Here are the racks that Ambrose and I made. One for him, one for Jimmy and one for me. We took the info from the post a while back and made them with removable heads, so whe can take the shaping rack off and put a glassing rack on when the time comes. Drew and cut out my first blank last night, skinned it this morning.
Howzit thomas, sounds like you live here on Kauai, am I right and do I know you. Aloha, Kokua
yeah I live up in Prickville, I am not sure if we know each other or not. Probably not. Ive only been here a few months and keep a pretty low profile.
thomas this is mike he’s the glasser I told you about make an appointment to meet with him to inquire about glassing properly ,better than the way I showed you…you know the wrong way…kokua does it right …you might even pay him for a glass job it will be well worth the fee…ambrose… then the resale of your board will go up 80% and he does laminates
jimmy’s on left 4x4 post fixed rack…center 4x6 post removeable head , right 4x8 post removeable head 8" throat will accomodate 8" thick paddle board … racks convert to miriad of profile potentials including tables for templates ,tooling , router table, beating bench for making tapa, service table for buffet,yard sale display sewing table with recess for flush mount sewing machine…and dont forget bad mitton…ambrose…any other potentials?
I just built some racks this weekend, kind of a hybrid of different methods from posts read from here. Thank you all for inspiration.
Curious if you could get a closer up shot of the ones you made? They look interesting.
Question, think I might have spent to much time getting everything level and true, in the end I realized that, correct me if I’m wrong, it really isn’t that important since it is covered in a soft material to not damage the blanks. The only level surface you need is the very top where the board would lay horizontal, right?
What would you use to “pad” the wood, I noticed you used carpet in a hammock type method, would it be OK to use old t-shirts wrapped with masking tape?
Howzit thomas, You're not that far away,I'm in Haena across from James Bond's just past the YMCA. If you come to the Pine trees Longboard Contest I'll be the guy in charge of entries and heats, just ask where Wildog is. Actually I call Princeville Little Newark. Aloha, Kokua
carpet -the only way to go …shim undercarpet at top with ? shingle scrap the leveling under bucket can be done with a hot batch of instant stone type concrete and sand but fine tune carpet with shim Thomas had a couple options to post close up as well but he was worried about finding the Sweedish cheerleaders squad pictures on the disc at work .his boss is a radical femineist sexist and checks all his computer work very closely…there are also some racy golden plover pictures on that disc that he doesnt know about …it’s like;y he didnt have time to post but one picture as he’s very excited about using the new racks and getting to work on time, not early, cuts into his computer free time…ambrose…maybe more to come
Thanks, I think…
I think therefore you’re welcome ambrose
Sorry that kind of came out wrong, I’ll admit sometimes having trouble comprehending your writing style, hence the “I think.”
Here’s a proper one…
Thank you.
Ahhhh I wrote this long thing and the comp did its evilthing and…
Keep em seperate so you can move em around so useful - be carful no tip em. Carry 'em outside to work etc.
Here are some close up of the racks, got the deck of my first board roughed out this morning, late for work, who wants to work anyway.
Ambrose this is the only person on this disc, I hope tis is not your idea of a sweedish cheerleader
just out of the frame…see the pom pom…
where are you sleeping inside a cattle trough?
in fact not sleep …repose on a xmas morning responding to the complaint by me wife that I never smile for a photo …hand built concrete 1st floor of residence started 1988 yet to be finished but truly liveable…is that a smile or what… SMILE – space migration infinity life extension – Timothy Leary’s
Thanks Thomas!
Any tips for setting the posts in the concrete level?
when I put posts in concrete for stands, I check them with a level (sides, back & top, all directions) and tape them in place with the ever trusty duct tape until the concrete sets up. seems to work, I’m sure there are other methods.
I also prefer rectangular buckets, more stable.
So you should run the tape from the sides of the bucket up and over the top of the post, right?
Rectangular buckets? I didn’t know there was such a beast. I need to redo mine, they are all lop sided and crooked.