S.A. 2004 photos...

let’s see if I can get a photo attached here…

and another…

uno mas…

a windy afternoon (I think this was Friday)…


and another…

im guessing this board was made for art, but, does it actually surf well? considerign theres no taper in the back half. Just wondering…

the art of shaping and the art of riding of course are in the hands of the tool handler,the Art the board was made for includes five diminsional arts considerations 1 shaping 2 riding 3performance 4 inspiration 5spiritual growth… ambrose… this is a hot curl interpretation…can you makit go?

Nice photos guys, thanks! I’d give my left nut to surf the Ranch…

May as well add my two cents. Lots of good energy there. We had a great time. I setup a web page with several pic’s at: http://aa6qn.sytes.net/sa2004.htm

BTW, mucho gracias for the directions as we found our way to Fresno and made it back home after a 1100 mile trek. That highway 46 leg was exciting with all those big rigs!!


great pics of willows and sanddollar…

but all youre doing is making us on the east coast very jealous! :slight_smile:

making us on the east coast very jealous!

No, we’re trying to motivate you to have an east coast event and

post pictures and details so we can see what we are missing :slight_smile:

the only thing that you guys are missing, happens when it requires full body rubber (654)

other than that the hurricane seasons are decent but the crowds as of late look like ‘the day after Christmas crowd’ sale shoppers. What no one from over here posts pics???HMMMMMMMmmmmmm what are they hiding


Great pics! I hope you don’t mind me putting the “squeeze” to 'em…


Some more.


and another…

im guessing this board was made for art, but, does it actually surf well? considerign theres no taper in the back half. Just wondering…

all boards are art, but actually this board wasn’t built for the artists medium of paint. the colour was applied in an impromptu expression session by the children of some of the swaylockians. The rain later washed away the temporary marker pen.

instead this a serious contender for the SA 2004 9’ 1" Y challenge, or should i say non-serious.


many of us have wondered just how much holding power soft rails provide, or is it all in the fins? and whether deep v and roll can further lock a board into the wave?

by taking the v and roll to the extreme and having no fins, this board is built to answer those questions as well as the one you asked.

i’m looking forward to a report on its behaviour

the straight railed deep convex hulled board above produced by Lee V.

the opposite of convex is the concave… just about everything other than a downward sucking hydrofoil produces lift (otherwise the moving board would head for the sea bottom). To quote Kirk Putnam at SA 2003 “it all works”.

however concaves produce more lift. i believe by downward deflection. with no water running over the deck the conventional aerodynamic theory of the top surface producing lower pressure, surely cannot apply. with my light footed approach the concave is fast and reponsive. But I’ve found that a single concave amplifies chop causing a bumpy and unstable ride in powerful lumpy conditions. So for such a surfer the double concave when set in V goes a long way to combining the best of both worlds. The concave shown is set in a moderate v at the rear end of Ambrose’s 2004 longboard. I have this feature in the mid section of my hybrid shortboard.

Did anyone try that tunnel fin paipo? How was it?


The board is made to surf! How well is another question. It is awaiting a gloss coat and final sanding to seal in the 3rd or maybe 4th iteration of art. The place I surf, on a higher tide and small swell, has waves very much like Waikiki. Steep swells that never quite break. I had these waves in mind when I made it (you should have seen Keith’s eyes when I grabbed a straight edge for 3/4 of the template!). It’s a foam plank swell rider that will: 1) get me uncrowded surf, 2) explore the effects of tuned suck, 3) test my surfing skills, 4) cement my position as Clown Prince of Sunset Cliffs…

I’ll bring it to the Halloween Party so everyone can give it a whirl.

I’m not an experienced paipo or bodyboard rider but it felt good to me when I rode it prior to the event. It was tested in 3-4 foot uncrowded point surf and felt fast and controllable.

(photo: Jeff Chamberlain)

Looks like another Surfer’s Journal featurette…

Like LeeV, I did not completely finish my board (Big Red) for the 9’1"Y Shape-off in time for SA 2004. I too will try to have it done for the Halloween bash so that everyone can take it out for a spin…

“Clown Prince of Sunset Cliffs” – I think that ought to go on a T shirt… although I think Lee has a LOT of competition for that title…