Hey guys,
So i have a chance to purchase a skil 100 7.5 with the box in good condition from a aquantance of my dads.
is 400 dollars a good price for it?
Hey guys,
So i have a chance to purchase a skil 100 7.5 with the box in good condition from a aquantance of my dads.
is 400 dollars a good price for it?
He told me that he wants 500 now… Is that still worth it?
If no work is required, $500 is still a decent price.
These are the pictures that i got from him.
Have the current checked at an appliance repair place it should be between 3-4 amps. Anymore than that and the motor is on it’s way out. Check for any welds and cracks. Put a straight edge diagonally from the corners of the shoe and baseplate and make sure that there’s no twist. Look for any major blue sparking at the brushes (do it in a dark room) and any excess vibration or squealing noises (bearings gone). The air blowing out from the motor should not be hot. Remove the belt cover and check the belt, particularly if it’s been rubbing on the coverplate to the cutter drum. Take out one of the brushes and check it. Check the blades for nicks in the edges. Motor rebuilds are $300, blades are $50, belts are $45, bearing set is about $50, brushes are $25; so deduct this from the selling price if you find any of these. If you see welds or cracks, don’t buy it. $500 is about average for a Skil as-is unless it’s in perfect condition (no scratches, looks new). $700-800 is the average cost for a restored Skil or one that’s almost in new condition. Average cost to restore is about $175 - 250 depending on the parts needed, so that’s why the price for a perfect one is $700-800 ($500 + $250).
Thanks Petec, I guess the only thing to do is to see it in person and inspect all the thing syou mentioned
you shoulda bought it at 400
wait a day and it will be six ,
then seven hundred by friday
a gift horse is what it is called.
‘Never look a gift horse in the mouth’
is an old american colloquialism
I just looked it up it goes back
to st.Jerome’s translation of the bible
and they say it might go back stuff
translated from latin.
500$ in american money aint much
buy the durn thing and lets hear it cut foam!
I bought mine for 65$ in 1968
that’s the equivalent of more than 500$ easy
the pictures look lke it’s rreal keen and clean
betch it has all the parts…and extra blades
post the guys name and number
and watch it sell in a minute.
save is the new post
clik save
I see that you are new to the forum. As an FYI, PeteC is the resident expert on the Skil 100. Anything he would say on the subject is ‘‘bankable’’, period. Sounds like you made a good find, if it is in sound condition. Have Pete go through it, after you obtain it. Buy some extra belts, if you can find them, or if Pete has them available. That’s what I would do. I’ve used Pete’s services in the past, as have many top pro shapers.
What excuse did he give for jacking the price up by 25%? If he started at 400, I would try to haggle him back down to 450.
Some people got a lotta nerve.
Haha guess i seemed to eager to buy it and he did some research. he has no connection to surfing at all.
Browsing ebay and saw a familiar pic- tell the guy to take a hike for pumping it up 300%. There are still deals to be had. I found my skil 676 model in great condition 2 months ago for 125$…
Paid $20 for mine in nearly new condition. They are out there. The guy saw the inflated asking prices on eBay and now thinks he has gold. Tell him to forget those asking prices and show him how to search items that actually SOLD.
Edit: Apparently the guy is on crack. He’s got it listed on eBay for $1,500…good luck with that.
500 isn’t a bad price at all neither is 400. I have paid as much as 1000, and as little as 5 dollars for working dkils. There was a time before ebay and swaygays that the Japanese regularly paid 3000 for them. When I bought my first one new from Frank Scifres I paid 200, and I still have it.
What Mako said.
they are not going for that much.
the completed listings fluctuate but the end prices for planers in similar condition are ending at about $400 give or take.
I would tell him no more than $400 or take a pass on that planer.
He’ll probably tell you how much he thinks he can get for it and not sell to you. then, after months of having it up on ebay and having folks lowball him, he’ll either lose interest in selling it or call you back. either way, it shouldn’t be hard for you to get one for less than $400.
Haha thanks for the reply guys, i told him that he would have a really hard time getting the prices he thinks its worth.
I assured him it would be purley used for shaping boards, not resold. He’s not very negotiable, he just sent me this link.
I have followed the prices on ebay. In the past year the prices have come down a bit. I would say for something that is in very good condition $350 $400 tops on eBay Of course the box is worth something anda nice thing to have. There listing right now in the over $600.00 range yet they are there week after week after week relisted time after time. The ones that sell are a lot less.
Like I said, PASS.
send him this:
After the price hike I wouldn’t touch it. He will eventually get $500 but in this market you can do better.
If I weren’t using it and someone offered me $500 cash money for my Skil 100 I’d take it and mine is in much better shape than the one pictured.
I also have a Porter Cable 653 in excellent condition that I would sell for $200. Just don’t need this one.