Surfboard for paraplegic surfer

I recently donated a custom board at a Life Rolls On event and the person who won it in the auction is a paraplegic.  He is an avid surfer, but has always ridden regular longboards.  I really want to make a board that is going to meet his needs but have no experience with designing a board for a paraplegic.  Anyone who can give some input into the design??  Planning on using a 9'3" longboard blank.  My thought is to have a decent amount of entry rocker & shortboard type of nose to prevent pearling, keep a good amount of thickness from the center to the tail to provide some float.  He will also need something to hold on to - handles/rope, that will need to be glassed into the board.  Also thought about dishing out the deck slightly where he would lay to help keep his body and legs from sliding off of the board.  Just a few design thoughts I have.  Any creative help would be appreciated!

I have no experience shaping a board for a paralyzed surfer but have volunteered in Pismo for the  and have given it some thought. Perhaps start out with an SUP blank for thickness to allow a depression to "cradle" the surfer to be shaped in. Straps would be helpful too. Are you in So. Cal.?

I’m in va beach. Thought about dishing out the deck…straps in the back would be a good idea. I volunteered for a LRO event and was in the water with the surfers. Sliding off the side was pretty common but the straps would almost need to break away in case the board rolled over.

Dish out the deck and make deepest where there hips would be. I also wouldnt go to narrow in the nose since it will help be stable over white wash. If you used multiple handles like on a rescue sled for a pwc he would be able to easily grab the board no mater what postion. Also a handle at front and rear. I was thinking that a nice foam cusion where you lay like pendoflex would be easier on there hips and chest. I always wanted to build one of these. I was going to a big school for bio mechanical engineering but had a life change. I always kinda related these kind of boards to that style of thinking.

BTW the dish deck will make straps not nessasary and safer.


major props to you, steve00, for doing this!!

Thanks girvin for the input…will definitely put those suggestions in my plan.

Thanks for the props lcc… Really stoked to have this opportunity…will post pics along the way.

Open to more ideas…

Very cool of you Steve, here's some pics of a board made for a paraplegic surfer I met (I don't know who shaped it). I was going to make one for a friend injured in a snowboarding accident, so I took these pics. Not sure on the length, but it's around 6' and pretty wide and thick. He told me that on his next board he was having made, he was either removing or modifying the handles. I'm sorry, I can't remember more details, but maybe these pics will help you design the board you're making:







i would something similar to the leash rope through the finbox techqniue, maybe get the future SUP handels and drill a hole through. idk though… hope it turns out awesome and hope to see some pics. Share the stoke !

Thanks for the pics!! Helps to see what has been done on other boards. Any thoughts on bottom contour and fin set up/placement? Was thinking slight concave with a thruster or quad even though he wants a longer board. He was thinking in the 8’6" to 9’ range.

[quote="$1"] Thanks for the pics!! Helps to see what has been done on other boards. Any thoughts on bottom contour and fin set up/placement? Was thinking slight concave with a thruster or quad even though he wants a longer board. He was thinking in the 8'6" to 9' range. [/quote]

Probably a non-issue saftey-wise, but I was thinking of fins like the half moon keels on the "mini-sims" boards both for safety and functionality. I'd hate for the guy to get a fin in the leg and not realize it out in the water.

Thanks girvin for the input…will definitely put those suggestions in my plan.

Thanks for the props lcc… Really stoked to have this opportunity…will post pics along the way.

Open to more ideas…

What you are doing is great, keep this guy on the water and happy to be alive!
A good thing that maybe he could get is one of those “Spare Air” containers so if he rolls underwater he will have a few extra breaths to take it easy and get back up…

Spare Air is not a bad idea!!  Thanks for the link TonyLion, I just sent an email to "Ask Al" - hope he will respond.  I know he shapes Jesse's boards - I actually sent Jesse a message on Facebook a couple weeks ago but didn't get a response.  I knew you guys on Sways would have ideas for sure.  I really want to shape this guy a one of a kind board that he can catch waves all day long on! 

Keep the suggestions coming - I appreciate all the help so far!!!!

John Cherry and the crew at Moonlight teamed up recently with their Wounded Warrior board.



To me, the best bottom contour would be the fastest...flat or slightly hulled. The sense of speed is heightened when proned but it would be great for them to develop real speed. The majority are riding white water. Half moon twin fins, broad tail much like  an early Simmons.

There’s an old guy in Waikiki who is paraplegic, maybe worse. He gets pushed out and pushed into waves, and he goes out the 3s which is way out. He has a cushion under his chin, straps to hold his legs onto the board, and straps to hold onto. The board has a lot of nose rocker because he can’t move back and forth.

I’d go with something on the longer and wider side for stability. Something that will have less tendency to roll over. Maybe a slight scaled down SUP, wide, and thick, but not as wide and thick as a SUP.

We donated materials and helped a local NJ shaper design a longboard for a paralyzed surfer last year. We glued 6" tall foam blocks to the deck rail area in the tail to keep his legs in without being strapped to the board. The blocks were shaped ergonomically to cup his legs. I’ll see if I can get pics from the shaper.


I never posted pics of the board so here it is......[img_assist|nid=1069613|title=board for paraplegic surfer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0]put in some leash plugs in the deck for him to attach hand holds.