Shaping Chat Room ?

Hey, anyone know if there is a chat room where shapers chat? If not, maybe we should look into having one to complement this discussion forum. I know there are free chat room programs out there for those that have web space. Let me know if you guys think this is a good idea… --NM

While we’re at it, what about a FAQ? I know it has been discussed before, but it would really help us novice builders atleast and would be much friendlier then searchin through the archive. As long as it’s a compilation of what’s in the archive, even I could do some of the writeup. If we work together, it might just happen. regards, Håvard

A shaping chat room would be very interesting, i like the idea… Good waves, Coque.

Great questions y’all. Regarding the chat room, I find there is nothing more depressing on the internet than an empty chat room – hence I’ve never really been into them. But if there are enough votes I’ll install one. I’m going to look into scripts in the mean time. Havard, regarding a FAQs I’m way ahead of you. I have a FAQ set up – I actually call it a user contributed Knowledge Base. I’m just stalling on launching it because I want to redo the navigation headers to accomodate it. Regarding the new FAQ’s section – I’m REALLY stoked about it. I want it to be a place for both general organization of knowledge that accumulates on Swaylock’s. I’m REALLY counting on you guys to help with adding and organizing the information. I also want it to be a place where people can submit more extensive ARTICLES on specific subjects (Kevin, Dale, Paul, Tom S, others…). Nevertheless, I’m still very open to how to actually organize the thing and I hope you folks will come up with some brilliant ideas the way you did with the board archive. (Side note: Dividing the boards archive into sizes was something I would have never thought of – but turned out to be an awesome idea.) --So I’m hereby opening the floor to suggestions and recommendations as to how to structure the thing. Think long term, big picture organization. From 40,000 ft up. Any ideas out there? Anyway here’s a sneak peak of the Knowledge Base. Enjoy! Mike

Very nice additions Mr. Swaylock. I think that having thta info centrally located would better serve both the advanced and beginner builder by reducing the amount of repetition on things like Finbox installation and such. Though I didn’t see a section for glassing and color work. Seems these days that everyone wants a pretty board and is always asking about glassing technoques and airbrushing and resin tints and then like. It would be great if the FAQ touched on some of these subjects as well. But that’s just my 1.75 cents

Great questions y’all.>>> Regarding the chat room, I find there is nothing more depressing on the > internet than an empty chat room – hence I’ve never really been into > them. But if there are enough votes I’ll install one. I’m going to look > into scripts in the mean time.>>> Havard, regarding a FAQs I’m way ahead of you. I have a FAQ set up – I > actually call it a user contributed Knowledge Base. I’m just stalling on > launching it because I want to redo the navigation headers to accomodate > it.>>> Regarding the new FAQ’s section – I’m REALLY stoked about it. I want it > to be a place for both general organization of knowledge that accumulates > on Swaylock’s. I’m REALLY counting on you guys to help with adding and > organizing the information. I also want it to be a place where people can > submit more extensive ARTICLES on specific subjects (Kevin, Dale, Paul, > Tom S, others…).>>> Nevertheless, I’m still very open to how to actually organize the thing > and I hope you folks will come up with some brilliant ideas the way you > did with the board archive. (Side note: Dividing the boards archive into > sizes was something I would have never thought of – but turned out to be > an awesome idea.) --So I’m hereby opening the floor to suggestions and > recommendations as to how to structure the thing. Think long term, big > picture organization. From 40,000 ft up. Any ideas out there?>>> Anyway here’s a sneak peak of the Knowledge Base.>>> Enjoy! Mike I had an idea for a Tips and Tricks section for this site. Somewhere to post little things that you would like to pass on but without discussion. Example: when airbrushing be sure to wipe the nozzle tip clean with a damp cloth after you do a coat of paint.This keeps dried paint on tip from messing with the spray pattern for next coat. What is your reaction to this idea. Aloha Kokua Fiberglass

I had an idea for a Tips and Tricks section for this site. Somewhere to > post little things that you would like to pass on but without discussion. > Example: when airbrushing be sure to wipe the nozzle tip clean with a damp > cloth after you do a coat of paint.This keeps dried paint on tip from > messing with the spray pattern for next coat. What is your reaction to > this idea.>>> Aloha Kokua Fiberglass …I use pipecleaners/Q-tips,and in my bucket of cleaning water I put dish soap in it to help wash off the paint from various parts.When all else fails thinner,and acetone.Herb

…I use pipecleaners/Q-tips,and in my bucket of cleaning water I > put dish soap in it to help wash off the paint from various parts.When all > else fails thinner,and acetone.Herb Herb, is that when you’re pau with the paint job or in between spray coats. I meant between coats. Have you ever tried Spray Lube on the nozzle needle, stuff works great. Aloha Kokua

Very nice additions Mr. Swaylock. I think that having thta info centrally > located would better serve both the advanced and beginner builder by > reducing the amount of repetition on things like Finbox installation and > such.>>> Though I didn’t see a section for glassing and color work. Seems these > days that everyone wants a pretty board and is always asking about > glassing technoques and airbrushing and resin tints and then like. It > would be great if the FAQ touched on some of these subjects as well.>>> But that’s just my 1.75 cents I am an old geezer new to comuters.What is FAQ? Go ahead and laugh,but I’m serious.Hell I can’t even figure out to get those little live videos to work.

Frequently Asked Questions when i grow up, i wanna be like you, cleanlines! if these teenagers don’t kill me first. LMAO, ramon>>> I am an old geezer new to comuters.What is FAQ? Go ahead and laugh,but I’m > serious.Hell I can’t even figure out to get those little live videos to > work.

the same thing happens to me with the little videos!!! but my wife explained to me that it was just God who didn’t want me watching them…she’s the techie in the family! > I am an old geezer new to comuters.What is FAQ? Go ahead and laugh,but I’m > serious.Hell I can’t even figure out to get those little live videos to > work.

the same thing happens to me with the little videos!!! but my wife > explained to me that it was just God who didn’t want me watching > them…she’s the techie in the family! Yea Ramon,I bribed my twelve year old nephew to come over and give me lessons and he gave up…said that I was a lost cause.He complimented me on the speed of my computer and spent the next two hours scoping out porn sites {he is a master at this}.I don’t have a clue as to what he did but with my luck it was probably illegal and I will end up in prison.I guess I will go down to the senior citizens center and take the beginners night course.Free doughnuts and coffee included.

there might be some babes down there too! gimme a call if it’s good. you’re too much, CL! have a great weekend. ramon>>>.I guess I will go down to the senior citizens center and take the beginners >night course.Free doughnuts and coffee included.

Fantastic Sway. That will help plenty. how about a recommended newbie resources folder with vid and book list. short list but we all recommend the same ones. leave some stuff out so we can still hear from the new folks and have something to talk about.

…I use pipecleaners/Q-tips,and in my bucket of cleaning water I > put dish soap in it to help wash off the paint from various parts.When all > else fails thinner,and acetone.Herb I’ve been using a tip given to me by a professional air-brush artist in Vegas. They blow out airbrush caricatures in about 15 min. and they spray a Simple Green/Water mixture and then wipe the tip dry. I imagine that the dishsoap probably is as effective with less cost involved. Magoo

Herb, is that when you’re pau with the paint job or in between spray > coats. I meant between coats. Have you ever tried Spray Lube on the nozzle > needle, stuff works great. Aloha Kokua …I use Q-tips with alcohol,between coats,to wipe the tip(s)(generally),but a moist papertowel,etc.will work just fine(a tip picked-up from Big Daddy Roth). …The bucket with the water/soap combo is a 2-ga. bucket with 2ccs of dawn dishsoap in it.I completely submerge my equipment into the bucket of soapy water,never changing the mix.The soap keeps the residual paint from sticking to my equipment.I can use very contaminated water(opague brown H2O),and still lift out clean,clear equipment.I use this technique inbetween colors,as well as to clean-up with at the end of the day.The soap doesnot cause any adverse reactions to the paintjob,but you can have a extra bucket of clear H2O to rinse the soapy water off,but it’s really not needed.Magoo,the dawn soap actully works better,and is much,much cheaper to use. …I use this technique from start to finish,then air blow the equipment dry.I use the cheapest crap airbushes and touch-up gun on the market,and as you can see I get great results.I have a fancy brush ,but rarely use it for surfinboards. …It was really cool hanging out at Big Daddy’s garage,watching and learning stuff.He was never up-set about questions or how toos.He even painted,carpeted my skateboards for me.He was a great man and a garager like me.Herb(I miss you wisdom,and kindness,Eddie)

Hey cleanlines, You have to learn cos the comp helps much, I m no good in board building but I can easily use the following software to perform some tasks that I never do it before : 1)Template design Computer Aided Design (CAD), e.g. Autocad, Turbo Cad, etc. Just a few minutes by inputing the figure into the cad software, you have your own template design in 100% accuracy. 2)Logo/artwork design This is another kinda computer aided design, but we dont call it cad, e.g. for a newbie, Adobe Photoshop is easier to handle. For advance level, try the Adobe Illustrator. Regards, Crabie > Yea Ramon,I bribed my twelve year old nephew to come over and give me > lessons and he gave up…said that I was a lost cause.He complimented me > on the speed of my computer and spent the next two hours scoping out porn > sites {he is a master at this}.I don’t have a clue as to what he did but > with my luck it was probably illegal and I will end up in prison.I guess I > will go down to the senior citizens center and take the beginners night > course.Free doughnuts and coffee included.

Hey cleanlines, You have to learn cos the comp helps much, I m no good in > board building but I can easily use the following software to perform some > tasks that I never do it before :>>> 1)Template design Computer Aided Design (CAD), e.g. Autocad, Turbo Cad, > etc. Just a few minutes by inputing the figure into the cad software, you > have your own template design in 100% accuracy.>>> 2)Logo/artwork design This is another kinda computer aided design, but we > dont call it cad, e.g. for a newbie, Adobe Photoshop is easier to handle. > For advance level, try the Adobe Illustrator.>>> Regards,>>> Crabie That is pretty neat Crabbie,maybe one day I will get a handle on it.But I gotta tell you bro…these computers are dangerous.Every time I turn mine on I break into a sweat and my bloodpressure goes thru the roof.I am loosing my hair due to constant head scratching every time I mess up.My eyes are going bad as a result of squinting at a monitor.My language is getting foul due to all the cussing…and to make things worse I am getting a hunched back along with friggin hemmoroids from sitting on my ass.Plus I think I may be gettin that damn carpal tunnel syndrome from one finger typing and correcting on the keyboard.Guess its no worse than foamdust in the bed or catylist in the eye.

That is pretty neat Crabbie,maybe one day I will get a handle on it.But I > gotta tell you bro…these computers are dangerous.Every time I turn mine > on I break into a sweat and my bloodpressure goes thru the roof.I am > loosing my hair due to constant head scratching every time I mess up.My > eyes are going bad as a result of squinting at a monitor.My language is > getting foul due to all the cussing…and to make things worse I am > getting a hunched back along with friggin hemmoroids from sitting on my > ass.Plus I think I may be gettin that damn carpal tunnel syndrome from one > finger typing and correcting on the keyboard.Guess its no worse than > foamdust in the bed or catylist in the eye. P.S. here is an update…I just found out that my 12 year old nephew downloaded a bunch of Tattood Biker Babe porn into my computer.I don’t know how to clean it out so I guess I will have to hide the damn computer under my mattress which will cause further back problems.Jeeze.

Cleanlines, KEKEKEKEK… I have the same feeling on my first board building. Too many jargon, technical terms, chemical reaction etc, I never meet these stuffs before. I think too much about the board building even when I m watching TV, may be somedays I find myself walking down the street without wearing a pant. Regards, Crabie>>> That is pretty neat Crabbie,maybe one day I will get a handle on it.But I > gotta tell you bro…these computers are dangerous.Every time I turn mine > on I break into a sweat and my bloodpressure goes thru the roof.I am > loosing my hair due to constant head scratching every time I mess up.My > eyes are going bad as a result of squinting at a monitor.My language is > getting foul due to all the cussing…and to make things worse I am > getting a hunched back along with friggin hemmoroids from sitting on my > ass.Plus I think I may be gettin that damn carpal tunnel syndrome from one > finger typing and correcting on the keyboard.Guess its no worse than > foamdust in the bed or catylist in the eye.