started with a FREE (piece of crap) xps blank that was dropped off at my house by a guy headed to Texas, who said he’d had it for 8 or 9 years and realized he was never going to shape it. Decided that it needed to be a triple stringer. Grabbed some old redwood that I got for free when my neighbors re-roofed their house (originally built in 1921). Lots of nails! Made the offset stringers out of that. Rough cut the blank. Used the same redwood to glue up a fin blank, adding a strip of purpleheart that I got at the swap meet for $1. (I only used a bit less than half of it though, so 50 cents worth). Rough sawed the outline. I will post more pictures later, but just to get started…
at this stage, I have only spent $0.50 on this project… my goal is to build a board cheaper than Resinhead… which is hard cuz he only spent about $40. I’m thinking I can do this one for $35.
thinking that a triple stringer might be a good idea…I like sawing things as much as possible…hand saw, band saw, dozuki saw…blank was too wide anyway!
hmm, where can I find free wood with a lot of nails in it? There’s a pile I grabbed when the house next door got re-roofed…old redwood from 1921… that should work.
bandsaw the rough rocker template… avoiding the nails I couldn’t pull out because they were too rusty…yes I know its a messy area, thanks. More of the rafter wood in the background. Tried to figure out how to use spanish roof tiles in the board but they are too heavy…
It’s tom foolery, smoke and mirrors…etc, etc, etc. Notice in the background of every picture you can see the Apollo Lunar lander and a small American flag ™ that obviously shows a breeze in his backyard. And in case you didn’y pick up on it… Jimmy Hoffa and Edwin Meese are in pic #1. Tom Foolery
Now we see how you can afford the South Pacific… You are making your boards out of trash… Ha! Are you planning on building a redwood outrigger for the trip down south, complete with Spanish tile hull?
here are the offset stringers after a number of passes thru my handy dandy thickness planer… shortly after this I changed the blades on it, or actually just flipped them over (double sided blades) as they had over the years aquired a few nicks from random nails. Can’t imagine how THAT happened? black marks on wood are rusty holes where nails lived until they dissolved.
fin blank glue up… more rafter wood, with a chunk of purpleheart that I found at the swapmeet with some other luthier supplies… I paid a dollar for this chunk of wood and used less than half of it for the fin… had to cut around the usual nails in the redwood…
here’s the test fit with both stringers, and after I gorilla glued back the 8" long chunk of foam that fell off the starboard forward rail due to a humongous crack… (edit: a bit out of order, pretty sure this was before I ran the stringers thru the finish planer to thin them down)
all put together with gorilla glue. working by myself I chose to glue up one stringer first, plane it down to check if I liked it, then do the other side…this pic is of the second side going on. Always good to try to include some lawn clippings in the glueup? PS total cost at this point $3 (50 cents for wood in fin, $2.50 for glue).