I don’t know if it’s ever been tried here before but…
it seems like there’s enough of us out here all over the world accessing raw materials and supplies from a wide variety of places to build an internet based local/regional/internet surfboard building sourcing resource guide.
called verticals or trade communities it seems we should be able to work with each other to find the best prices on raw goods either locally or via the net. Local hui s can also be established to purchase in bulk in order to get btter prices like folks have been doing with EPS blocks.
things like 233 tape, fins, glass, wood, tools etc etc there’s no end to the amount of help we all could be to each other in finding the best deal on raw materials.
In a time where the rising price of oil will slowly creep into every aspect of this petrochemical dependant industry seems only logical that we start thinking ahead and call out when ever we find a place that has the best price on the basic things we need to have to make these objects.
But I guess that would only work if we are truly a community versus a lose knit group of cut throat competitors trying to make a hobby into a business to live off of comfortably… Its the call of the wild so lets see who’s willing to get it started although I know many have here already…
Perhaps the moderators can create a new discussion section called “Sourcing” or something similar and have individual threads dedicated to specific subtopics like you’s see on FoamEZ or FiberglassSupply or the Shapers Resource Australian Site. Threads like wood, glassing, shaping, vacuuming, epoxy, tools etc etc…
Just an idea I got listening to the discussions going between Schwuz, Benny1, Chip, Llibel, Manoa, UncleD and Carvenalu. The options and places to get stuff at a good reasonable price are endless. I learned from CMP that you have to really spend the time to find all the right places to get your raw material at the best prices or you’re really spending more than you need to.
No sense why we can’t work as a community to get there even if we don’t use some form of combined purchasing power to do it. But I can understand why folks in this industry would not want to share trade sourcing secrets as well…
Maybe something for you folks to discuss over a beer at Keith’s shindig which I believe is a good start to this way of thinking…
The great equalizer of power in the world is information