shaping a FISH with a round tail

I have always loved that board by Ben. A 6’8" wasn’t it?

I had the same type board.mine was a 6’7". It rode great but  was very hard to duck dive.

I recently made myself an eggy shaped twin keel board, and although it has a small swallow ( was gunna be a fish but i had a planer accident! ), its only small, and the tail curves in like a round tail. Compared to my old fish ( wide swallow tail ), it seems to have less drive, although seems to turn a bit better. I prefer my old fish, but it was the victim of my attempt to re shape it to a smaller fish. Im certainly having fun on my little eggy keel thing, which is neither a fish, or an egg really. Fun is what it definately is!!

Also not a fish, but has fish in the name…  (These boards rock, BTW)


Interestingly enough, my new Simmons rides more fish like than a lot of other boards…  I think it is the short back foot over the tail thing going on…



sunfish caught in 1910 with an estimated weight of 1600 kg -3500 lbs.lbs

(.note Hat blown into the air in the crowd… off the head of impressionable lad.)



Photo of baracuda with coral swimming above coralDrawing of long, thin fish with two matching pairs of top and bottom finsbarracuda




used to be about fish on friday…


a filet mignon is not

…a fish…


Any opinions on these newer fish boards with round tails? I'm debating on whether to make a standard quad fish or a round tail quad. I want something that surfs / catches waves like a fish but can do a nice smooth roundhouse cutback.Is this what I'm looking for?





Did you make the board? I'm about to glass my first, its kind of influneced by a bonzer egg and and a Neal purchase Snubb (3/4 of the template made from a bonzer egg but tail rounded square with a 2+1 and a tucked in rail and quite a shaper tail edge from around 18 - 15 inches to the back, single to medium deep double around the fin set up, will use single flex tip (8 inhcnes) with fcs bonzer sides or GX's to start ...), I'm calling it the "Schnoze"...will it work? Who fricken knows, was it fun shaping it.....yes.      

Re: the round tail in the picture, I have a board very similar in outline and the shaper Mick Mackie called it a bit of a reference to fishes...and he makes a lot of fishes....





Sorry Ambrose, the tail is way pulled in to call that a fish.

hi ekim you can certainly shape a board with a fish outline and rocker and then put a pulled round tail with a bit more tail rocker on it and call it “chopped liver” if you want to. and yes it will do the good things that fish wont do easily

Finally got around to shaping one myself. This is how it turned out.

Hey look… you made a fun board!

Is that "Fun Board" or a board that look slike fun, either way great job and it does look fun to ride.

Yeah, looks fun.

What are the dims?

It’s a fun egg!  Get it right. No wait. It’s a hybrid Mal… 6’8" x 17" x 21" x 15"  x 3"


It's a fun egg!  Get it right. No wait. It's a hybrid Mal............ 6'8" x 17" x 21" x 15"  x 3"



I like it..........Looks like a fish with a round tail.......I'd love to see more photos....



Old board that came with something else I bought a few years ago    wide low rocker fishy front  narrowed rounded tail with tripple wings   don’t have it any more but  pretty sure it was 6’ x 20 1/2  super loose and fun

Here’s what I making next…