That’s above my pay grade.

Only takes about 30 seconds to delete em. But I don’t know how to stop em.

Thank you! And thanks to ALL the Moderators.

On other forums, you ask for an account, and then the moderator approves you first. Check the ip address isn’t in China.

like wideawake sez, we can delete spam and ban users, but have no input on forum membership signup. As far as any suggestions, a PM to site owner might get through, kinda questionable that he even reads the general threads, other than the rare times he shows up. So he might see something posted here… or might not.

Had this issue at work. We initially just deleted them manually, but the volume got ridiculous (10,000 posts in a night). Ended up implementing a captcha (human verification thing) on the membership signup AND putting in an email verification step for accounts. I think email verification is the key, cuts out automated spammer accounts.

Weird, the asians are taking over the surfboard market (with pop outs) and now the asians are taking over a surfboard shaping forum.

2:04 AM (Los Angeles time), 10:04 AM (Paris time). While you guys were (hopefully) asleep, I deleted tens of “chinese” accounts that must have filled over 10 pages of spam. Largest I’ve seen in a long time. Something needs to be done.

Maybe arming the mods woul be a solution? Lol.

Saying it again, ‘‘SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE !’’
Balsa, thank you for your service.

I too have spent a LOT of time deleting posts.
I don’t anymore.
There is just too much of this that goes on.
It’s like trying to refill a bathtub that has a hole in it… Sure, you could do that. OR, you could fix the bathtub.

I don’t know how other forums work behind the scenes but it seems that there are well-established, pro-active ways of preventing this garbage. Not just the retroactive (time-consuming) way of having the mods delete threads. Some of these pro-active ways of policing forums are mentioned in this thread.

Seems (my opinion) like the owner of this website, who I am appreciative of and have respect for, has a life outside of Swaylocks and that Swaylocks is not a priority. So be it. I don’t fault him in the slightest. It seems that Swaylocks was a pet project but not a top priority. I get it.

IMO, Swaylocks has been on life-support for the last few years. Never thought I’d say this but, the current ERBB is hands-down better than the current Swaylocks… And, really, Instagram blows doors on the both of them… No other surfboard forum has the creativity regarding building surfcraft that Swaylocks has BUT, the ERBB has WAY more involvement and is smoother operating.

Now, plenty of other forums regarding other topics (many of which I frequent) seem to be doing fine. So, I don’t think that it’s the platform of “surfboard design forum” that is dead or dying, it’s just that this particular forum doesn’t get the attention that it needs to thrive. In my opinion…
Again, no blame for that. It is what it is.

I just do a massive sweep of user names and delete em all at once. It’s a little inconvenient but whatever. It would be nice if the problem was solved but it doesn’t look like it will be anytime soon.

I think the ERBB totally blows, at least what I’ve seen of it. Just Took a look at the “design” forum, same ten threads have been on the front page for the last year. No one is really building or designing much of anything. Just a bunch of talk about the latest models. Maybe I don’t check it enough??? Who knows.

Instagram is great but surely does not cover in-depth discussion, long form or updates and such. It’s a fart in the wind.

[Quote]I too have spent a LOT of time deleting posts.
I don’t anymore…

IMO, Swaylocks has been on life-support for the last few years. Never thought I’d say this but, the current ERBB is hands-down better than the current Swaylocks… And, really, Instagram blows doors on the both of them… No other surfboard forum has the creativity regarding building surfcraft that Swaylocks has BUT, the ERBB has WAY more involvement and is smoother operating.

…this particular forum doesn’t get the attention that it needs to thrive. In my opinion…

ChrisP - thank you for your time and energy as moderator here. Sounds like you’ve found a more comfortable niche elsewhere, and there is nothing wrong with that. Your build projects are always a welcome sight here, and your craftsmanship is outstanding.

Los Angeles time 1:20 am: 33 more threads deleted. And counting.

balsa - check your pm’s

I have killed off dozens of spammer accounts, usually each one has 5-15 posts. I don’t know why they bother, but it’s not that hard to delete them. I do wish there was a better front end screen to keep them out. Swaylocks has always gone thru waves of good posts and crappy posts. Just because it’s been slow lately doesn’t mean there ain’t a set coming… Outside!!

I post on the other forum, and IMO it’s oriented more towards the consumers, not the builders. Anything good I’ve learned about building boards I learned here.

For sure the forums cater to different audiences.
My comments were directed more at how the forums run.

GDaddy is right…
ERBB is more for consumers and Swaylocks is for the builders. Definitely.
Everything I’ve learned about board building has come from Swaylocks directly or indirectly…

The ERBB runs smoother.
There is WAY more interaction and feedback on the ERBB.

Anyway, just my opinion.

Stand and defend yourself Chris!!! Hahahahaha. On guard!

You are for sure correct, It runs way smoother, there is a lot of chatter on it, just blows on content haha. .

Forgive my ignorance, but what’s the ERBB?

Cass, ERBB is the forum from SURFER magazine.