Question re: hand plane(for body surfing)

im going DEEP on tha paintjob! here it is with yellow base coat. now im about to tape off some stars and pin striping. ill keeps ya posted my bradda killawava!

Very cool.  No sliding sideways with this modle.  Looking good Makakilo!

Killawava - 12.5 x 7.25 channel bottom. 

ho looks mean bra! could you explain the arrangement youve made for handles on the deck? maybe a close up? mahalo! just rode mine today at sandys shorebreak after a couple of weeks of neglect.

also what kind of wood are you using? how are you sealing it? are you afraid of getting whacked in the face by a corner? i know ivew caught mine in the face many times but i glassed it very weak for this purpose. "crumple-zones". lol!


Makakilo bro,  good to hear from you!

I copied and pasted this from my website: …

  Killawava: KILLAWAVA - Bodysurfing Handplanes

The straps on the Killawava are positioned closer to the nose than most hand planes (like nose riding on a long board), so you are NOT pushing water.  It also is easier to hold a line on a wave.

 There are 2 pieces of tubing glassed into the top of the board so the** bottom of the board is completely smooth. **

I use tubular webbing with zip ties through the center.  The zip ties
are nice because it allows the strap to remain rigid when scrambling
before takeoff to switch to the correct hand (left hand for going left
and right hand for going right).

The straps don’t have to be tight on your hand because you have a grip on the front of the board.

The wood I use is pine.  I know Paulownia is suposed to work really good but it hard to find at the hardware store.  One of these days I’ll have to try it.

I’ve been using Thompson’s Water Seal for the last few years.  It seems to hold up pretty good.  I just bought some Boiled Linseed Oil.  I’m going to start experimenting with it and see which one I like best.

I like the “crumble zone” idea.  I haven’t got hit in the face yet.  That would suck.  I usually hold on to it with 2 hands when I’m cutting out.  With the straps up front it usually cuts through the water pretty smooth when you pearl out of the wave.

Channels forever!

Later bro,

Ho Killawava bra, nice handboard and the straps is primo; was thinking, if you had two handboards and you lost your slippas, bra, could use the handboards for “getas”, you know, da kine old style japan wooden slippas; look kinda jelike…[ hey hey…pahenehene wale nō, just making fun] must be really cool to ride at Sandy…aloha

so whadda bout an ethafoam handie

reshaped outa those mini kiddie

morey boogie’s or even them

discarded cheeipe boogirs at the 

dumpster?strapson with the plugs

shapeable with a grinder and

slicked up even go funky with

latex paint… less face impact

at least up-cycle some etha-foam




i just shape mine from old broken boards, glass em as usual. and attach a handle by surfco used for SUPs. i think next one im gonna get a piece of pawlownia wood and try shape one from that. killawava what you use? redwood yeah?

oh, got it killawava... pine. interesting.

Alamoana -  I should get everybodys shoe size with my orders.  If you have your shoes on your ready to surf.

Ambrose - Bra, you got the best ideas.  Havent got a grinder yet.  Got a rubber mat that I use with a chissel and hand plane.  Works good.  Still use a drill clamped in a vice with a grinder bit and mini sanding pads. Ethafoam handie sounds interesting.  Less pain on the face plant.

Makakilo - Sick photos bro.  I want to try redwood.  I wonder if it would hold up?  Maybe glass the whole thing.



real nice art dude. ur pretty talented! redwood, glass the whole thing? nah, youre better off with the pine and oiling it. if youre gonna glass anything it may as well be foam. foam certainly is quick and easy to shape. very forgiving. balsa shapes pretty much like foam. im dying to try pawlonia! shapes like balsa but twice the strength and not porous like balsa so can be sealed with oil. theres a place in cali that will sell you a hand board size piece. heres the link.



Nice link bro. I can drive there and beg for scraps!

beg? hell naw! strong arm tactics! tell um bra dont you know who i am essay? haha… there prices on pawlonia are very reasonable. theyll sell you any size piece u like too. teyve also got balsa. aloha, have a good one bra! go get some of this south swell!

Been working on a new board.  This one has a concave with channels to boot!

you wont like the concave, especially if its deep.creates lift which i guess can be good on slow waves but it made me get sucked over the falls on most waves! ive tried a couple varitions, all sucked! im workin on a channel bottom right now. channels rule!

You’re working with foam Makakilo right? I don’t think wood has as much lift, plus I’m working with 1" thickness so the concave isn’t that deep.  I hope it dousn’t suck.  Channels with V does work well.  Later bro


yessir killawava! foam and fiberglass!  hell i used to do pretty well on a macdonalds tray believe it or not!

Nice photos bro. Mcdonalds trays rule.  I rode the concave w/ channels in about chest high at 56th street it worked pretty good.  Here’s my latest creation, lol, I just couldn’t resist.


My latest project for a buddy of mine: Sealed wood with resin mixed with acitone (water consistancey), hot batch, then laquor.  No pawlonia wood yet.  Need to try it out one of these days.
