Sally 4 from a 5" slab of xps

No stringer. Cut the rough outline and rocker with hand saw.
Shaped and glassed bottom - left all the foam in tail, on the deck, to keep some stiffness for shaping.
Put in different rear fins after first couple sessions - smaller, no rake on heel side.

Strangely interesting. I like it though. What’s the significance of Sally 4 ??? Did you go Asym because here in Oregon we can never tell which way the wave will peel if it isn’t a close out??? Did you go longer on one side for those sneaker sets at Moolack???

I like it! Love to see more pics if u got 'em.

Your boards are always interesting and creative, taylor o! Mike

Did you glue 2 sheets of XPS together to get the 5"?
What density O-C Foamular did you use?

McD - If you searched the archives, you’d see this is the 4th iteration in my Sally series… Ha! The asym is about toe/heel side differences, which I end up mostly addressing by fin placement and type/shape/size. The last couple times I surfed Moolack it was actually good, really good.

Huck - I’ll get some more, as I’d like a rocker profile, and full deck. Oooo… And the new rear fins. Postin’ pics went easy…

Mike - Thanks.

Stone - Sorry to confess, but I don’t know what “What density O-C Foamular did you use?” means. I did glue a 17" wide 2" thick 8’ long trimmed sheet (17" from 24" wide), to a 3" thick 2’x8’ sheet of pink dow xps, I off set the 2" sheet - leaving 3" wide strip to shape for the rail on one edge, then cut the other side down. RR epoxy, 4x4oz top/bottom - 45/45 patches on the tail, both sides, and one also in the middle on the deck. I went back to RedX boxes, as, while I gave up some of the adjustability of the 4-way system, over the years, I lost one fine from a 4 way box - rinsed off and down a near cliff steep rock face, and I think one more when the leash broke and board washed up on rocks, but I lost so many fins out of the 4-way box… the little grub screws can’t hold a fin like the RedX screw from above…
And, thank you Mr. K, a carbon fiber leash loop! Ha!

Taylor; Owens-Corning (O-C)) makes the pink XPS insulation foam. It comes in several densities, e.g. Foamular 150, 250, etc. (see link below).
What did you use to glue the foam sheets together (epoxy, spray adhesive, gorilla glue…).

Ach ha!!!
Ok - it’s the 250 which is 24.8 kg/cubic lt, or 1.5 lbs/cubic foot… Not to bad, not to bad…
I sanded the smooth skin/finish off with 40 grit and perforated it with a “tool” I made ages ago - 1/2" roofing nails on a 1" grid set in virgin double wall corrugated and curved - about an 8"x8" square - to sort of roll the action. Not that it matters, but what did I know… It still works.
Oh yeah, I glued it up with good ol’ RR epoxy.

Thanks for the technical input.
Yeah. I needed a quick body board for the grand kids. So I threw together some scrap 36" pieces of Foamular 150 (1.3 pcf) yesterday that the cat had attacked.
Used the 3M XPS spray adhesive to put 3, 1" sheets together. As long as the sheets are glued together flat (no pre-stressed bending) the bond is pretty good. Will separate with “forceful” peeling motion but holds well for shearing motion.
The 1.3 pcf is very soft to shape, unforgiving to the slightest slip of a tool. Other than experimenting, doubt I would use it again.
Since the XPS only absorbs 0.3% moisture by volume, no FG was used. Just a quick vacation BB for the grandkids (only has to last 7 days).
For perforation, check out the Monokote Woodpecker Tool. The tines can be removed or added. I combined tines from 2 tools into 1.

I am the Archives. Doesn’t matter how many iterations their may have previously been. I remember previous monsters of the deep. And I assume you are on a design path that will accomplish your end. Which is what? What are you trying to achieve and what is the significance of the name. When it comes to Asymns; The most you are gonna get out of me is “interesting”. So consider that a compliment. How much are you paying for shipping on your Resin Research? I drop RR down there to three differant guys. Same price as Fiberglass Supply minus shipping.

Another brilliant board Taylor! Your out of the box designs and construction methods continue to amaze me. I have a whole folder of your stuff!

I like that some of us do things that fit our particular desires, and not worry about what others might think. Looks are not as important as function if you make boards for yourself.
My personal journey with XPS has left me with several results. The foam is easy to work with for shaping. XPS foam seems firmer than EPS based on same finished foam weight. It doesn’t suck water in, so you can ride boards that get dinged. If you don’t like the end result, the foam strips very easily and clean, so you can reshape the foam into a smaller board. My findings on stripping XPS boards leads me to never make the deep perforations for the resin to sink into because that will make it very hard to reshape later. I’ve also found that I like the way EPS rides better than XPS and I think the way the resin doesn’t bond to the foam might end up with a weaker board.
There are way too many really good surfboard manufacturers that make tried and true boards at good prices for the product. It’s way easier to just go see one of them and get that kind of board. But, I’ve also found they don’t like to go outside their comfort zone and make something they don’t understand. They have a business to run and if you aren’t a team rider, they don’t have time to mess with crazy custom ideas they don’t think will work.
I visited the shaper that started me on this crazy journey because he didn’t want to make certain changes to a board design he made. It was about 5 or 6 years later and I saw he had the exact board I asked for. When I told him that, he didn’t want to agree, but it’s all good. I knew the changes would work and I’m glad he came around and did them. The original board style is still being made, but I think there are others like me that ride differently, so the changes make the design better for us.
Different strokes for different folks. Surfer/shapers have always pushed designs down different paths. Sometimes the path is a short dead end, sometimes it goes a ways before it dead ends, and sometimes it leads you right to the unknown perfect point break with just one other surfer who is so glad to have another person to share the waves.
Ride on Sally 4… All you want to do is ride around Sally, ride Sally ride!

I should add that the shapers I used to get boards from didn’t use the machine, every board was hand shaped from a raw blank. I think this is one reason a lot of hand shapers have a certain set of boards they make really well. They use the same blank to start with and have the motions for planing the foam memorized into their muscles. Same as any top athlete who has years of training.
With the shaping machine, shapers can do all kinds of design changes and not touch the blank until they fine tune the board.
I give the crazy ones taking shit foam and making a nice board a lot of credit. I know how hard it is to make a decent board out of this stuff.

Low water absorption is the big XPS draw for me – easy to buy locally too.
For now, I’ll stick with the higher XPS densities though.
The 3M 78 adhesive may allow a work-around to eliminate XPS delam problems. If it works, I may try 1.5 pcf XPS as the low end density in the future. Dow & O-C offer a 1.5 pcf XPS roofing insulation that has 0.1% moisture absorption by volume. Might be harder to track down.
Think I will test the method on some body boards before trying it on a SB.

Great to see some old Swaybro’s here…
Here’s the rocker profile, a close up of some “vent holes,” and the perf tool.
Javier from a company that was/is doing xtr (xps) boards hipped me to the vent holes just in case there is foam breakdown, and subsequent out gassing - and give the virtual water proofness of the foam… Ha! Years ago, before I did the vents, I got a 5" diameter bubble under my ass/front foot, on a similar board, while in mainland Mexico, so I popped the bubble and let it be. No problems for a year or so, then it buckled, on a medium size, heavy day at my “secret” reef - right across the bubble… So, I’m going to see if the vents (keep) helping - I took the frankin board I made, from the buckled xps board, to Samoa last summer and no problems, but I didn’t ride it as much as I did in Mex. Rode the Sally 3 a lot… Ha!
And the rocker profile - and you can see at least one of the changed out rear fins.

The bottom line is - and I’ve probably written about my trip before. It’s just that, my trip.
After many shoulder injuries, and the amount of paddling to be done around here, I like a board that paddles and well as possible, and still turns like I like, and rides the barrel. Not that I’ve had enough chances to ride this board in good enough waves, but so far it’s performing as desired. The Sally 3, is the board John posted pictures of.


From left to right: cannibalized Woodpecker Tool (WPT), modified WPT and original WPT.

Taylor o. A tool for the Inquisitors! Yikes! Mike

Huck - Nice. Better be careful, that’s how I got on this path… Just today, I had the new one out in small waves, and afterwards, pondering the volume I felt like I had to throw around, I reminded myself, If you can’t catch waves, you can’t ride waves…

Bill - What is the intended purpose, and how much is one - looks pretty cool.

The purpose is the same as your bed of nails. Peforates the XPS for better mechanical bonding. Intended use is for putting films over RC airplane wings – prevents air pockets I think.
The device rolls. So it is fairly easy to use. Takes a little practice to get the right motion/rhythm.
Advantage is the tines are no thicker than a single-edge razor blade and make many more perforations per unit of surface area – especially with a doubling of tines modification. Reduces the amount of resin needed in perforations but increases surface area available for resin penetration.
Got the 2 new ones 2.5 years ago on a Christmas free shipping deal from “Tower Hobbies” for $14.99 each.
(Got the original model WPT on for $10 + $3 shipping.)
Tower Hobbies Woodpecker Perforating Tool: