show us your shaping stands...

I like your design Huck, pretty clever. I know you do a lot of wooden boards, but is the carpet sufficient padding for a foam blank as well? I've got one inch thick foam wrapped in cloth (old Tee shirts). Your  45 degree notch is great for rail access.

Thanks tblank.  I don't do a lot of foam boards, but it worked fine for the few I've done.  Probably needs to have the carpet replaced when I do another, it gets a bit beat up and grungy building wood boards on the racks.  With the 45 degree notch, I hardly use the vertical slot at all.  Wished I'da put one on each side.

finally built myself over the weekend a nice solid set of racks all recycled metal costing a sum total of £26.15p (about $32)

vertically and horizontally adjustable and with a extra wide slot as it will be used for flat water sup’s as well, all so able to quickly switch  over to a glassing rack by swapping the ends over


got to be honest im pretty stoked with them :) 



finally built myself over the weekend a nice solid set of racks all recycled metal costing a sum total of £26.15p (about $32)

vertically and horizontally adjustable and with a extra wide slot as it will be used for flat water sup’s as well, all so able to quickly switch  over to a glassing rack by swapping the ends over


got to be honest im pretty stoked with them :) 



Bringing an old thread back. Upgraded from my wood shaping / glass stands. Just picked these up from the fabricator. Trying to find a 2x4 that wasn’t cupped, twisted, or warped was an impossible task.


Put on one of the glassing stand parts…
I love the moveablity…