Swayloholics 2009

when I said “raffle” what I really meant was “white elephant drawing/gift exchange”… besides, you know if Ray and the boys are there, it turns into one big “trade you this for that” anyway.

I thought the campground guy was bent out of shape because someone had put price tags on a bunch of boards, making the whole “event” seem “commercial” which anyone who goes knows it is not.

I’m all in favor of a good nights sleep and have had many a camping trip ruined by loud/drunk neighbors - but be that as it may, I’m still bringing my (acoustic) guitar, as I’m sure others will. I don’t recall anybody being too rowdy last year…

By the way October 3 is a full moon according to my calendar. Night surfing anybody?

nite surfing in big sur? you arebrave!!! is that where thekeg comes into play??

I would hope the raffle could happen to raise some $$ for Senor Paler as in the past - because I have a couple of things to donate - maybe a fin or 2 ++ again.

It’s my vicarious way of enjoying the festivities…otherwise, I just sit around and drink some beer and stare at boards…

Let us know about the raffle.


What the raffle was in the middle of the day on the beach???

I was thinking about the money for Mike too.

Y’all want to kick in some dinero? Just hit the “KEEP SWAYLOCKS ALIVE” button at the bottom of the page and do it. Makes it nice and easy now don’t it?

In spite of my best efforts the past couple of years didn’t even break even so the group camps didn’t generate a dime to support Mike’s efforts.

The camp host had his panties in a wad about a bunch of stuff I won’t go in to here. I think they’ve had group site problems before and the new guy was hired to clean the place up - I.E. run the place ‘by the book.’ Monterey County Sheriff is but a phone call away and they wouldn’t be happy to be called to Plaskett Creek to break it up between the camp host and bunch of low-life good for nothing surfers. Trust me on that one. Campers have recently been given the boot first thing in the AM when they pissed off the host. Trust me on that too.

Bongo parties and naked dancing by Patchouli scented, furry-pitted hippy chicks still happens… right down the road. (Thank God) You just gotta know where to be!

yup, and having done them myself, raffles can be a pain in the butt, especially the mail in variety – it’s not so bad if all the participants are there, but to drag blanks and other big stuff up there and then have to deliver it or mail it somewhere else because somebody chipped in a dollar? aarrgh…

Ok, sorry, I don’t know… And, still trying to grow out of my cheap ass tendencies, I’d like the chance to win something… Ha!

So, what’s it take of the pass word to the hippy chick club… Ha!

If all else fails, at least I got to be in on the full on trip once, and that’s better than never…


I just got off the phone with Surf4fins...we're going surfing!!!!!!!

I'm working on stuff to trade......The Bio Foam Board is going to Sr Pato....Fins are going to be easy to transport and trade....Bring fins.....

I made 4 rail tools...those are free.....Lets make a deal......



You want fins?  I’ve got fins…boy do I have fins!!!  Also, some other fun stuff to share/trade. See you all there!




right on.

my best friend is from Haleiwa. moved here when he was 5 and has been back and forth the last 25 years.

he surfs well but, getting him to get in the water with me over here is like pulling teeth... the suit that i have

that i thought would work for you, i bought for him to try to get him in the water. it's a 4/3 with a hood. he used

it once (in the summer) and never again. "too cold!". HA HA HA... oh wells, he's over there now and tells me he's been in

the water at least twice a week for the last 6 months. i'm just glad he's surfing

So bumbed that yet again I am going to have to miss this trip.

Was really looking forward to it this year.

Hope you all have an awsome time and I am looking forward to seeing pics anyone is willing to post up.

I’ll most like be down there around 8-9 and can only stay till around noon when I have to head backup to Palo Alto to pick up my niece.

Any one going to be there that early on Friday?

Let me know who and where to look for you all (PM)

If no one will be there that early on Friday I think I’ll skip the 6 hour trek down there and back for the day.


Hi Bernie -

I'll be there from Thursday the 1st through Monday the 5th in site 42.  If you decide to drop in, wake my sorry ass up if I'm still asleep!  I'm not sure where the rest of the people will be... it's on an individual site basis this year.

i'll be there thursday evening through monday...

spot 30... it would be really nice to finally get to meet you Oneula.

Yeah…I’ll be there early Friday too.

I’ll have a rocket you can ride if you’d like to surf.

I’m hoping GG comes through with my order in time for me to bring my new modfish up too.

We have reserved spot #28 from Thursday thru Sunday. Unfortunately, we can’t make it there until Friday.  If anyone needs a place, let me know. It’d be great if you could check in for us on Thursday. I’d be happy to share it for the weekend. PM me and we’ll work out the details.


Unfortunately, we won’t be there until noon on Friday but will see you the week before in HI.



Signor, do you still have the extra spot from your bro in law available? I hope so.

I’m in sites 32 and 33…I’ve got room to spare…

HI Jeff,

You bet, this is it! We’re allowed two vehicles per spot and since we’ll be camping in the Westy, it’ll leave plenty of room for another car and tents. It’s yours if you want to claim it. Will you be arriving on Thursday by any chance? Nick will be stoked to have other kids to play with!


my reservation says 1 tent…are there designated spots for campers? I have a pop-up I was thinking of bringing.