isnt hustler organ izing
a contest circut
for surfing their
new line of signature dolls?
renting out secret surf spots
and providing beach fluffers
to send out a whole new plethora of stars
into pop culture promotion of SURFING
old prows take a back seat
to the new wave of ULTIMATE SURFING
selling out box offices world wide.
has been quoted as backing these venues 100%
"this will be the biggest thing since sodom and gomora
and this surfing thing is just the venue we needed"
from his office in chicago Fisterhouse controls
multinatational sweat shops
.discount pork products,
mercenary army rentals,
and political drafting commiteesfor hire.
the big ad campagin is scheduled to be released
the week that school goes back in session to have the final contests take place at spring break hotspots
like tavarua,
point dume,
hollister ranch,
burligh heads,and cactus w.a.
look for the ads on the blue network.
Old sensibilities will be a thing of the past
when real exploitation gets a hold of
look what theyve done to my song…Billy Presston
My song is playing in my head…