The one remaining and highly critical design ingredient that remains highly subjective are rails.
“How do you like your new board?”
“Like everything about it, but the rails are a little too…”
Dimensions, rocker, fin placement, bottoms, overall foil, and per the discussion on volume, all very dialed in these days.
But those last few inches so critical to the rail…not so easy.
Went into my buddy’s surfshop and checked out his latest crop of boards.
3 boards from 3 different shapers, all within an inch of each other in length, same thickness, volumes/foil all really similar to each other, very different finishes on those last few inches.
Recent email exchange with a shaper who lives hours away on a new order. Rails on last board had been too full and round, his medium plus obviously much fuller then my medium plus.
Shaper - wrap the rail with your thumb and forefinger, use your calipers, measure gap of first knuckle, second knuckle, and tip of finger.
Me - how big are your hands? Mine are XL plus.
Shaper - uh, medium…oh…ok, measure the distance from the rail apex plus the gap for each point…
It was much easier to just template my favorite rail, trace it on paper, email it over, rails on new board came out close enough.
Rails - the one tangible that remains literally ‘by feel.’
Be nice if there was some way to standardize rail profiles.