Rich Harbour sees no benefit to using epoxy - do you agree?

Roy…is that you?

Bert’s shapes have won competitions…or, rather, his boards have. I think his impression is that in addition to shape, flex, weight, and shear all play a role in the magic board.

Carl-----------If there hadn’t been a Harbour, Velzy,Yater, Simmons,Prisendorfer,Merrick,Hobie,Pearson,Blake; on and on, etc. etc. Younger generation guys like yourself might not have got into surfing or boardbuilding at all. Not much of a future in anything wtihout a past and present to build on. Having paid my respects; I gotta say that Bert’s boards and the techniques that he is using blow my mind. McDing

Right on Meecrafty!!

MaraboutSlim, are you serious??? As was mentioned, Bert has added huge amounts of detailed info about many design intricacies. While he is best known for his sandwich construction, he packs more design knowledge than many on this board. He has also had team riders for years providing feedback on his boards. So he is not just developing shapes to suit his own subjective tastes but also the needs of his team riders and customers.

Also, Bert has invested alot to get to where he is with his construction, why should he just make it public domain?? I applaud Bert for posting the Sandwich Construction thread because it gave everyone an insight to his methods and can totally appreciate that he didn’t divulge his current methods.

As you say, people care about the shape most importantly. Do you think Bert could sell his boards for $1000 and have a year long waiting list if all he offered was a different construction method?? Obviously not.

Kind Regards,


This thread almost seems argumentative, but I am not trying to be. Rich, it seems like you are always doubting backyard boarder’s abilities with your statement about how industry is looking for people etc.

Why are there no posts on Swaylocks under jobs?

Are you looking for anyone? I have done XTR/Epoxy, AST and Poly (including Sun Cure). I have limited tint work but would be will to do more. I have more experience in Shgort boards and people rarely request tints on short boards.


Carl-----------If there hadn’t been a Harbour, Velzy,Yater, Simmons,Prisendorfer,Merrick,Hobie,Pearson,Blake; on and on, etc. etc. Younger generation guys like yourself might not have got into surfing or boardbuilding at all. Not much of a future in anything wtihout a past and present to build on. Having paid my respects; I gotta say that Bert’s boards and the techniques that he is using blow my mind. McDing

Sh****T, I am not getting dragged into this dick-waving contest. All I did was agree that the younger generation is going to be in control of the future- because they’ll be there. And even then, there will be an even younger generation biting at the heels of those that are the big boys then… it’s just the way the world turns. I am very thankful for the elder generations that have brought this sport as far as is has in such a short amount of time, and if anyone ever wants to go head to head on a little surfboard/surfing trivia, I’m always down. I may have not have been there, but I’m not ignorant either.But when it comes to arguing a point- respect has nothing to do with it- either you know your shit or you don’t. That is why, in this case, I have been staying out of it- I’m just a rookie like everyone else here when it comes to epoxy. Lots of book read knowledge and little experience. -Carl

maraboutslim!!! i realise its sometimes difficult to disagree with someone held in such high regard …

rich is obviously a master at what he does or else he wouldnt have the respect from others he does …

but length of time in the industry or being a guru in one particular facet of construction and design doesnt mean we have all the answers …

i felt i had to make certain comments to give rich the picture he wasnt dealing with your usual heckler …

no disrespect intended at any time , but regradless of our age or experience or status , we can all be guilty of jumping to conclusions that maybe false depending on our viewpoint …

if i was just another guy off the street and i read that a well respected long time board builder considered epoxy to be a waste of time and no benifit , then that would probably sway my judgement and id probably conclude , that coz he knew more than me he would be right , so i would take up on the same opinion …

but im not another guy off the street , so i offered valid reasons why i didnt agree …

as far as focusing on shape maybe chack out the latest creations thread …

other than that everyone else covered it for me , thanks guys …

and as a technical side note …

eps will hold more water than p/u , but once the water is out will suffer no lasting damage and wont decay … depending on the pressure difference at the time of damage its possible to ding eps and itll be bone dry when we get to shore , p/u will always get wet regardless …

on the down side eps will suck like a syringe if theres a big pressure difference and we keep our board submerged underwater as equalisation takes place …

higher densitys of eps are virtually immune to water penetration …

its also possible to completly water proof super light eps , but that does have a negative effect on performance …

life is so good …

smoking waves today , good surf for the last week and a half , and more swell coming …so surfed out my eyes are burning .

so im out …



Thanks Bert. I didn’t mean to come off so harsh before. I just felt that when we get into all the technical discussions we forget about the shaping itself. But I suppose the masters don’t need anyone like me to come to their defense so I should have just stayed out of it. I’ve just gotten so much pleasure out of Harbour surfboards that I really can’t imagine needing a better surfboard. But I’m a simple man, I guess.

no problem , every opinion counts regardless …

based on your comment , what we have can do pefectly well and we could never want anything more , until were exposed to something different …

its then that we judge whether what we had first is better or worse …

because surfing brings us so much pleasure and makes us feel good , its always something that will draw out passionate responses …



longboard shaped to repel water , still nose rides and boosts as well …

enjoy what brings you happiness …

What are you wavin’? I can’t see it. Down Boy! Just a simple statement; None of us would know much about any of this stuff if someone hadn’t started somewhere. Is that a chip on your shoulder ? Oh what? McDing

nice pic Bert…looks like home on classic day…same water color here when offshore…man Im jonesin’

Yeah that sheet of water is coming off at 90 degrees…the pic reveals a lot doesnt it?