Retro Single Fins


ive never riden a single fin before but i think that riding one of those will be the “future”, if you will of my surfing.

I was looking at the Al Merrick one and i have been saving my money so i am willing to pay alot for something that expensive, my theroy is you get what you pay for…

ok so who else shapes a really good retro single fin board??

Regards, Chris


When I comes to single fin boards my top picks are Michel Junod, Gene Cooper, Hap Jacobs, Mark Martinson (shapes for Robert August) and Geoff McCoy.

There are lots of guys out there that can do a very good job but in N.Y. I think your choices are limited unless you want to have something shipped.

If you have the bucks go with one of these guys and you really have a great board.

Mahalo, Rich

If i was in USA i would like to try one from Stu Kenson, or Steve Brom, or Jim Phillips (i haven’t seen a shortboard singlefin from him, but…), or … a long list i think.

Good waves!

How about Al Merrick

an Joel Tudor shapes…

I have an Al Merrick (here i show you two photos), it rides good in small waves, but i have better single fins. First i don’t trust it in bigger waves, second i think you in USA can buy better things for the same amount of money, third you can go custom with any of the shapers i told you (at least, i think you can).

I didn’t thought about McCoy, but if you want a high performance single fin, this would be my choice (not the Surf Tech ones).

Good waves!

ok thanks alot man

btw…how much did you pay for that Al Merrick, if u dont mind me asking.

From Tudor’s i would pick the “Mutant Moon” (i never tried is) and is shaped by Stu Kenson (at least, it was).

Well, i’m not kidding: $200 USD on Ebay, it was in the same shape as if you buy it new, you put on the was and ship it. The seller also gave me a board bag and a leash… if i can do it again, i’ll buy 10 like this at the same price.

wwwow sweet deal dude

its 625 new

your being a great help thanks alot…just one more favor

are the dimensions set on the merrick single

and how long is yours

nose and tail mesurments??

As you can see in the photo:

lenth: 6’10’’

with (nose): 13 7/8’’

with (center): 20 3/4’’

with (tail): 12 1/4’’

thickness: 3’’

I’m near 200 lbs and i would go for the 6’5’', but it was a big deal… plus shipping to Spain were free!, A friend of mine bough a container of foams from CF and my board came in the middle.

thanks so much

do you think those dimensions would change for a 5’10

I think so, at least some of them.

Anyway this board has much of an egg feeling than a short board feeling, full rails and this template make it feel like an egg.

I sincerely suggest you to see different shapes before make the decision, except you need to by an Al Merrick…

“except you need to buy and al merrick”

i need to buy and al merrick???

Please don’t take me bad, the thing is just that if you’re in USA you have a lot of shapers to choose from and now that i have this CI singlefin, i really think that there are better options, especially if you want a shortboard feeling and not an egg feeling. The thing is that, at least here in Spain, there’s a lot of people that thinks they’ll only buy good shapes if they buy “Al Merrick”, and if it’s AM it must be good. I don’t think so (anyway i have two AM).

So i was just kidding about that.

Anyway, i hope i helped you.

i like the joel tudor retros, hands down. they’ve got a lot of soul.

also, hobie has some pretty fly shapes, but only their longboards are viewable on their web page.

If you need a Mccoy let me know. I am putting together another order for Pot bellies and Stumpy nuggets. At 200 if your a good surfer I would go about 6’ 3’ -6’6’’ nugget or potbelly. On the Tudor, I don’t think they are making mutant moons any longer. A steve Forstall Lazor Egg would be another great choice or a Chris Birtch single. If you want to see some Chris Birtch shapes go to Ebay and look at the 6’2’’ triple stringer fish. I don’t care for the Al Merrick in person. It looks better in the pictures than it does in person. For performance, I still like the Mccoys as singles go. All the rest is personal taste.

5’6’’ pot belly single fin nugget

I think you can probably do better for much less money than $625. The shaper around the corner from me has several retro singlefin lines, and they go for under $400, custom specified to your liking.

However, he doesn’t make boards for the WCT, and doesn’t have a worldwide distribution network.