Surfing the Air...............................................

Inflateable adult toys that is …Got a Christy Canyon…I got some years ago at a gift party…new… never used or abused…maybe I’ll surf it!

Hey! My buddie’s got Tracy Lords,and a Ginger lynn blow ups…he wants to surf them…anyone else wit any adult blowups

GALS!!! Don’t let this stop you!!! Get a Peter North or Johnny Holmes Doll AND come join the fun!!!we also don’t discriminate on sexual preferences either.

Details on this rather derailed idea coming soon!!!

isnt hustler organ izing

a contest circut

for surfing their

new line of signature dolls?

renting out secret surf spots

and providing beach fluffers

to send out a whole new plethora of stars

into pop culture promotion of SURFING


old prows take a back seat

to the new wave of ULTIMATE SURFING

selling out box offices world wide.


has been quoted as backing these venues 100%

"this will be the biggest thing since sodom and gomora

and this surfing thing is just the venue we needed"

from his office in chicago Fisterhouse controls

multinatational sweat shops

.discount pork products,

mercenary army rentals,

and political drafting commiteesfor hire.

the big ad campagin is scheduled to be released

the week that school goes back in session to have the final contests take place at spring break hotspots

like tavarua,


point dume,

hollister ranch,

burligh heads,and cactus w.a.

look for the ads on the blue network.

Old sensibilities will be a thing of the past

when real exploitation gets a hold of



look what theyve done to my song…Billy Presston

My song is playing in my head…


You’d have to surf the male ones on their back, too much drag face down, same with the female ones I suppose…

Thanks for sharing Herb…I think…

Oh dear this is going to be one of those threads…

favourite thread so far …EVER

post it at surfer , you’ll get 12000 replies !

“fin first” takeoffs could get nasty .

and er watch out your legrope doesn’t get caught in the butt crack on THAT “fish” .

And , wouldn’t the double convex bottom …er… top …get a bit difficult to ride on , once you did your …ummmm… "pop up " ???

oh man , any minute now , “rubberlove” will make a rubber model , I’m sure …and “chinga dera” …where are YOU , for the ladies ???


hicksy , if they rode the er “johhnny holmos” model upside down , it could get ugly when they are sitting waiting for a wave … just a thought …

["they’ll ban this , I bet …too much fun]

surfinn … air shamoo

NOW !!! If I can get Greg Weaver to film …er…video the event.

Yeah,somewhere on the web I saw some pics of guys riding a inflate-dinosaur…So I thought,why not Christy???


You’d have to surf the male ones on their back, too much drag face down

Not if you ride them “brokeback/Full Monty/lubed to the max” style. That sounds like heaps of fun. Ta for that, Herb!

Yeah butt face down and you got a single finner w/ BALLS!!!

As I type , my girls in the head office in Amsterdamn are working on a hybrid leather and rubber inflatable surfer , with storage space for whips on board . Then , when the boys drop in on us, KERAAACK.Meanwhile , here is last year’s model , just for you , ‘rubberlove’ !


isnt hustler organ izing

a contest circut

for surfing their

new line of signature dolls?

renting out secret surf spots

and providing beach fluffers …

yeah, these ones …

here’s a very life-like inflatable girl , on a helium-filled remote controlled board , getting air …

and here’s a bunch of adults [?I guess?] about to eat it at pipeline in an inflatable pool toy …

…‘target’ is right , for sure !


…I think I see a REAL girl amongst them … uh oh …

WHY are they all running away ?

were there border guards chasing them ??

great photo , Grant !

keep up the great …er…“work” ??? … but don’t tell Jo where you’ve been lately , eh ?*



  • or you’ll get : “I smell rubber …you haven’t been seeing Annie lately have you , Grant ?!”

in the meantime , while he still has years to go before his downward spiral ,

THIS kid is going to have good CLEAN fun on HIS ‘adult’ inflatable …

oops , silly me …wrong shot …

here’s the photo I meant for the last post …

here ya go …

cheers !


‘making it lighter since august 2nd , 2004’

WOW, you guys in oz are too much…I love it !!!

It’s cool, that you aussies can take an idea and turn it around into reality.

Hey,if there’s anymore follow-up pics,PLEASE post them !!!

I can see the titles on the surf movies now…DEEP THROATED…BEHIND THE BROWN EYE…DEBBIE DOES DOHENEY…ETC…I gave mine a label…I call it,“Surf Teets”,“Tuss Tech”

Mat surfers

probably understand it best

when trying to explain

the why’s and wherefore’s

of the intricacies of this

particular thread and the only

phrase I could muster up was

“Blow Me!”

Fully sponsored event…

Lot’s of spaces for ads…

No discrimination either…