
There’s alot of good minds out there. For all of you I have a question: How would you make Swaylock’s better? I’d love to hear anything. From the day to day functionality to the pie in the sky, big picture stuff. Thanks for your thoughts. Mike

i think the newly updated site is great. very well put together. can’t think of anything else…

I liked it when the new boards were on the discussion page… I have it as the Swaylock’s page that loads automatically…Often I’ll not check the ‘Welcome’ page for days…I miss that… And Swaylock’s T-shirts. Paul

And Swaylock’s T-shirts. hell yeah!!

Paul, you read my mind. board thumbs and T shirts with the old surfboard logo (used to be at the top of the page). I think getting them made would be easy but the S&H would be a pain to organize.

how about a way to attach some kind of icon or graphic with our name when we post or reply? this would allow us to personalize our messages even more! kirk

Mike, What you just did, I LOVE… Paul

how about a way to attach some kind of icon or graphic with our name when > we post or reply? this would allow us to personalize our messages even > more!>>> kirk T-shirts that say Swaylocks on the front and “Long live the Underground” on the back… With a Cleanline blue coral print background. Then a Swaylocks on front and a circle with a line thru it over a Surftech lable? Then one with Min Fang bent over and Randy showing him how it’s done… Or the other way around

OK Mike… you must have JUST done it. It wasn’t like this a little while ago. The running thread deal is da bomb!

Mike, the site is there; nothin’ else to do to it. Here’s my two cents: sell T-shirts as mentioned above to help finance the site. Here’s the other cent (thinking big as you said): organize - or have someone from the site organize - a voluntary annual swaylocks surf meet. I think that would be an all time.>>> OK Mike… you must have JUST done it. It wasn’t like this a little while > ago. The running thread deal is da bomb!

There’s alot of good minds out there. For all of you I have a question: > How would you make Swaylock’s better? I’d love to hear anything. From the > day to day functionality to the pie in the sky, big picture stuff. Thanks > for your thoughts.>>> Mike mike you just did it/ what a smooth transition/ like neutral handling… fins & rails/ we’re contour creatures/ thanks for providing the fully engaged edge johnny

Mike dude, rightcous transition, a very smooth easy format. I’ll take 2 xls swaylock’s small logo front, toon drawing of Murphy surfin’ down a thread of the forum on a busted up stick …

There’s alot of good minds out there. For all of you I have a question: > How would you make Swaylock’s better? I’d love to hear anything. From the > day to day functionality to the pie in the sky, big picture stuff. Thanks > for your thoughts.>>> Mike Mike this site is GREAT!! Some of this is not in your control but here’s my 2 cents worth 1) not enough answers to FAQs - not that the know-how isn’t there, it just hasn’t been put in Q&A form yet… 2) make it easier to draw diagrams & pictures in regular posts to make the discussion understandable (post instructions, anybody?) 3) menus are too nested (minor point but hey you asked) 4) more postings in for sale ads (not much going on there…) PS I have a nephew who works at a printing place and does really nice T-shirts – if everybody out there is serious about wanting them its certainly not that hard.

Mike, The website is great. The next step is to structure the site to allow the board-building public to do things for you. -Noodle

Mike, Keith on the RE:Cali thread just gave me an idea. Set up places to hook up and share designs at your local spot. once a month? once a …? tip of the iceberg for an idea …

Keith on the RE:Cali thread just gave me an idea.>>> Set up places to hook up and share designs at your local spot. once a > month? once a …? tip of the iceberg for an idea … Way back in the 90’s, when Spencer Kellogg and I were alternating between being behind the counter at our shop in Ventura and working in the back shaping room, we seriously toyed with the idea of a live video feed from the shaping room to a monitor in the “showroom.” Anyone could come in and watch shaping on the monitor as if they were sitting at a bar watching a sporting event. We could also make video tapes of a customer’s board being shaped and give them a copy with the finished board. There was no other intent but to share what we knew to make surfing a more informed culture. I forsee the day when Swaylocks has live video feeds from the shaping rooms and glass factories of the world, and you could select a cam the way you watch a beach cam. The motivation of the builders would be to enhance the respect surfers have for the craft of board building. Sure, a number of surfers would become interested in building backyard boards, and those boards would perhaps cut into sales of factory boards, but much the same way MP3 file sharing brings bands and music to light (in spite of what the corporate music sector claims,) Swaylocks “facto-cams” would do the same for surfing.

Back to the t-shirt idea…online purchases for Swaylocks become costly since it involves a credit card and they take 2-3%, plus getting set up to handle the cards. Just do mail order; on the Welcome page provide a link to an order form, specify size and quantity, have them include $2.50 for s/h per shirt and send a check in. I’ve done it before and it works. I think everyone here would gladly pay $15-$17 for a T. The design won’t be a problem for you, even something simple like a small logo on the front and larger one on back would sell. Silk screen shops abound and costs will typically be in the $5/shirt range - $10 contribution to Mike for this site is a good thing, right guys? And you get your desired T’s. At Office Depot or MailBoxes Etc. they sell durable plastic mailing bags that easily hold 2 t-shirts, the $2.50 s/h will cover the bag and postage. Write the address on the bag and out it goes. I wouldn’t mess with shirt sizes smaller than a large, XL is most popular. Limit the options and it makes life easier - one shirt color, one design, 3 sizes. Also keep the logo/printing colors simple to, the more color the more the silk screening will cost. You probably didn’t want all of that, but you asked and T’s seem to be a popular request. It’s also an easy way to help cover the costs of the site. I’d be willing to bet that everyone would understand if it took a little while to get the shirts so that you could get a few orders in before actually printing any shirts to make sure they’ll sell - if they don’t, don’t make 'em and send their check back. Keep up the great site, mahalo.

Way back in the 90’s, when Spencer Kellogg and I were alternating between > being behind the counter at our shop in Ventura and working in the back > shaping room, we seriously toyed with the idea of a live video feed from > the shaping room to a monitor in the “showroom.” Anyone could > come in and watch shaping on the monitor as if they were sitting at a bar > watching a sporting event. We could also make video tapes of a customer’s > board being shaped and give them a copy with the finished board. There was > no other intent but to share what we knew to make surfing a more informed > culture.>>> I forsee the day when Swaylocks has live video feeds from the shaping > rooms and glass factories of the world, and you could select a cam the way > you watch a beach cam. The motivation of the builders would be to enhance > the respect surfers have for the craft of board building. Sure, a number > of surfers would become interested in building backyard boards, and those > boards would perhaps cut into sales of factory boards, but much the same > way MP3 file sharing brings bands and music to light (in spite of what the > corporate music sector claims,) Swaylocks “facto-cams” would do > the same for surfing. Thats so far out there. I know exactly what you mean because like when my ride needs a re-lube, I just cruise on down to our local "Oil Can Henrys" and watch their employee dudes changing the oil and all that, right there on their videocam!! Since some of the people waiting in that place seem to always be falling asleep while they`re waiting, a complimentary oil change video of what they were missing out on would be an awesome idea! But just because I get to see how they do their thing, no way do I want to go out and start changing the oil myself, or like build a car or blend a new type of motor oil or something really weird. Pretty cool idea.