound!!  Ya boy!