Sacred Craft

Heard today that the Sacred Craft Show was sold to ASR (Action Sports Retailer Show). Any truth to the rumor? 

yep , it is bigtime



Yep Sacred Craft is big time but is ASR still big time???


Heard today that the Sacred Craft Show was sold to ASR (Action Sports Retailer Show). Any truth to the rumor? 



Hope Bass made a mint on the sale as I like him and his contributions on the various forums, but if he didn't get payment up front...he will be lucky to get a pay out.    Now that it's officially owned by the rag manufactures, as I always suspected had something to do with it or at the very least had their eye on it.  I can feel better being critical of the obvious hypocrisy in having something that was supposedly started to aid the domestic and traditional board builder owned by those who would see them run out of business if they can't be controlled by the larger surf companies and become part of the machine.  The same lot as SIMA...the folks who last year were pressuring vendors to keep prices high on the little guy.   The more things appear to change and be " new " and " different " the more they are the same old surf industry.  Now I can say again...Nothing sacred about Sacred Craft.


The surfer in me still loves all the boards though.   Keep the porn rolling.

Any report for those who couldn’t be there? Photos welcome. Whose board won the auction?

I don't know if that rumour is true but last weekend's exhibition had none of the "sacred" feel of the Del Mar or Ventura versions.  Seemed like there were less exhibitors and the companies that showed up were just that; companies.  Too much flash and not enough funk.  The venue had a lot to do with it, but the lack of smaller builders was telling.

There were some positives though...I thought the art exhibit was very nice and the Simmons exhibit was absolutely stunning.  The boards he was doing back in the 40's were light years ahead of what everyone else was using at that time; both shapes and construction.  Wegener's booth, though small, was more like what I expect from a "Sacred Craft" show.

Finally, what kind of Craft is sacred when KP doesn't have a Tecate in his hands...

The SC was awesome.  There was the same energy and display
of incredible craftsman although yes it was in a HUGE venue with much
larger aisles so there wasn’t the congestion that might have been
perceived at past events as hustle and quaint.   

The shaping demos were very cool the groms shaping event was such a
great idea.  There was even a glassing demo where one of the guys was
running around looking for an eps blank that he could glass and I about
thought Jim was going to run into one of the shaping booths to knock out
a shape for him.  

Loved the WNC guys giving out “fish” blanks as business cards.

I’ve never drank more Yurba Mate in my life and I think I’ll start
having that (the cold stuff in bottles) in the morning before a session
instead of my coffee.  The guys at Guayaki (
get a big thanks from me - they always greeted my “can I have
another…” with a huge smile and a cold can or bottle…whatever I
wanted (needed). I’m a fan.

Reno 911…wtf?  Yanomami meets Paris Hilton meets Asia SF.  

The auction was really fun, the Primo was flowing and those
auctioneers are damn good.  I pointed the insane sunset and fog rolling
in and made a $400 bid on Cole’s Trunk Board. 

Jim busted ass to get a ton of beautiful boards ready for the show and just smiled all the way through.  A huge thanks to Gene and Brian for helping Jim hand carry boards in
to the show when my filight was later than I had liked.  Not only did Gene and Brian help while they were insanely busy but it was great to chat and a bit more so than just talking about board orders. Also a huge thanks to the
staff at SC, especially the lady who helped me bag about 25 boards and
got me carts to move them to the freight elevators. At the security check in for my flight home I had to hand over my shirt which had more that 3 oz of water in it from the hustle at the end of the show.

It was great to chat with Matt Calvani, DK, Rich Pavel, Nick Palandrani, Steve Pendarvis, Robin
Prodonovich, and of course all the folks who dropped by the booth to shake hands, grab a rail
and chat story.   


Sacred Sell Out???

Hey Cheer up


Simon Anderson at Sacred Craft: gave constructive criticism, then the nod to Matt Biolos for replication of the thruster. Matt donated the check to charity.
I love Sacred Craft. It pulls authenticity and generosity back into a culture founded on those precepts.


D. Pu’u


Despite my kinda negative comments, I still like the whole idea of the original Sacred Craft.  Where else are you going to be able to walk into one room (a really BIG room) and be able to shoot the shit with 30-40 shaper/glasser/fin and tool makers.  Every one, even last weekend, was ready and willing to talk about anything related to surfing.  It would take you years to drive up and down the California coast visiting shops to do what you can do in a few hours at Sacred Craft (although driving up and down the California coast has it's own redeeming qualities).  Watching the guys shaping is worth the $10 entry fee alone!

I really hope that the funk returns soon, though.


The Culture just happened. Only the business side of it was founded.


Love the shot of Simon. One of the more underrated surfers in history as as surfer…not just a shaper.  

Yo Knowaloha,

Thanx for posting the photos. The green board is one of Nick Palandrani’s John Scramblers. The fins are of my own design, helically foiled and of a carbon/glass/resin research epoxy composite. Nick and I have collaborated on many boards of this design and continue to build customs in this mode and stretch its envelope. The board is laminated with epoxy as well. Those that have surfed the Scramble are quite taken but it’s agility in the power of the wave and ability to create speed.

Regarding the commercial side of the botique the continues to invade the surf world. It seem somehow unavoidable as any surfshop owner will tell you that you gotta have boards but that’s not where the money is made. Shingles on the roof and books for the kids in college are important too.

Surfboard design and creation will always remain a sacred craft for me regardless of all the hype.


Mahalo, Rich

that's funny,... Matt spelled Biolos wrong

halcyon ,

fins and boards like that are why i go regardless of who runs the show . i can see the benefit for the shapers to have it along side with ASR.  


Sellout Shmellout.  It was a great show and friends got to hang out together and show their stuff.  

thos fins are sooo clean Halcyon... looks like they would twang

check your PM's

How much more funk do you need Lee?  There was tarp surfin (which I got two really deep barrels at), the Young Guns of Shaping having a good time with it, the glassing demos which were packed with people asking questions, plenty of cool boards to look at, shaping and surfing legends abound, and more. 

Unfortunately I think you’re way off on this one, but of course this is your opinion.  Yeah Sacred Craft moved to the convention center (ASR), which
believe you I totally dreaded going into it for the crowded parking and
difficult off-loading/loading issues, but it turned out extremely awesome.  Any
of the smaller guys that weren’t their was there own decision since prices
didn’t change for a booth.  This venue was actually a great
opportunitty for the smaller shaper as there was a more international crowd with
many buyers circulating from ASR.  I’m not supporting the decision to mesh with ASR
with SC but I am supporting the show as it is an incredible opportunitty for the
public to getin the shapers bedroom so to speak.

Take for what it is and try to
loosen up on the whole corporate thing. 



I thought it was great. At one point on Saturday I was standing at the Accuplaner booth with Greg and Jed Noll, Lance Carson, Mike Hynson, Mickey Munoz. Earlier I visited with Gary Linden, Paul Strauch, Carl Ekstrom, Rich Harbour, Terry Martin, Robert August. Gene and Brian had some great boards in there booth. No regrets, just smiles.    

Other than the DOWNTOWN parking and a marathon at the same time, it rocked, I loaded my truck by myself, but once at the loading docks, the Christian Surfing Association people took over, with getting the goods moved in.

Gene and his crew jumped out of their booth, each of the guys putting a board under both arms and making it soooooooo much easier on me.

Break down went even smoother, with Janie of CSA wrapping boards and the GES crew loading then of push carts, thanks to Surfore, Gene’s crew, GES, CSA and all the folks who stopped by to chat and ORDER boards.

Jim Phillips 

I had a good time.  Last year I spent most of my time watching the shaping.  This year I was all over the glassing demos that Foamez hosted.  It was really helpful to watch real pro glassers do their thing.  I can't remember his name, but the guy from Stretch Surfboards did a great KK laminating demo.  There was a good vaccuum bagging demo, and an epoxy color patches demo.  The highlight was getting to watch Greg Loehr's KK demo.  Afterwards I cornered Greg, and asked him a ton of questions, which he was nice enough to answer.  I definitely think that I increased my knowledge of glassing by attending the SC this year.