an interesting story form last week …
this guy comes in wants to order an 8’-6" i say 10 months 1250.00 …
hes devasted , he had just got a custom and hated it , he had wanted one of mine before but couldnt wait , so he got one somehwere else, now hes was faced with the prospect of riding it for the next 10 months…i wouldnt take it as a trade coz it was a mutant…
i couldnt onsell it with a clean conscience…coz it was a mixmatch of variables…
i said i heard someone had a second hand 8’-6" of mine for sale…
he goes off and buys it …he came in the other day said he loved it …
ok so wheres this going???
he paid 950.00 for the secondhand board but it was 8 years old , when i made it back then i sold it for 800.00 ,new…hows that for keeping its value…
none of my boards are moulded , all custom …epoxy,eps,timber,fibreglass…
i know we dont want a polyester v epoxy debate…im not really going there…
but dave made a point…
when i first started doing epoxy boards not one solitary person in the surfboard industry was willing to source any products for me …
in fact one of my blank/resin suppliers said if he dealt in eps and epoxy his blank supplier would stop supplying him blanks…so to get me new materials would jeopardise his business…
so it ends up i find aircraft builders , boat industry, and building industries to supply me with what i need …as time went on and crew became interested in what i was doing , they hit the same brick walls material wise…
my problem was i couldnt justify making it easy for others to follow what i did , so i wasnt handing out names and addresses…
to many people stand to lose if boards are stronger…
those people have a controlling influence on the supply lines…
the only person i deal with in the surfboard industry is the guy i buy plugs from…
and a few fin boxes from another clown…who has a whole audience laughing at him now…
there was a comment about people leaving there boards in there car for 3 months over summer…
theres one board in my car now has been in there for the last 7 years , only comes out if i need my van for another job …other wise they stay in there permanantly…
epoxy has high heat distortion temperature…
so it wont change shape when it gets hot…eps sustains no long term damage if it gets wet or hit by the sun …look at craypot bouys…
p/u just decays with water and sunlight…
i hear people say , o but if you get eps water logged there stuffed…
that is the only bad thing anyone could say against it …
well one of my shorties ive ridden for almost 6 years now /december 98…
its been fully water logged 3 times , but now its still as light as the day i made it…
just blow the water out…
i can tell you all its plain and simple economics …
it takes a little more effort to produce a board that is built to last…
to many people just wanna make easy money and couldnt give a rats , then there are others who really do wanna make better boards but the industry is against them …
now the shoe is on the other foot , i hear alot of complaints about people not making money building polyester boards …
now whos really putting in more effort???
not me …
ok so it probably did turn into a poly v epoxy thing…
you guys wanna know what i pay for a blank???
you pay about 70.00 aud for a standard short board blank, i pay 27.50 including gst…and it comes in a block of 6 perfectly profiled blanks…
next time the foam truck comes ill take some photos …its to easy…
sorry to say theres a few guys at the top of the food chain , controling what the rest of us get to eat…so there own appetite can be satisfied…
and on top of that they waffle propaganda about how dangerous some foods are, and how you should only use there stuff…
sorry if this post seems a little firm …
but i feel sorry coz theres so many crew doing it the hard way…
crew seem to think that if a board lasts longer they wont get as much business…
that is so wrong…
kid buys a cheap board , breaks it, gives up surfing…
thats one scenario…he could have stayed surfing and kept buying boards…
when i was building conventional boards only , the average guy gets a new board every 18 months …
by that time there looking pretty sad…
so he trades his old board in (if its still in one peice) he now has another board …18 months later same thing…
now what happens , guys board lasts …but he normally spends x amount on boards every year…he doesnt have to trade in coz his board is still good , so he gets a fish, or a gun,a longboard maybe…
in 18 months same thing…so hes building up a quiver…
but in the mean time his mates wanna get one as well…
so your still servicing your customers its win win …except for the guy down the road who has to sledge you because hes not getting as many orders…
thats the way its happened/happening for me…
o pics try doing this with a polyester board…
took these pics today…
9 year old board/trampoline…
the foam block has 1" increments marked on it…