show us your shaping stands...

Ben Shipman, if you ever come to Perth, please show me how to shape and spray.

(Oh, and if you don’t mind, could you bring Moonlight Glassing Company with you, too ? …cheers mate !)

I’ll be able to pay each of you [a donut…mmmmmm…donuts!!]

   ben chipman 

p.s.- keep the “shaping stands shots” coming please everyone… some great stuff here…thanks a lot !!

Hey ya Chipman… I got to tell ya I really don’t know what I am doing most of the time…I just close my eyes and hope for the best :). … I like cholate frosting Donuts with sprinkles on top…


Here is my rack. Made from a single sheet of 3/4 inch plywood. I like it because it can be disassembled and it has a handy little shelf for your tools.

Here are mines. They are adjustable and well attached to the floor. In this same picture you can see my old shaping stands (the first ones), now i use them as glassing stands.


Here are my old and new also.

Art man dude that is the cleanest shaping room ever…mess it up some…

These are my stands. I have’nt done any shaping on them. They are my everyday work stands. Done alot of sanding on them.

I like Greg Tates stands. I’m allways looking for some where to put things down when sanding, patching dings etc.platty.

hi Dave !

what are you doing to that poor board ??

…looks like you’re giving it the rack , or some other form of torture…is that how you punish your boards when they don’t surf well for you ?

[or are you straightening some twist in it perhaps? …the surfboard chiropractor’s workshop…]


Shipman I made it look that way for the picture.LOL

Hey Ben, That is a snapped board that I am pulling the rocker back into. It is pretty simple really. It is two pieces of Pacific Maple joined together. After preparing the two half’s, removing torn glass and bits of stringer etc they are clamped into the jig and the whole lot is turned over. Normally the tail is weighed down or tied down via a piece of VB cord through the legrope plug. I have one of those ratchet tie down straps which is attached to the front cross member of the jig and tension is applied until the board returns to its original rocker. (or as close as possible) I sight down the rail and place a metre rule over the break and adjust until the board is fair. The under side (the deck) is taped and a mix of Q-cell / Aerosil is poured into the void. Not to runny, not to thick. The board is left to cure, removed from the jig and ground and glassed.platty.

Latelifer…I like that PVC stand. How stable flex wise is it? Do you think it would work better with 1.5" diameter or is 1.25" strong enough?..Just a suggestion. What about using a 1.5" piece coming out of the bucket and then slide a 1.25" piece down inside it. Then drill a few holes thru it maybe 6" apart and use a kotter???(see pic) pin thru the holes. That way you have a vertical adjustment.

It is very stable. I poured some of the concrete down the base tubes. I would go to 1.5" if i had to do it all over, but I had the 1.25 handy. I also plan to use expanding insulation foam to fill all the tubes to take away the hollow feeling. Very versitile though, you can expand the horizontal width with longer pieces for Longboards or Funboards. I can also use it as an extension table for my Tablesaw by putting a roller on it, tons of ways to use it. It cost me less than $10.

hey there chip, here are my recently built stands, no padding yet coz i’m still building the wooden board! therefore they work great at the moment as a work bench if I lay a couple of 4 by 2’s along them!

two heights to choose from

hehehe…!!! :slight_smile:

hey chip, more pics…

racks as my work bench



i made this out of scrap wood from a construction site by my house, it’s nothing pretty but it did the job. i think im going to build one of those adjustable pvc stands for glassing- great idea.



Here are my racks.

General heavy duty and repair racks (w/adjustable height) for vertical and horizontal work.

The inside legs also have this carpeted area to set a nose or tail into so the board will lay in the throat of the other rack on it’s rail at a 45* angle.

Other repair racks for horizontal and diagonal work.

My latest shaping and glassing racks.

(These go on buckets of concrete with 2x4 sticking up. They are tight and very solid. No slack or wobble in the base to rack heads.)

My shaping racks have hanging short fiber carpet in the throat of the racks so the blanks don’t hit anything solid and the foam over the top keeps the blank from moving around on the racks. The way the foam ends on the inside lets the blank sit on the hanging carpet up under the foam lip to keep the board at a 30* angle for screening the rails.

The glassing racks are 4 or 6 inches (I don’t remember) higher than the shaping racks.

I took HeadHighs’ idea on making an adjustable stand out of PVC. I glassed with it last night and it worked well enough. Only problem was that it is too difficult/risky to change the height during glassing so I just kept it at a median height. PVC was about $10 and one bag of concrete was about $3 and instead of using a kotter to adjust the stands, I just used a 1/4" bolt and a screwdriver.



Thanks for the inspiration. Here are mine in my cool blue shaping room.

well done ben !

can’t wait to see "the finished board thread ".

…where have you set up that ‘shaping bay’ …

your verandah / balcony ?

garage ?

your lounge ?

cheers ,
