Share the stoke ! [photos]

Mostly boards… and the mediums they ride on …

Everyone welcome to contribute !

[comments, questions, post YOUR photos … ]

cheers !

ben [strike]


Ben the red one with the pulled in tail looks trippy…how’s it ride?.. did you shape it? or is that a found board if so where do you fined all those boards?.. I use to find cool older boards at thrift shops or dumpsters… but in the last few years nothing to be found… what’s the deal with the line through your post?



hi fellow Ben !

Gee, I wish I knew what’s causing this line on my posts…looks like I don’t like what I’ve ridden… can any computer experts out there help ? [I asked mike the boss, but he didn’t know either] Getting tired of having to rewrite every post… maybe I’d better write a lot LESS till it comes good ?

The red one is a ‘stinger’, but because of the shape of the dumpster I stripped, it was too narrow/straight in the area behind the sting. Didn’t work [for ME, anyway]… it’s now a skatedeck, plug practice/ fin core blank raw material. The failed experiment cost me around $100aus. Satisfied my curiousity, and gave me ideas for my NEXT stinger. It was a single fin. Then I added side FCS plugs, hoping that would work better. [ It didn’t really improve it, unfortunately!]

The blue one was also a failed experiment …5’5 x 19 1/2 [yes I saw that video!]…except mine had a spooned deck. Which MAY have worked…if the board was 1-2’ longer for me !

The orange one I call the ‘prawn’… my ‘fish’ / swallowtail…5’11 x 20 x 2 1/2 " . It now has plugs and a back fin box to enable 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 fins. I love it but it’s now 2 1/2 years old and falling apart.

Our dump has also dried up lately…I think the word’s out! So, I’ll start buying new blanks now. Better for rocker [and thinness], anyway!


actually, speaking of red '70’s “stingers”, here’s a californian version, and stinger rider Larry Bertlemann in action from around 1975-76…

‘Buttons’ Kaluhiokalani and Mark Liddell were the other proponents of the Ben Aipa shaped board, who featured at Velzyland and Honolua in the video re release of the movie ‘Many Classic Moments’… worth watching, indeed ! THOSE boards, in the scene when they’re standing on the beach when the surf’s gone flat, look TRIPPY by today’s conservative standards!


MORE “stingers”…

a ‘Summercloud’ [from Coffs Harbour, N.S.W. Australia] , and a Brewer !

Aipa stinger, and ‘big Ben Aipa’ in action on one!

the local…

"…but there’s more ! "

Look at this crap excuse of a wave!!! All fat Lumpy! doesn’t even barrell, You west coaster and ya’ crap waves!!!

sycasim uesd, sorry bout that but I’m sick of surfing crappy onshores!



Look at this crap excuse of a wave!!! All fat Lumpy! doesn’t even barrell, You west coaster and ya’ crap waves!!!

sycasim uesd, sorry bout that but I’m sick of surfing crappy onshores!


… you LIKE that one , joshy boy ?

Here you go, then. ANOTHER fat, onshore, lumpy , wave from the west coast for you. Enjoy!!

[sarcasm also used… careful now…the boss said he would banish us aussies to some rarely surfed island , with perfect warm water , and bountiful food , and women if we used sarcasm here. Now, wouldn’t THAT be sad !!!]

[or, as the americalis would say , " well, like, WHATEVER, D-U-U-U-U-D-E !!! " ]

Further food for thought / example of aussie humour…

the north end of the beach where you surf , which is soft beachbreaks, is called ‘MANLY’. The south end, which features a down the line, heavier right hand reef / point break wave, is called…wait for it…

‘FAIRY bower’ ???

go figure…


ps - bonus ‘bower’ shot attached.

REALITY check , now…

THIS is what we get in the metro area , from about november to sometimes as late as april.

There’s a sad story to this board…the guy stripped and reshaped it, despite me saying , " NNNOOOOOoooooo…! "

It WAS a hansen [mike hynson model…didn’t get too many of THOSE in Perth, West Australia in the 1980’s !]


Of course, there IS always the other summer alternative board sport…


And a heavier wave around the corner is called ‘winkipop’ TUFF! josh.

" deadman’s" , actually … [‘tracks’ video no. 1 ?]

[…but you KNEW that, DIDN’T you , young josh ?!]


No i was actually talking about Winkipop, yes deadmans is heavier but it doesn’t have a cool name. Check the attachment!


Love your old skatey photos Ben but can you do a handstand for 20 metres on one…

I can…42 yo and still growing up.


Damn, just saw the word [photos] now I’ll have to get one to post.



Love your old skatey photos Ben but can you do a handstand for 20 metres on one…

I can…42 yo and still growing up.


nope, but I MAY manage a nose wheelie or two…

I’ll get some shots of you doing that down sackville terrace, if you like !!! [you know, for your insurance company…


Hey , Hicksy - your first name isn’t Robert, by any chance, is it ??

…it’s just I went to school in N.S.W. with a " Hicksy" , and he did mad shit like that ! [same age, too !]

If you know Bundock St in South Coogee/Randwick, I did one down there when I was 14 and reeeeaaaallllly much more stupid than I am now. I think self preservation kicks in around 40yo, takes longer to repair one’s self, things hurt more, kids laugh at you etc…

I’ll get a piccie over the weekend…looks like everythings going to be onshore anyway…
