Random Photos From The Low Tech Lab

...Volkswagens are Low Tech......

Sunday May 5, 2013  at Car Country Carlsbad there is going to be a Vintage VW get together / show........

Intersate 5 and Cannon Road in Carlsbad.......Free.....See you there.........Stingray.

Who's the VW dealer in Carlsbad? I think Bob Baker....take your wife to the outlet mall too!

Mrs Stingray says "No Baja Bug!".............how about a chopped ,chaneled,stripped,Rat Rod???????? or a Thing?





Blank care of Keith

Balls yet to be seen if they exist (BB30, where did you get yours from again?)

it’s going to be RED 'cause RED boards are faster

Guest Shaper requests anonymity

Salty Dogs…


Let me guess…it looks like about 9’1" x 22 1/2 x 3 3/8.   Is that about right?

you are paranormal…how did you know?!

let me guess…

this guy shaped it:

resinbutt special?  twin fin, right?  ha ha.


Beautiful.  The conditions for which the maroon board was designed intimidate me to even think of, so I salute whomever it’s going to.  

the boards for me. Blank courtesy of Keith and shaped by Mr. Resinhead. We’ll see what happens this winter. It’s a board to go with the one shaped by John Mellor.

now I just need to adjust my shorts and find where my junk went


let’s have some fun! What fins would you put in and why???

Nice! Both of them!

Awesome, thanks for the updates from the lab! I was fearing that Ray had taken his leave of this place…

Doesnt’ look smoky where stingray’s standing so I wont call and see how you re doing with all the fires. Nice boards fo sho. I’d put thruster fins in that board because it has 3 fin boxes.  Hope that helps. Mike

These guys saved our city…


.A fire in Carlsbad on Wed almost burned down the High Tech lab where I work…woah…scary…The Cocos fire (aka Cal State San Marcos) came really close to the Low Tech lab. Helos flying all day, taking water from lake San Marcos and Discovery Lake…dropping water on the fire / fires…       Thank you Marines and all fire fighting people… The Choppers are still flying at 6:30 pm…


Oh wow, I had forgotten that your work backs to a hill right therein the fire zone.  Heavy.    Keep your head down, amigo.  

…2 years ago…happy… today fire.


ALL CLEAR…San Marcos and Carlsbad safe from fire…