sound proof shop

…hello; I want to know opinions and options to build a shop like that. Small shop: 50 square meters.

Walls and roof will be from sandwiched panels and would be hidden in an expensive suburb.



The best thing I have found is Soundboard.

Awesome stuff.

When I was in my old shop, I met a guy behind me who had band practice room for rent and a full recording studio.

He was also a sound tech at House of Blues.

He showed me how if done properly, you can put a band jamming loud in a room and not hear it outside.

I was impressed.

Most shaping rooms I have worked in have been covered in sheetrock or drywall.

Echos beyond belief.

Soundboard kills the sound and gives a room a dull sound.

My shaping room has it.

It is cheap too.

Left mine the natural tan color.

But it can be purchased with a primer for painting.

Sorry I’m on my I-phone not my computer so kinda hard to post pics, I’ll try to get some up later, but meanwhile look up “party wall staggered studs”. 

Soundboard works well. Also insulate in between studs.
You can take it a step futher with rc channels. We have a couple bays inside of our retail shop and can talk with customers without raising voice while someone's mowing foam 5 ft away.

(310) 862-4407

Bought some Soundboard at Home Depot three weeks ago, returned it due to the horrible outgas smell, the kind that you worry about.  Three sheets and the 400 sq ft shop was too unpleasent to want to work in.  The sheet I kept because I painted it, still smells.  Maybe your, and other batches  will be OK.


Echoes are not the issue, here. Deadening the sound inside a room will not always prevent noise from being heard adjacent to the room.

The object is to contain the noise within the space. Decoupling the interior walls from the exterior is the most foolproof method. This is best done via the staggered stud approach. This disconnects the interior wall surface from the exterior.  I’m pretty sure you can Google that process.

Insulating the walls can work to some extent. I’ve worked on projects where the wall was filled with sand and it worked quite well, but it’s tricky and expensive. Another possibility is using the spray type foam insulation done by contractors. Any way you deaden the walls will be compromised to a degree if the doors, windows, and exhaust/heat ducts are not done correctly.

…I mentioned those sandwiched walls; they are called Isopanels in some countries. I ll use those for the walls and roof; concrete floor. They are about 20cms thick. Is this a help for the noise? The core is EPS.

Or steel framing with all those space between the layers is better?

I need an almost total sound proof; like in a recording studio; due to the neighbors. They are not so much but extremely rich. I should be very cautious if I have this opportunity. It s at 250 meters from the beach too.

Here a photo of the material; it s like the ones you see in those industrial freezers or delivery trucks.

The other are photos of the block.


My old shaping room at my house has multipl layers.

When we moved, I put all the empty cardboard boxes between the studs, Dry wall then soundboard.

Don’t forget ceilings, and maybe a sub floor made from wood.

Sound echos off everything.

Recording studio is a good example.

Good luck.

Looks like we’re on the same page, Sammy.  Was gonna post some pics, but not much interest, haha!  I think the OP has already chosen his construction methodology, and isn’t looking for preferred methods. Soundboard, hat channel, insulation, all of it has value.  Carpeting the walls does too.

…Huck, like I mentioned in the first comment, the main material I ll use for the room would be that isopanel sandwiched thing.

That is the most simple type of construction  and fast for my tight budget of 20000 Dollars for those 50 square meters and for the noise reduction.

The materials and methods that you are describing are to use in conjuction with other…I guess; so what material do you propose for the external walls and roof?


Is this a shaping bay, or a kinky sex dungeon? 


Hey reverb if you weren’t so far away I’d come over & build it for you!  Haven’t used the prefab panels but lots of good suggestions here that should work in conjunction with panels. Offset stud / isolation only works with stud wall construction. If you’re hiring a builder he’s the guy to talk to for construction details. Hope this deal comes thru for you.

Hi Reverb-

If you go for a recording studio type of isolation (box inside a box),  I would be worried about dust control, resin fumes, and fresh air for yourself.

I hope it works out for you too, location looks great. -J

…is not 100% certain that I can do this project there; for now seems at 50/50, but I would study the numbers and build possibilities; hence my question.

Yes, Im concerned about fresh air and be in a too closed box; my shaping room now have a door in the other tiny room besides, that provides that good sense of not be in a cage.

Lamination room could have windows and doors and a tall conduct to disperse the fumes.

I m trying to imagine the stuff BarrySnyder is saying  working together to the external wall, but I dunno if it will work.

You know, this thing is under the radar so should be in the backyard, hidden; not in the front of the parcel.

No worries in this other town; planer noise propagates a lot (sanding noise propagates less) but only couple of neighbors and they know me from decades ago also Im 1 block from the beach but in a low/mid working class town so no problem at all.

This place is brick walls and tin roof…I imagine that helps to propagate the sound even more.

So why the change?..I need more space; my wshop is too small…plus a change in life; if I could.

Yes, great place but I am affraid of those millionaires…


Brick walls? No.

Tin roof? Yes.

Those brick walls allready give you an advantage. The denser the wall, the less sound will transfer to the exterior. I’d say your biggest liabilities would be the roof and windows/doors. if you have enough space, I’d say go with a room inside a room type of structure. Free standing walls not connected to the exterior brick walls. Insulate those inside walls with two layers of 2" foam. Then, figure out what to do on the ceiling. I’d go with a layer of 2" foam up under the roof and another layer on top of the “box” room. If you have the footprint to do it, I’d go with an interior wall that has its own door, leading to the existing door.

And again, echoes have nothing to do with soundproofing. Echoes (reverb, reflections) only create noise inside a space via reflective surfaces. Treating interior walls with acoustic absorptive material will do absolutley nothing to stop noise from leaking outside. Unless you hire the Walters-Storyk design group to give it the full treament. :wink:

Reverb, SammyA is correct, decoupling the walls is like building a room inside a room. We do it here to keep the sound of big turbines from being a nuisance. Just think about building a complete room about an inch or two inside the space you have and use some sort of insulation in the wall to help deaden the sound. That should keep all the noise inside, inside, and all the noise outside, outside. You can probably go with a less expensive insulation material if you can build new walls inside the space you have to work with. You might be able to create the quiet work space, and leave enough space outside of that for extra storage or living space. There are some really efficient building techniques in Europe that can create a full home in such a small amount of space. It uses lots of cabinets built into space.

For audio recording you would need to add deflection or absorbing material. A lot of sound studios have walls that are at different angles to keep the sound from bouncing back and forth.

With all the emphasis on soundproofing the room, one has to wonder if there are quieter tools, or possible modifications designed to minimize tool noise.

I think you’ll want to be using vacuum assisted sanders and planers, so the tools combined with the vacuum would be loud.

I’d be concerned about the smell of resin. PU would be terrible, some epoxies have an odor that might bother other people.

google acoustic insulation batts…may be pricey , not sure…cheaper alternative is block EPS cut to the required thickness , which fit neatly into a stud wall… but you need an EPS rated as fire retardant for safety reasons , because cheapo EPS can give out some nasty (deadly) toxic fumes in the advent of a fire.

-SammyA; a misread there. Bricks and tin roof is the actual wshop; this new possible one still is a parcel…no tin roof there; check the photos; all millions dollars houses. Again, this wshop would be in one of those backyards; more precisely in front of the pool by the left in those photos.

-Sharkcountry; so do you say that I can do the box with the isopanels then let an inch of air then build another box with an acoustic material?

-Kayu; check previous comments and photo of the isopanels; that are 20 cms thick EPS with external an internal layers.