Swayloholics 2009

We’re in…I called Mark and Tim today…

Hey Ray - maybe Mark will get to try out his gun finally? We are coming too, in campsite 26 I believe, 2nd to 4th. See ya up there, don’t ferget yer booties!

Hey you guys!!!

I can’t see that far into the future this year, but I’d love to try and make it.

Isn’t there some kinda deal like an “extra car fee?”

If so, would anyone put up an Oregon kook who’d sleep in his car/little tent? And, if I can make it, I’d be glad to pay up for the privileged.

I’d be stoked to bring down my latest “thing.” (And, I promise to on my better behavior, so that me be good to some, and less entertaining to others… Ha!) And, unless Bernie makes it, I’ll have a good shot…Oh wait, that was my other question…

Are there any plans for The Raffle? And - where I was going above - Is there going to be a t-shirt? 'Cuz I’m hoping to win one for coming the furthest again… Ha!

There are first-come-first-served sites reserved at the camp (half of them, I believe) and there is a two car max per site with some overflow parking…we can find a spot for you under a car somewhere, I’m sure!


That’s what this thing is missing…let me work with the previous torch-bearer to see what can be done about that.

Right on -

Speaking of the “Muhammad Ali” of Swaylohoix…

John, you are gonna be there right??? Some one said you were saving yourself so you could have three kegs in the back of your rig… Ha!

Hi Taylor -

Yes, I plan to be there.

I’ll likely bring a keg. If so, I’ll make sure the tap has a gasket this time. DOH!

Does that make 2 kegs?

I’m bringing one too…not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Anyone have any special requests? Stella?

mmmmmmmmmmmm beeeeer. Stella sounds good. Drinking stella in any setting gives me flashbacks to post-session beers at your workshop

btw Tyler, my tapping skills have improved

Cant wait!

Do I need to make more rail marking tools?

Taylor - we should have room in our campsite for one more - and I’ll have some stuff for raffle donations… see ya there!

rail marking tool? you’ve got my attention

Durbs, you can have the one I got from Ray…I got one of Schwuz’s in a trade…also have an allen wrench and an extra blade for your planer that I need to get to you.

there are presently no plans for raffles of any sort unless there are volunteers who are willing to receive, transport and guard items, buy tickets and manage the ordeal.

we are merely a loose confederation of camp sites assembled under the banner of a common keg of beer.

I realize that I’m just some johnny-come-lately on this thing, but John should get to leave camp and surf this year and not wind up having to deal with the stress that previous years’ festivities have thrust upon him, however entertaining they have been for the rest of us.

If anyone wants to own it or has any ideas on how to make it work, shoot.

I’m going to work out a t-shirt design, post it and allow people to preorder.

I hope I’m not coming off as an asshole…

(Every time this thread pops up to the front page I get a little tingle…huzzah!) The gist of the discussion between John and the Camp Commander was that you needed to have a special permit to do anything that had to do with money; sales, raffles, bingo, whatever. Bull horns and tents attract attention which brings the heat. Sales, raffles, bingo and whatever done on the “down low” will probably work just fine. We just need to be a little subtle about it.

How in the hell they can justify the “drum circle” jerks pounding away all night without an official peep is beyond me.

I’ll be at campsite #38! Can’t wait. Mike

The word flying around the campground Sat morning was that a group of people were told to leave for making too much noise Friday night. They had until noon before the cops were coming. Not blazing loud rap music. Just a friendly group singing and playing guitar. The problem was they stayed up too late singing and having a good time.

There’s a new Sheriff in town and he ain’t taken no shit from anyone!

Naked hippies and drum circles are a thing of the past…

What campground are the reservations being made at? Plaskett Creek again? I’ll be back in CA surfing up the coast and this could work out for one of the weekends…

Quite the contrary, it’s an honorable thing to take the reins to keep it going. Big Sur is a peaceful place and the mission statement is to share some time with the surfboards and the builders.

Naked hippies and drum circles are a thing of the past…

Dang - Guess I’ll have to remember the trunks, and leave the bongos at home… Ha!

But, I hope we could have a little strum fest if we get it over w/soon enough…

And, maybe a mellow mid day raffle… If that comes together…

Of course, I’m still not sure what I’m doing in a couple weeks, let alone next fall… Ah ha!!!

I have to agree with Epac and Tyler. This is a good time for John to enjoy the trip and not have to deal with the hassles of power hungry camp hosts. I think t-shirts a still a great idea but a raffle may bring too much attention as an organized group. Instead, maybe setup a free trade day. You know, I’ll trade you these fins for that tool and so on. Having the campsites spread throughout the park should make it seem like less of an organized event. (BTW- We’re bringing our bikes this year.)

Epac nailed it with this: “Big Sur is a peaceful place and the mission statement is to share some time with the surfboards and the builders.”

cant you just ignore this HOST??? when he walks in let him speel turn and walk away? ignore him… or grab your boards and head for the beach? and most definately keep those kegs hidden… thats automatic… the cops may be better off to deal with then him? willow??? probably better to stay in 1 spot as if you start traveling around as a large group your gonna incite more assholes than just 1 camphost… fly under the radar and have fun…