Surfboard Hydrofoils.


            Yes, there are others watching and appreciating you sharing your visions and practical prototyping and debugging. Thanks for having the nerve to put all this in public. Most people are wary of conducting experiments in public in case they fail, but thats a shame because there is often a lot to be learnt from the development process.

            So thanks for this and your other development threads and I’m sure there are many more watching your progress with interest.




Amazed and lovin it. Great stuff SFoils. Keep thinking where it’s going to go. Inset foils cut to the rail curve on a standup, etc. You rock!

are you kidding?

I watch every day

I get a notice on the email

and some times I let two

get stacked up but I am watching

with a combination of awe interest

and empathic fear of

spontaneous combustive cataclysm.

especially when you start talking about shore break shallowness.

'paddle in ’         has ligiyimized this          hydroplane stuff

in my eyes as I simply find fault with the tow rope roots.

I am waiting to see the shore POV perspective with quiet patience…

yes VOC ben is not the only one watching 

there are surely others desperatly trying to invent scenarios

to support why,why and , why not…



Amazed and lovin it. Great stuff SFoils. Keep thinking where it’s going to go. Inset foils cut to the rail curve on a standup, etc. You rock!

Always lurking Brett.  Everytime an email notification pops up I check on your latest.  Keep it comin…

Convinced more than ever now that a triple foil arrangement is what I would like to play with.  Just wish I was close to a coast.

Yeah, I’ve been following this with Interest.


Really admire your spirit of invention and willingness to share as it happens!


yes, now get back to work.

Watching in awe.

This thread in my mind embodies all that is good about Swaylocks. Totally out-of-the-box thinking and empirical building just by raw feel and trial and error. Then taking the time to document and share selflessly with others the findings and opinions.

Keep on keeping on.

Watching and and re reading it occasionaly to, one of the most interesting threads on sways imo.

Its got over 3600 views in a little over a month must be a lot of lurkers keeping an eye on it too.


Definitly keen to see footage from the beach or in the water.


.com/albums/s225/ foil and make a new the best parfoils.

Heres the basic foil, (nose at top a few /2013/1e8cc58f144375b9e2f97e78e02a26d7_zpsbb0c465d.jpg[/IMG]

One of the m you guys…

Hey Surffoils

For shortboards have a look at a sailboard tuttle fin box which bolts through the deck… maybe an option to stop the roll tension?

go for the hydro feel, another board in your quiver! I dont think you will get the turning ability in the foam, but flying down a bank pulling into a frieght train barrel it feel amazing!

keep it going mate! you are onto something here.


 New video…

One thing Ive learnt from this camera POV is that it doesn’t show enough. But I think you can see that it lifts and its moving fast.

a bit about the hydrofoil design…

Currently I see the overall shape as being in 2 parts, the central length and width provides the area required to plane as quickly as possible. and  the side ‘wings’ are for riding on the wave wall.

 The front shape of the foil controls how smoothly it enters turns and how easy it is to control overall.

 A wide foil is stable but also puts a lot of flex on the struts which leads to erratic handling.

I like rounding off the front and back and any side protrusions so its a little safer to ride.

Balancing the foil comes from the back, with the last rectangular foil is was too stiff to roll from rail to rail, so I’m moving the ‘wings’ that give it stability towards the back.

The wider planing area in the front of the last foil also pointed the nose away from the wave so I had to ride is skewed a bit.

 I consider the outline shape as a set of curves that control where the planing area is to be most effective… should it be increasing towards the tail ? Or reducing as it extends out to the side ?

Theres also the difference in how the first flat foil rides Vs the complex Inverted V of the last aluminium foil…   What effect did the turned down sides have for speed , turning and hold ?  And are the angles too much or not enough ?

 The complex 3 stage planing areas of the last foil (Yellow foil ) provided enough overall planing area to work well…but there wasn’t a smooth transition in lift, I felt I was riding either the centre or one of the side planing arms. The single piece foil provided smooth control in all angles but had little hold in the tube.

Riding the foils is a bit of a gravity drop much like on a standard bodyboard where it’s not possible to generate speed like on a surfboard, and I think there’s an opportunity to use more aggressive angles to create the maximum lift and drive.

with the last foil I needed to lean it over to get some grip on a steep face so I’m incorporating angled wing tips on the next model so when I move them on to shortboards they will be able to generate down the line speed.

With the possibility of using the foils on a shortboard soon, I’m not sure if I should try to make the foils ride like a shortboard or enhance the unique hydrofoil feel and ride. Or somewhere in the middle…?

 I don’t think standard FCS plugs will have enough stability for hydrofoiling but I thought that XXL fcs - style plugs could be retrofitted onto just about any thing that floats so there no need for a purpose built board.

just thinking…

Yesterdays video…

i .

 I’ll see what  foil.




the blue line is the extent  is flat.

[IMG] of  across 


Going back a few pages to a comment by The_Apprentice (Giles) about failure and public  experimentation.

In this type of build where the aim is progression of a design, failure is essential. Unless I can create the perfect design on the first attempt, then I will have to fail repeatedly, in order to move forward. So failure is a building block for success and there’s always something to learn from the failure. It’s more about the information gained in each attempt.

 As for people seeing what I’m building, I don’t mind, it’s what Swaylocks is for. Plus I’m a long way from finished, If anyone thinks they can jump ahead, please do.

 Here’s the latest.

Ply core, 6 layers of 6 oz and innegra, vac bagged ands rolled across the back laterally to make a constant downward curve.

interesting video with Laird.

still no 'props' facility [?!]


so ....


" well done ! " ,


 in written form !


" I won't bore you with the same POV anymore.

 I'll see what video we got from the beach. "    wooohoooo !!!   (yes , PLEASE  ...THAT'S what I'm WAITING  patiently to SEE !! )


re : PLY ....


  will the ply foil  be LIGHTER weight , than what you previously used ?


  stronger ?


  easier to construct ?


  all of the above ?


  cheers !



Ben, the video from th, the guysurf photography and its not a  good angle. I’m surfing away from him so all you see is the drop… And then foam. Thankfully he did it for lighter than solid  and a lot faster to get  idea about the foat the moment Ive been trying to make a one  pthat  a 2 piece foil with where i draw it out and run it thru my head how each shape performs and interacts] carbon strips and a conca] is how I whip bolt the struts cell foam for boustrengthening 

What does it feel like as it rises on the foil? Wondering what it would be like trying to pop up on a board that was lifting onto a foil as you droped in .

It’s how it was whrhurvj , might (. }.ev. U ,.om. Fssssss

cool mate !

is the boog long enough to kneel / stand on .

or hopefully , will you make a SURFBOARD ,
that you can attach the foil to ?

what would be the shortest standup surfboard that you could paddle into a wave on

and narrow

and thin ??

or doesn't that matter ?

do you think it needs a thicker wider heavier board [but still short?] , for a 'stable' feeling , once the foil does its work , and the board lifts out of the water ?

the footage of laird always looked like he was on a high wire , doing a balancing act , to me .

though groundbreaking and different stuff , of course , still...
it jusy looks kind of unwieldy / ?awkward ? , compared to being able to use RAILS anf side fins IN the water , to turn off the bottom , acccelerate up the face , hit the lip , and gain speed coming back down . with his foils , [the footage i have seen on dvd , at least ?] , he seemed to be doing VERY long , drawn out 'turns' ...almost like 'gliding ' / soaring , as opposed to being able to stay near the lip and pocket for long .
not a criticism , by any means ...just my observation[s] , based on the limited exposure [footage] i have seen .

tom carroll [?and a few others , from memory?] also werefilmed [?at the end of the latest 'storm surfers' movie ?] riding foil boards .... might be worth getting the dvd , just for THAT ['if' it is on dvd now ...not sure]

keep up the experimenting , it's an interesting thread !



 biand stand  construction, without making  I saw Tom a few weeks ago and picked up a few boards but forgot  trying to  to get it right , I may as well  hull ?