Swaylock's Laminate

HEY Aguaman65 ,hope all goes well for you on your “Stingray”.Nice to see a little freshness worth a second cup, these days.

…as far as the lam ??? eeeehhhhhhhh…

…I hate the skill 100,but for the general public…I guess so???

and instead of all that heartfelt stuff at the bottom of the lam…“A E Pluribus Unum Surfboard design site” instead?..just f*#kin’ with you.Herb

Ye may hate it but ye gotta admit it be the defining image of ye surfboard shapers…

Keep it simple w/o any defining image that sets parameters. The most amazing thing about sways for me is the fact that it circles the globe. Every morning when I wake up there is information from our comrades in the southern hemisphere. The Skil 100 has already been used for a logo.

Aren’t laminates for industry-produced boards?

Ladies and Gentlemen, from this point hence this thread will never end…

Bloody h3ll it’s nearly 2.30am here, geez I must be bored. Nigh nigh…





Ladies and Gentlemen, from this point hence this thread will never end…

Bloody h3ll it’s nearly 2.30am here, geez I must be bored. Nigh nigh…



Hahahahehehetehetehe !

… FOUR fingers on each hand ???

ANOTHER Simpsons fan comes out of the closet !!


Slugs mate for life? That should be on it. Mike


What program did you use to make that board?

Since everbody was making one I thought I should try


the “FREE ROY” sticker is the best…i want one for my car.

hey Keith, yeah, that photo was one i posted (yes, i’m from “down under”). it’s my nephew Jacob on his first wave ever. i showed him what you did with it the other day and he was stoked. his older brother took the photo, i was behind the wave after having pushed him onto it.

i was pretty sure it was him by looking at the hand positioning but the colour change and effect made it hard to know for sure. Jacob liked your laminate a lot.


How 'bout this one Brandon…



I’m not sure the planer is necessary, sure it’s a tool, but that’s all it is. So many shapers use that style, just not my thing, my objective opinion.

The one with the multiple board shapes seems much more appropriate.

I haven’t seen a brain with sparks coming out yet!!!

ah…the good ol’ 2jj days …

you can take the aussie out of australia, but you can’t take australia out of the aussie …

gee, I wish I still had those stickers from the days simon did the surf report for 'em .

…wonder if there’s an ABC or maybe a double / triple jay book I could search out for you Greg ?

[ you know, to keep the “home fires” burning !]


nice…on the last board i made for my father, i lam’d in “TOO OLD…TOO FAT…DON’T CARE

any other nice sayings laminated into boards out there???

I like this one from the french surfing site, too …

["too old ? too fat ? then welcome to the club " !]

IF I had a car, this would be it’s window sticker…



attachment maybe too androidic… need something more zen…

cool !

… “psychedelic squid rings” , unwound… “Calamari” rules !!

[ I DEFINATELY should put THAT logo on my ‘prawn fish’ …camouflaged, like the blue ringed octopus !]


The aquafiend / kokua laminate went under my glass job this weekend. That’s where my vote will go :slight_smile:

Sorry no pics yet, the angle of the light on the wettish lam kinda gave the photo a reflected blur, so it’ll have to wait until the hot coat has gone down before I can get a good picture of it.
