Surfboard Hydrofoils.

Hi John, Ive still got that thermoformed bodyboard, like to track down that company in Old Pittwater Road who might be able to do shortboards too.

Now I’ve got a GoPro I’ll record each surf with the prototypes.

This one…

Has the same area as this one…

 but  its spread out over 2 levels and in 3 areas.

The question is will it plane as quickly as the first one ?

 What difference will the overall shape have ? 

What effect will the angled arms have ?

 Will it lift high enough to just ride with the side panels submerged ?

Maybe the outside panel will break the surface in steep parts of the wave ?

 And have I lost my mind for doing this in the first place ?

I’ll find out tomorrow.

what a hoot - this is fascinating!  what kinda responses you getting on the beach or in the water?

With the surf mats, no one even rExcriding a wave about a foot off the water an out…

 They look and it on the walbeach and I donbeach.

 The bes will b after I ge sorted.


I’ve taken the latest foil out  it is…

[IMG] of lift, the wider take off and  arm to the would lose into a …


The wider spread in steep of the foil sits like pic.  outline  together a new video to show you guys.

 The next foil 

Here’s a few stills out of the video.

The waves were about a 6 foot face and closing out so I was taking off down the line and sheering a fast line with an occasional tube.

You can see how one arm is sunk into the wave and the other arm is flying free. It’s is how I wanted the foils to ride, where as the speed increases the foil automatically regulates the planing area.


This last one (below) is in the tube and the struts are bending noticeably to the right. I can feel the struts flex and change the ride.

I’m making new struts tomorrow and theyre a few inches shorter.

…sorry the pics are a bit small but if you’ve got an iPad you can expand them out. 

From another day. A couple of takeoff shots.


definately 'unusual' shots


were the last two taken at harbord / "Freshwater " ??? [or  maybe at queenscliff, with the shots flipped ?]


[ rights , AWAY from the headland , is why I ask , mate ! ....]


is it possible to get more of the wave in the photo too, please , Brett , or can you have someone take photos from the shore [long lens] , or another go pro on the shoulder [of the wave , looking IN ?! ]


edit : [ I'm thinking the "go pro on the shoulder"  , with a metal foil ?  ...probably NOT , actually !]


 cheers !



Hi Ben, always good to field Q’s from you, yes it’s was the  Fresh’. I’d  been going to Queenscliff every day at the same time and even the lifeguard stopped me and said he’d seen me "flying above the water, what is that thing ? "

So I moved to Freshwater to try the hydrofoil in different waves.

 Check the ‘strut flex’  in this video…

 I’ll get some external pics from the beach soon enough…



I'll get some external pics from the beach soon enough...."


  good stuff !


  know anyone with a camera with 200 or 200mm lens , and sequence capabilities ?







Believe it or not, my best friend is a pro photog but he never has any spare time and I don’t like to ask for a freebee.

bugger ..... that sucks !


DOES he ever take surfing photos , though ?  or does he surf ?  Sometimes  people that don't surf [ unless their camera is set on 'continuous' firing mode , or filming  ] , miss all the best shots !

He’s coming down with his wife for a surf today,  I’ll ask while we’re in the water…


Hey Surffoils!

I was wondering, if you are succesfull in integrating these types of hydrofoils with a standup surfboard, do you think that the actuall board part will become less important. Will there be a need for variation in rocker or outline? If the board is out of the water, might as well have a parallel, zero rocker plainshape to increase paddling efficiency. Once the wave is caught, you’ll be effectivly surfing the foil not the board.What are your thoughts?

Thanks for sharing! Always look forward to updates in this one.

Shorter 02c420b2cb7ba850d58557f88ef9e1cb_zps0d9eedc5.jpg[/IMG]


Got lots of waves today and took will work any better but I know I will learn from the exercise.


heres some pcs frew foil…


My friend took video from the beach and that's on it's way. "


  yeehaaa !


  THAT'S what I want to see most ...[hope he used a tripod and or has a good steady hand / camera technique... I EAGERLY await the footage !]


  cheers mate !




Ben, I’ll pass it on as soon as I get it.


Is there anyone else other than Ben , me and the spam-bots watching this thread…?

Id like a ‘show of hands’ thanks…

yup. proceed.