Swaylock's Laminate


Just so you all know, I don’t use a power planer much myself. It’s just that it is such significant and recognizable image that represents surfboard shaping.

You know what, you’re right… the more I look at the power plane with the weave, the more I want to use it. Aquafiends powerplane graphic with Kokua’s concept of the weave - what a combo.

What was I thinking with a fish specific graphic???

 Howzit Fishexp, I was actually thinking of putting the weave in where the name is but I like what you did instead. Aloha,Kokua

Yeh, I did give it a try in the outer oval as well just to see how the graphic would look with an all weave background, but 1. it seemed to take away from the text and b. the tool I’m using didn’t really like filling in-between cracks in the lettering… I think my PC needs a finer rat tail surform :slight_smile:


Howzit Fishexp, I was actually thinking of putting the weave in where the name is but I like what you did instead. Aloha,Kokua

when you first mentioned that, i also envisioned the weave behind the lettering…but i try and picture it over a tinted resin…lets the color come through behind the lettering and leaves the darkened “weave” in the center…i dig it.

How about a simple, unobtrusive ‘swaylocreation’ laminate that doesn’t show any bias towards the technique used to construct the board?

Here are a few sample placements (sorry ben, this picture of your board was just too beautiful not to steal from the resources :wink:


Anyways, the power plane with the weave for those interested.


Beuatifal!!! It will be on any boards I shape!!! A good spot would be between the fins on a HPT for me,

GOOD ideas Aquaman/Kokua GOOD job FISHEX

its all GOOD!



GOOD ideas Aquaman/Kokua GOOD job FISHEX

Thanks, but I can’t take the credit as it was really Aqua’s graphic and Kokua’s idea. I just polished the stone :slight_smile:


I just received an e-mail with the request for one and question of “too corny?” Too corny? Hell no! I’d be proud to post such a laminate on any board I make. On my friend’s new 11’8" or 9", it’ll be right in there with…

nice…on the last board i made for my father, i lam’d in “TOO OLD…TOO FAT…DON’T CARE

any other nice sayings laminated into boards out there???

brilliant Idea. I like the look of it just put the “shaping the revolution” in and I’m putting it on a T-shirt. How about putting up the final results and we vote on a new emblem. (Ambrose excuse the spelling)

Keep well


I wanna see the depth and breadth of our collective maddness

An invitation to carnage …

You’re a brave man , Ambrose !

you do NOT want to see mine…TRUST me on that one !


Maybe a low key symbol text.

Sponsored by Swaylocks?

Foam and resin as photo incentive?

Howzit fishexp, You did a great job on adding to the lam and you turned an idea into reality so you should get credit for the work you did. Just goes to show that we Swaylockians can work together, another plus for this web site. Aloha,Kokua

there ya go mud more like the secret society xmbol…

wow wht a train of thought

that takes it off the strand!

turn tthat sucker over to the band

hard for the peds to understand

a knowing nod from a few ina crowd

better than teeny boppers yelining outloud

better a few

than a common brew

lest it disolve to putrid stench

making some here wish to leave the bench

… ambrose…

     vinegar and water upon awakening

I think I smell a contest here. I will flush this out in the next couple days.

I think it’ll work like this:

The Swaylock’s Laminate Contest

Any registered swaylock’s member may submit up to three designs for public judging. All designs will be accepted (except things deemed outside the bounds of common decency, determined by yours truly). All designs must be in black & white, with grey scale acceptable. Designs must be emailed to me as email attachements by xxx date (to be determined).

Designs will be posted on the Swaylock’s website and be open for voting by registered Swaylock’s members. The design with the most votes will be the winner. The winning designer will receive a limited edition Swaylock’s t-shirt and I will produce a professional, printed run of the laminates available to anybody who sends in a SASE.

Sound good?

I’d like to kick off this contest by sometime next week.


Seeing we always start with a blank, here’s a blank version so you can add whatever you want:

I kind of like it blank, too, so you could put it on any paint/graphics job and underlying design would show through.

But, anything would work, such as:

Does my original qualify?


Does my original qualify?

I’d say it does - I’m glassing tomorrow and the Aqua / Kokua combo will be immortalised under my glass job.

I think that the Aqua / Kokua combo would be a fair chance at the prize.
