Question re: hand plane(for body surfing)

My first hand board.  Only tools that were used was a jig saw, knife, dremmel,sandpaper and hands. Board is make from and old redwood water tank. Redwood plank, walnut handle, hemp roap handle and leash.  I used tongue oil and beezwax. jst waiting for some waves.


nice work! she looks like shes gonna go like a bat out of hell! i still havent gotten around to making a wood one yet but its coming!

aloha boys! killa wava and wut, nice freshies! thought id post a few pics of my latest along with some sequence shots of me riding it! holla!

Nice Wut good form.  Makakilo what up bro.  Working on a new strap setup just glue it on.

Cant post picture from phone.  Check out 

Later guys

aloha killawava! i really like the latest killawava model!! looks like u put some time into that puppy!  anyway the glue on strap,i think thats the same strap i got bro! its made by surfco? for SUPs? for me, that glue on shit lasted all of 2 waves! better to make an anchor point that is solid and save yourself the headache killawava! since ur working with hardwoods its an easy call! go to your local marine supply and buy some brass eyelets, drill pilot holes and squirt epoxy resin inside then screw the screws in. follow up with some resin over top macgyver style! then u just use whatever cordage, (i like bungy type material) to secure your handle to the eyelets?? let us know how it comes out, whatever u decide please? i think the handle is the biggest design hurdle for all of us, or for me for sure! im always on the lookout for handle solutions, ideas!



Nice sequence fins look sick. The glue on strap assembly is something I’ve been working on still duel straps. Hard to explain works awesome.

: )


dis da bottom dont know if it will work well or not wat u think?

Whats up Killawava, im friends with u on Insta, whatchu think about my boards guys, im trying to expirement with different shapes 





Cool artwork great looking shape spread the stoke

Shipped this out to my bro in Oz.  This style board (Tube Time) rips.  You can ride higher in the barrel with V and channels.  Don’t worry about the board falling off your hand with the dual straps.  Super funnn!!