Resin Research Bio Green Tech


**Hello Rey from never answered my questions.....**

Sorry, was trying to point everyone to the TDSs on our site, but here you go....

** **

**Does your product yellow? Any Long term tests?**

Yes it yellows. Most bio-based products start yellow and will yellow slightly more over time. Look at natural products like wood and paper, they yellow too. Our Super Sap starts with a rich amber color. Think tree sap. I know this is not ideal for the surf industry at large, but works great over wood. Actually enhances the wood color vs clear resins. Surf Sap 101/1200 is the closest we've gotten to a water clear system. But it will yellow faster than RR. I'd have to take so much bio out of the resin to not yellow, that it'd just be regular epoxy. Why do that when RR and others already do that. Like Greg said, the industry is too small for this.

There are many applications out there that don't care about having something be bright white. I only make this available to surfboard builders because I like building them and other people have asked for it. Is it the best market for us? No. To be honest, we have way more success catering to other applications.

Why do surfboards have to be white? Color it, tint it, use wood. Be creative. The surfboard industry as a whole is stuck on the bright white thing thanks to poly materials. To a few surf epoxy formulator's credit, they have figured out how to get epoxy to look and work like poly only without the stink and with better mechanicals. I'm not going to be able to change that mentality, so I'm just providing an option here for people who can think outside of the box.


**Cure times? Flip times? What shop temp is best during lam. Does it look like corn? Price? Dude-a-bility? Spelling?**

Again, try and refer to our TDSs on our site (see previous post) to get the full info. But here's the quick scoop:

Super Sap 100/1000

Pot Life (150 g in cup @ 25C) : 22-25 min

Thin Film Set Time (Cure): 1.5 hrs

Tack Free Time (Flip): 3 hrs

Ideal Temp: > 20ºC or 70ºF 

Full Cure: 1 week at 72ºF  or 6 hrs @ 120ºF

Color: Amber

Price: Same as standard epoxies.



Surf Sap 101/1200

Pot Life (150 g in cup @ 25C) : 25 min

Thin Film Set Time (Cure): < 2 hrs

Tack Free Time (Flip): < 4 hrs

Ideal Temp: > 20ºC or 70ºF

Full Cure: 1 week at 72ºF  or 6 hrs @ 120ºF

Color: Clear

Price: Same as standard epoxies.


** Post cure? Does it stink?  Does it yellow? How does it wet out....Long term tests?**

Like all epoxies, will benefit from a post cure.... ~ 6hrs @ 100-120ºF. Like most epoxies, slight odor, but low to zero VOC. Wets out glass fine. Super Sap 100/1000 requires slightly more patience than Surf Sap 101/1200 as it's a little bit higher viscosity. Surf Sap is better hot coating resin too and can polish to high gloss. Yes it yellows, as above. Use some tint....

Re: Long term, see my previous post on this thread about feedback. Again I defer to our site for testimonials and pics, but we've had boards in the water for over 2 years now. All have held up very strong mechanically in CA and HI. I'd say the biggest benefit to our resin is a relatively higher elongation, which helps with dings and spider cracks. Also have lots of positive feedback about flex, but this is also highly dependent on other factors in the boards construction as well.


**Better than other RR products?.....or just green? Why should I go green if I'm happy with the CE or the KK ?????**

Again we're approaching "green" from a sustainability or renewable standpoint. We've worked to maximize both performance and sustainability simultaneously. If you care about those 2 things as related to carbon footprint, then you should try us. I've probably done enough talking about why to consider going "green"....... 

Hope this helps....


Thank you Rey.....Good save...telling people like me to click the link instead of answering the question is a big turn off.

I'm sure I'm not the only one......

There's lots of BS out there in the surfing world. Lot's of "green" that's not so green. I had more than one line of BS thrown at me at the Surf Expo in Del Mar. Most people were core and honest but you know how it goes........ I can do tints and pigments and paint jobs.....

...But......Beer colored resin over art work doesn't work.

I did not tell the surfers of the world that surfboards need to be bright white.... People on Swaylock's are very open minded.

Thank you for the information :)

