Spraypainting chessboard

Hello I´m new here and new in shaping too.
It´s a long road ahead, i can feel it.

in the current project I wil be using spraycans to paint the board and I would like to know what would be better looking in the end?

A- spraypainting the foam before lamination ?
B- spraypainting after lamination but before hot-coat?
C- spraypainting after hot-coat?

Very gratefull for the help.
Karl Zivalr

I prefer painting the foam before glassing, but be careful of the paint you use. Water based paints are far less problematic to glass over, but I think most rattle cans have oil based paint, and there can be issues, so do some tests first.

Since a chess board pattern is a very simple pattern to achieve with a masking and a foam roller, you might also consider rolling it with acrylic or latex paint. Maybe Barry Snyder will chime in, he has a lot of experience with painting blanks.

Also, try a search of the archives for painting foam before glassing, lots of boards in the past have been done with this method. Just click the search icon at the top (magnifying glass) and type in “painting foam before glassing” or “painting foam blank” and you’ll get links to past threads.

Painting my blank - General Discussion - SWAYLOCKS

Thank you,
I will do the search.
The acrilick seems a really good idea.
I will also subscribe to the website.

Cheers and good waves.

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