Serious problem..... having a bad reaction to epoxy/fiberglass

so a couple nights ago i got more epoxy on skin than i should have, i just guess i wasnt as careful as i normally have been. i was wearing gloves but i got some on my forearms, and i had holes in my jeans at the knees so i may have gotten a bit on my knees. i also did some sanding last night and got some fiberglass dust on my skin.

yesterday i noticed i was getting small rashes on my forearms and my knees, and this morning they have started to spread down my arms and up my legs… also im getting it under my chin near my neck…

they itch like crazy and i feel like they’re going to keep spreading. what would one normally do with an allergy like this? im sure its happend to some of you. and i still need to hot coat today! should i wear a full painting jumpsuit with a hood? or completely stay away from the stuff till im cured? i really want to finish this board…

would the CVS pharmacists give me some advice on some cream or other medication i should use? do you guys have any suggestions?


  • thanks

I work at a guitar factory where reactions like this occur all the time. Red splotchy rashes or poison ivy type that generally fade over a few days.

There is a product called “barrier spray” that you can use in addition to a spraysuit and rubber gloves. Check the safety websites.


Benadryl tablet or 2 should help…

BTW, DON’T DO THAT! It’s kinda bad for you!

What brand of epoxy? Did you wash up immediately when you spilled(or at least ASAP)? Scary stuff. Better be careful next time


I have experienced this also…WHat brand of Epoxy were you using?

Some of the phenol based stuff has some bad chit in the hardener…

Greg’s is absolutely tame by comparison…

ALways wipe the resin off your skin ASAP with some alchohol and a paper towel…If it stays on too long you will get a burn type reaction…

Before sanding…

I used to put baby powder on any exposed areas…this fills the pores with powder instead of sanding dust and glass fiber!

Works like a charm…

then just rinse in the shower…

It is possible you have embedded glas fiber reaction…

Will look like little red dots everywhere and then red around the whole area…

Scrub in the shower with a wash cloth and soap…

It will not go away for a coupla days…

Bummer FOR SURE!

i am using an epoxy called Areomarine, from California… i took benadryl last night and more this morning and i feel like it’s still spreading… damn this sucks.

well, cross, looks like you might have become sensitized to something in the epoxy–hopefully it’s not one of the “universal” epoxy chemicals, just something in that particular brand…Resin Research (RR) is supposed to be one of the cleaner, mostly non-volatile eppoxies out there, I would suggest working with that in the future…

read through alot of the old epoxy posts…there’s some good qualified advice in there about what’s happening to you, how to prevent it, ways epoxy gets into you…one of the compsand guys a while ago (MrJ?) was sensitized, and continued to work with epoxy, using very careful methods…

A few things I picked up…

Avoid all solvents around epoxy. don’t use anything to clean it that "thins"it at all, ESPECIALLY ACETONE because then it can go right through the skin. The best way to get rid of liquid epoxy is to emulsify it in something…liquid dishsoap with no water added works well. paper towel off the excess epoxy, then squirt dishsoap over the area, and scrape or brush off–I use a scrub brush by the sink. don’t scrub too hard, that may cut the skin, letting some in anyway. the idea is to surround the epoxy in the soap, the soap renders the surface non-sticky, and getting rid of it is easier.

I’ve heard that a vinegar rinse is a good idea as well…the reasoning as I understood it is that the acid neutralizes a lot of the chems in epoxy, which are very basic (I think that’s what causes the “burns” it’s caustic) So I rinse my forearms after working, then soap and water.

There’s a product my local plastics place (Tap) sells called replacetone, which does the samee thing as the dishsoap but better. it’s more like water, and I’ve heard of places that have big buckets of it, just brush your tools off into the bucket, the resin sinks to the bottom, and can be filtered out…

but you shouldn’t get it on your skin at all…

or breathe it at all…

I use double gloves, put one pair on and pull them up over long sleeves, then put the other pair on with some talc on the inside pair, makes changing gloves real easy. then change them every time you get sticky. I remember one remark that a box of gloves is still cheaper than a can of acetone…I go through tens of pairs a board. one common area of contamination is on the inside of the wrist–when you go to whip off a single pair, you put a little dab of resin on your wrist as you reach for the flange of the glove…right over all those veins in your wrist, right into the ol’ bloodstream. Double gloves, you just hit the next glove, but try and pinch it above the flange anyway.

and getting the sanding dust on you is probably at least as bad as the liquid…there’s still plenty of uncured molecules hanging around, and the glass cuts into anything it touches…sand wet when possible, and dress well for the affair…

i’m just a backyarder, but I’m kinda paranoid about becoming sensitized, so I read up on it…I’m sure there’s others who can give a more qualified safe working practices rundown, but I think it’s already in the archives, plenty on the net too.

Good luck with that, I’m afraid you are going to have to put your project away for now, clean up thoroughly,(glove up for the cleaning,too) and rid your house of the still-curing board and all the leftover epoxy until you figure out whats rashing you up. One reason for the continuing rash is that you may be reacting to trace amounts that may have gotten all over…Huck out all the clothes you were wearing, unless their nice, then wash in vinegar then launder. scrub every surface you touched while sticky–trips to the bathroom? fridge? computer keyboard? change your sheets…

Don’t mean to scare, but two aspects are kinda rotten, once you are sensitized, even small amounts can set you off, and successive reactions can be worse and worse, eventually becoming respiratory in nature.

I wouldn’t worry too much about this initial one, just get over the rash before you continue, and stop immediately should it reappear. go see the doc if it gets any worse or doesn’t go away.

Buen suerte,


you will live.

go get some RR to finish the job, get rid of the stuff you have, its the hardner thats getting you. When sanding it is important to bear in mind that the stuff isn’t fully cured for a couple of days, weeks perhaps so there is active hardner in the dust. If you only have the poison ivy rash it will go away after a week or so, it sometimes can get a bit worse before it goes away leaving a reddish scarlike area that is dry. Get the missus’ hand creams and body lotions out, eat peanut butter (source of vitamin E which helps the skin repair itself). In future just stay clear of the stuff and use a tame resin like RR.

Consider obtaining a copy of the MSDS and head to a local Med-Stop or ER. If you’re really in trouble they might want to prescribe something stronger than Benadryl. If you start feeling like your throat is closing off or something, get there pronto.

thanks for all the help guys. the benadryl seems to be working. i’ll keep taking it. i went to CVS just now and they said that if it gets worse i can go to a quick care center and they can prescribe a steroid medication to help me. im not itchy anymore and i dont see it spreading anymore, so i think i’ll be ok.

i also ran to the hardware store and bought myself some paint suits, booties and a hood so i can completely cover up for my hot coat and sanding.

is it a bad idea to hot coat even if im completely covered up? i wont even breath without a respirator if im more than 20 feet from the source.

Be thankful it landed where it did. I know of a guy who got some on his pecker.

poor bird…

Definitely get a prescription steroid. At a minimum get glucocortisoid creams and use them, they will be much stronger than benadryl, and the topical ones have minimal side effects.

A doctor could prescibe a stronger cream, or give you a shot if it is serious, but if the Benadryl has a mild effect, glucocorticoid cream should do it wonders.


what about popping a few bennys before you even touch the stuff a little pre medication

p.s im not a doctore

Check out this thread, By MrJ, great vacuum thread, and some really good epoxy info and links.;post=194577

Good advise here. Watch what you get into, there some real bad stuff out there.

i use resin research epoxy and get it all over my forearms and knees too. i get the same exact rash, but it seems like it’s only after i sand. i rub on some hydrocortisone and the rash gone the next day. worth the $2

<> please don’t get it on your skin like that…some guys who are sensitized can’t even handle epoxy boards in a surfshop…and there’s very little you can do once you go…sounds like yours is mostly due to fiberglass, but get it all over yourself like that enough, and its only a matter of time…wear long sleeves, pants and gloves if it keeps getting on you like that, also working slowly and deliberately not only minimizes drips but can result in a better product…Just don’t wanna see anyone get screwed up…

id be lucky to get a few drops on me at the most when making a board

often none at all

ive got a box of disposable gloves for laminating

and a sanding suit for sanding

only ten bucks

i clean brushes with meth spirit and freeze them

i get a board or two out of brush

wash it off with white vinegar and soap

ok well, just an update on my health…

i’ve been taking the benadryll as well as applying a prescription hydrocortisone cream to the affected areas, and i havent seen very much improvement at all. i think im going to go to the emergency quick care center in town now, because i feel like its not getting better. im not sure what they can do for me, but i dont want to see this get worse.

i’ve never had poison ivy before, but the rashes im getting remind me of what i’ve seen poison ivy do to other people.

extremely itchy, my neck is swollen from the rash, its very irritating. i hope this shit goes away soon.